Leftist Policy And The Parkland Killings

Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
The poster I responded to was talking about people going "elsewhere" from PP. Can you read ?
It was my post, asswipe.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.

Let's try it.
Why? Because of your ignorancer?

So THAT'S why you're known as RealDumb!
I am not the one who did not know that government money going to Planned Parenthood was reuimbursements for services rendered. That was duymnbass you,. A lot of poor people (Medicaid) go there.,

Let's start here:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…

Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

"....past-President Cecile Richards falsely claimed her organization provided mammograms. Even the Washington Post debunked that claim. Ultimately, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was forced to admit under oath in a congressional hearing that the abortion giant doesn’t provide mammograms."

Planned Parenthood on the Defensive

What do they do with the taxpayer funds?



A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which masquerades as a “health care” provider, receives half a billion dollars in government money annually, which they claim is merely reimbursement for services rendered under Medicaid. The largest provider of abortions, garnering 35 percent of the nation’s market share, implies that these funds do not pay for abortions.

But the hundreds of millions in government dollars Planned Parenthood receives are fungible, acting to free up other dollars which would normally be used for salaries, facility rent, and general overhead. Planned Parenthood nets millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.

Watch the Live Action video below to get a better understanding of fungibility and how our tax dollars do, in fact, pay for abortions:

They refer people to get mammograms.

They do a wide range of services for people on government healthcare programs like Medicaid. They turn in claims. They get these paid & use they to pay their costs.

What other healthcare providers do with their medicaid claims?

You are such an ass.
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Fool me once....shame on you.

Fool me twice.....shame on me.

I bet you've noticed that that aphorism doesn't apply to Democrats. Look at how many times their lies/charges against Trump have failed and been proven lies.

Like what?


First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ one after another lead balloons.
Please don't insuyklt anyone's intelligence by claiming Trump did not hsave an affair with Stormy Daniels. Trump is making money from his office.

Trump: Democrats were overhyping the situation, and that "this is their new hoax,"
Was the hoax the virus or being concerned about was the hoax? Should we be concerned now?
Donald Trump is a liar. The idea you claim he isn't just paints you as dumber than shit.

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Prove Trump's net worth or STFY. Are you actuially so stupid to believe what he says?

Obama wrote books.

Hillary had a husband making money by speaking.

"Obama wrote books. "

Only someone RealDumb would still believe that.

Too bad you've never read a book.

In one of the most scholarly exposition, fully documented, Jack Cashill proves “that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author.”

Fraud: Obama Exposed!
View attachment 321727

“Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill

Lecture can be found at http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary/search-results.php?keywords=deconstructing+obama

This, from one of the reviews on Amazon.com: “As someone who at one time was an Obama supporter, as well as someone who loves language, I found this a fascinating book. Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book. There are many inconsistencies in Obama's life story, some of which he's recounted himself at various times.
What interested me almost as much as the exploration of the truth of Obama's life story is the way the media showed no interest in investigating any of it.”

  1. “Dream From My Father” was designed not to make Obama President of the United States, but rather to make Obama the mayor of Chicago, a position that would have done Ayers a world of good.
    1. The book is divided into three parts: 1) Origin, 2) Chicago, and 3) Kenya. Structurally, it is like “The Odyssey,” with Obama as Telemachus, seeking a father, and the father seeking a homeland.
  2. Bill Ayers is an extremely talented writer. The questions, then, are who wrote the book, and is the story true?
  3. Now then, do we find the literary background or predicate for the kind of grace and style of “Dreams” in prior samples of Obama’s work? Is there evidence of a dedication to the craft that might produce “Dreams”?
    1. In “The Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell clearly defines the elements of success in a given field as a combination of talent and practice, and not a particularly high I.Q. He calls it the “Ten Thousand Hour Rule,” and gives many examples such as the Beatles, Charlie Parker, Mozart, Bill Gates, and himself, a professional writer.
    2. Christopher Hitchens, in his memoir, speaks of constant writing to hone his talent.
    3. Frank Marshall Davis wrote about his efforts to improve as a writer, and his ‘journalitis”
  4. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has only one mention that encompasses his attempts at writing in “Dreams,” ‘I made some journal entries and wrote some very bad poetry.’ That’s it.
  5. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” I found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb.
[Article here: http://www.politico.com/static/PPM116_obamaessay.html]

