Science or the bible?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The earth...

it gets hot and cold.

It always has.....and always will

The earth doesn't much care if we piss ant humans like it or not.
The earth...

it gets hot and cold.

It always has.....and always will

The earth doesn't much care if we piss ant humans like it or not.

How about we meet in the middle and say since there is only one earth we will be conservative with its environment?
The earth...

it gets hot and cold.

It always has.....and always will

The earth doesn't much care if we piss ant humans like it or not.

How about we meet in the middle and say since there is only one earth we will be conservative with its environment?

the earth warms and cools with or without us...... like it or not.

Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.
How about we meet in the middle and say since there is only one earth we will be conservative with its environment?

the earth warms and cools with or without us...... like it or not.

Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

there is no preventing an ice age... or its eventual thawing....

the earth warms and cools.

Mass extinctions is the way of this world. The earth does not care if humans like and survive best in.... warm

the earth warms and cools with or without us...... like it or not.

Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

there is no preventing an ice age... or its eventual thawing....

the earth warms and cools.

Mass extinctions is the way of this world. The earth does not care if humans like and survive best in.... warm

On the contrary, we are preventing the beginning of an ice age right now.

The physics of the situation is simple. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, the earth will warm. And, since removing CO2 from the atmosphere takes a lot of time, it will stay warm for a long time. Now the physical laws do not care whether the GHGs are the result of volcanos, or flood volcanism impigning on coal seams or clathrates, or mankind burning the coal and melting permafrost and ocean clathrates. The physics are the same, the earth will warm, warm rapidly when the GHGs are added rapidly. And that rapid warming will destabalize the normal climatary cycles.

We are already seeing this at a much lower warming than we expected.
Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

there is no preventing an ice age... or its eventual thawing....

the earth warms and cools.

Mass extinctions is the way of this world. The earth does not care if humans like and survive best in.... warm

On the contrary, we are preventing the beginning of an ice age right now.

The physics of the situation is simple. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, the earth will warm. And, since removing CO2 from the atmosphere takes a lot of time, it will stay warm for a long time. Now the physical laws do not care whether the GHGs are the result of volcanos, or flood volcanism impigning on coal seams or clathrates, or mankind burning the coal and melting permafrost and ocean clathrates. The physics are the same, the earth will warm, warm rapidly when the GHGs are added rapidly. And that rapid warming will destabalize the normal climatary cycles.

We are already seeing this at a much lower warming than we expected.

what makes you think an ice age is coming OR. We just had one, and this is its thawing.
Hey a caplet in red wine vinegar. A liquigel in also in red wine vineger. Ph is about 2.5for the vinegar. Theyve been sitting in there for hours and barely have eroded. LOL......think my son and I picked a bogus experiment........but thanks for the help. Not sure what gives?

the earth warms and cools with or without us...... like it or not.

Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

there is no preventing an ice age... or its eventual thawing....

the earth warms and cools.

Mass extinctions is the way of this world. The earth does not care if humans like and survive best in.... warm

What causes ice ages and the warm ups afterwards? What stops the warm ups?

How sure are you of the science?

I have read the new science which says greenhouse gasses don't work the same in "open" systems. Seems wishful thinking.

If you garden you know where in your area zone pushing works and where it doesn't. Urban heat islands work. Ask my Acer palmatums.

Does the weather work in cycles? Yup.
Are there solar cycles? Yup.

Still why push our luck and the luck of our children. We arent talking about giving up your car, just slowing down the horsepower increases with emission standards.
Using a quote from Bill Maher to try to make a point about global warming and the environment says volumes about the intelligence of the modern left.
Using a quote from Bill Maher to try to make a point about global warming and the environment says volumes about the intelligence of the modern left.
LOL. Your post says volumes about the dimwitted grim humorlessness of the modern rightwingnuts.
Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

there is no preventing an ice age... or its eventual thawing....

the earth warms and cools.

Mass extinctions is the way of this world. The earth does not care if humans like and survive best in.... warm

On the contrary, we are preventing the beginning of an ice age right now.

The physics of the situation is simple. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, the earth will warm. And, since removing CO2 from the atmosphere takes a lot of time, it will stay warm for a long time. Now the physical laws do not care whether the GHGs are the result of volcanos, or flood volcanism impigning on coal seams or clathrates, or mankind burning the coal and melting permafrost and ocean clathrates. The physics are the same, the earth will warm, warm rapidly when the GHGs are added rapidly. And that rapid warming will destabalize the normal climatary cycles.

We are already seeing this at a much lower warming than we expected.

What a total arrogant nitwit!
Using a quote from Bill Maher to try to make a point about global warming and the environment says volumes about the intelligence of the modern left.

It was either him or Jon Stewart. :badgrin:

Maybe George can reach him.

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Oh hell, I am not even disagreeing with that. Just that if we wanted to prevent another ice age what would we do? Release greenhouse gasses.

We have no idea what causes ice ages or warming. What ended the little ice age? What caused the holocene maximum, the roman and medieval warm periods....did they all have the same cause? What caused the glaciers to suddenly start melting 14 thousand years ago?

The idea that we can cause, or delay an ice age, or warming cycle is absolute insanity. We can't even prevent a hurricaine, or tornado and they are local occurences...what the hell makes you think we have any control over global events?

Notice I don't think any one hurricane or cold season or hottest year ever is caused by man alone. I just don't wanna die a few years after finding out I errored on the side of risk instead of caution.

If you ever "find out" anything about the climate that you can take to the bank, it is going to be that you have been hoaxed into believing that we ever had any control over the global climate. You believe in a hoax that is founded on 2 parts bad physics, 5 parts bad computer models making predictions based on bad physics, and 8 parts willing media hype.
On the contrary, we are preventing the beginning of an ice age right now.

Prove that rocks. What sort of hard evidence do you have that allows you to make that statement. And don't show me that idiot link until you can tell me what part of it represents proof of anything other than your own gullibility.

The physics of the situation is simple. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, the earth will warm.

Show me some proof of that. One actual repeatable experiment showing that "greenhouse" gasses cause the earth to warm. I can show you multiple experiments done in the 21st century that demonstrate repeatably that the atmosphere would be warmer without greenhouse gasses.

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