    1. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’
    2. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!
  1. In 1988, we find a second example of his writing, an article called “Why Organize?” appearing in a book called “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” Once again, nouns and subjects which don’t agree, awkward, disjointed sentences, leaden rather than flowing.
    1. An example” “Facing these realities, at least three major strands of earlier movements are apparent.” Note, “Facing these realities…” modifies nothing. And ‘strands’ do not ‘face reality.’
    2. It is interesting that there seems to be only one copy of the book, by a sitting President, and the asking price is $150. Someone knows what they have there.
  2. In 1990, he wrote an unsigned case note at Harvard, “Suits by a fetus against third parties provide an additional deterrent to unwanted intrusions on a woman’s bodily integrity.” You be he judge, stylistically smooth and graceful, or awkward and leaden?
    1. Note that it states that if an unwanted child could sue its mother, or the abortionist, it would restrict the ability of the mother to kill an unwanted child.
    2. Curious, also, in that it represents the only time in recent history that Democrats have not chosen to expand tort rights, in this case, to the unborn.
    3. 1990 was the same year that Mr. Obama was honored with the affirmative action position of president of the Harvard Law Review.
  3. As a result of the story of his accession to presidency of the Harvard Law Review, a NY literary agent, Jane Dystel, gets him to write a proposal for a book, which she takes to Simon and Schuster. The result is a $125,000 advance, with an agreement to finish the book in 18 months.
    1. But, since Obama is not a writer, he does what people always do when faced with a challenge they can’t accomplish: he procrastinates. He takes on various responsibilities, other than the writing.
    2. But, in 1995, after Simon and Schuster cancels his contract, and Dystel manages to get him a smaller contract, and with no time on his schedule, he manages to sit down and write a 440-page masterpiece, that Time magazine calls “the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1546362-3,00.html
    3. “…distinguished intellectual historian James Kloppenberg, chair of the Harvard history department. Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition… “the most substantial books written by anyone elected President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson.” Home
    4. Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president." The New York Times. From Books, New President Found Voice.
  4. David Remnick, in “ The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,” manages to describe Obama with the terms ‘brilliant’, ‘intelligent’, or ‘smart’ more frequently than did Walter Isaacson the subject of his recent biography, Albert Einstein.
  5. Now, Bill Ayers is an author of some renown. His book, “Fugitive Days,” considering his eventful life, a compelling and well written book. I found patterns and echoes when I compared his book with “Dreams.”
    1. Early on, in his book, Ayres writes “The confrontation in the Fishbowl flowed like a swollen river into the teach-in, carrying me along the cascading waters from room to room, hall to hall, bouncing off boulders.”
    2. From “Dreams:” “I heard all our voices begin to run together, the sound of three generations tumbling over each other like the currents of a slow-moving stream, my questions like rocks roiling the water, the breaks in memory separating the currents. . . .”
  6. First, not the similarity of the imagery, flowing water broken by rocks or boulders…. Then, the structure: each sentence begins with a standard word phrase embellished by a series of participles such as “tumbling, roiling, separating,” in one, versus “carrying, bouncing” in the other.
    1. It is of note that Ayers spent time as a merchant seaman.
Another Hyde Park radical, Rashid Kalidi, in his book "Resurrecting Empire," "There are many people without whose support and assistance I could not have written this book, or written it in the way that it was written," Khalidi writes. "First, chronologically, and in other ways, comes Bill Ayers." Newly found article confirms Obama 'Dreams' fraud - WND

In fact, no detail by itself proves Ayers' involvement, but the cumulative details overwhelm the open-minded.

  1. Is it important to link Ayers with Obama in this way? David Remnick, in his comprehensive new Obama biography, The Bridge, wrote "This was a charge, that if ever proved true, or believed to be true among enough voters, could have been the end of the candidacy." New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud
[Christopher] “Andersen, in "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage," writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Times Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of "his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers." Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams' - WND

c. “Andersen quotes a neighbor in the Hyde Park area of Chicago where Obama and Ayers lived, who says of the two, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."

"It was no secret. Why would it be? People liked them both," the neighbor said, according to Andersen. '2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams' '2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams' - WND

Post-modernism is a concept that originated as a response to the Enlightenment, to the idea that there is no truth and objectivity. The premise that one should impose his own view of reality on the world can be found throughout Ayer’s memoirs, and he refers to it as ‘constructive reality.’

From “Dreams:’ “Another part of me knew that what I was telling them was a lie, something I’d constructed from scraps of information I’d picked up from my Mother.”

This post-modernism appears in none of the papers and articles that are identified with Obama.

There are a number of ‘echoes’ that can be found in Ayer’s works and in “Dreams.’

Ayers: Narrative begins with something to say; content precedes form. Obama: I understood that I’d spent my life trying to review these stories, plugging up holes in the narratives.

Ayers: Narrative inquiry can be a useful corrective to all this. Obama: Truth is the best corrective.

Ayers: The mind works in contradiction, and honesty requires the writer to reveal disputes with herself on the page Obama: But I suspect that we can’t pretend that these contradictions of our situation don’t exist. All we can do is choose.

Ayers: The reader must actively see the struggle; it is a journey, not by a tourist, but by a pilgrim. Obama: But, all in all, it was an intellectual journey that I imagined for myself, complete with maps and restpoints and a strict itinerary.

After Ayer’s dropped out of college, he joined the merchant marines. It had a great influence on him, and language and reference to the sea appears often and with regularity. Although there are no literal sea experiences in Dreams, the following words appear in both Dreams and in Ayers’ work: fog, mist, ships, seas, boats, oceans, calms, captains, charts, first mates, storms, streams, wind, waves, barges, horizons, ports, panoramas, moorings, tides, currents, and things howling, fluttering, knotted, ragged, tangled, and murky. This is not coincidence. This is fraud.

Consider this sentence from “Dreams:” “The notion that for black nationalists the steady attack on the white race served at the ballast that could prevent the ideas of personal and communal responsibility form tipping into an ocean of despair.”

Have you used the term ‘ballast’ in your writing? When was the last time you read the word, if ever?

16. In Ayer’s 1993 book, “To Teach,” he gives this example: 2 kids observing the Hudson River, NYC, and one says the tide is flowing North, and the other, the tide is flowing South. The teacher explains that the Hudson is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting. Now, in “Dreams,” Barack Obama is at the parallel river to the Hudson, the East River, which is also a tidal river. A black youngster comes up to him and comments in a similar way about the two opposing tides or currents. And, guess what? Barack explains that the East River is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting! Coincidence? Or a Merchant Marine explaining about the mysteries of the sea???

17. In Dreams, Obama talks of his love life on only one occasion…. a white woman back in New York. “She was white,” he tells Auma. “She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes.” This nameless young woman had grown up on a sprawling estate in the country. Could Obama’s mystery woman have been drawn fully from the memory of Bill Ayers and based on the great love of Ayers’s life, the late Diana Oughton. Physically, the woman of Obama’s memory with her “dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes” evokes images of Oughton. As her FBI files attest, copies of which my correspondent sent me, Oughton had brown hair and green eyes.

a. The two women shared similar family backgrounds as well. In fact, they seemed to have grown up on the very same estate. “The house was very old, her grandfather’s house,” Obama writes of his girlfriend’s country home. “He had inherited it from his grandfather.”

b. Oughton had “brought Bill Ayers and other radicals” to the family homestead in Dwight, Illinois. Oughton’s father’s grandfather built the main house on the estate, a 20-room Victorian mansion.

c. The carriage house, in which Diana lived as a child, now serves as a public library. It may have already seemed like one when Ayers visited, an impression that finds its way into Obama’s words as a library “ filled with old books and pictures of the famous people [the grandfather] had known--presidents, diplomats, industrialists.” cashill.com

Chris Yavelow’s “’FictionFixer’ (www.fictionfixer.com), compares any prose its given to any or all of the 210 best-selling novels Yavelow says he has scanned into his Mac G4. The software then looks for patterns—certain words, usages, sentence structure, number of mentions of a character’s name, and the like—and compares it to the target book(s).” http://www4.citypaper.com/printStory.asp?id=11451

As Yavelow explains, authors don’t go from a 3.8 percent use of the passive voice in 1995 to an 8.3 percent use in 2006.

Yavelow cites a score of other characteristics that change too conspicuously from one Obama book to the next, among them the Flesch Reading Ease score, the use of gender words, sentence starters, adverbs, discouraged words, sensory triggers, and more.

When, however, Yavelow compared Obama’s Dreams with Bill Ayers’ memoir, Fugitive Days, he found the similarity of the two books “striking.” For instance, Dreams averages 17.61 words and 26.48 syllables for non-dialogue sentences. Fugitive Days averages 17.62 words and 26.27 syllables.

Another team, from a university: ““Using the chi-square statistic,” they add, “Obama's and Ayers's books were indistinguishable while Obama's book was easily distinguishable from books by other authors.” http://www.cashill.com/intellect_fraud/yavelow.htm
Is there ANY conspiracy theory you don't like?
Really,. Ayers wrote the Obama books? How many times does your bullshit lies need debunked before you ignorant Trumpettes quit repeatring them?

Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
So, you think that all you need to know is how to shoot a gun to be a security guard in a school?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that
Yet in many states, there is no training requirement. Why aren't you having a fit? Why does the NRA not demand it?

Here in Pennsylvania:

  • The applicant must be 21 years of age or older with a picture I.D. for proof
  • The applicant must be a resident of County application is filed it for at least 90 days
  • The application must have no criminal convictions.
  • The applicant must be of good character and reputation; acting in a manner that will not be dangerous to public safety.
  • You are not a habitual drunkard or addicted to or user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or narcotic drug.
Great. Now how about telling us what these requirements are FOR ? Buying a gun ? CCW license ? Pistol ? Rifle ? Shotgun ? Liberals are clueless.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
So, you think that all you need to know is how to shoot a gun to be a security guard in a school?
What do you know about it ?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt SHOULD have to pay for these services. Feel better now ?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
So, you think that all you need to know is how to shoot a gun to be a security guard in a school?
What do you know about it ?
I know that police academies teach more than how to shoot a gun.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt SHOULD have to pay for these services. Feel better now ?
So you hate Medicare & Medicaid. I get it.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
The poster I responded to was talking about people going "elsewhere" from PP. Can you read ?
It was my post, asswipe.
Who cares whose post it was. Point was the govt shouldn't be paying for needless abortions, at PP or anywhere else. Got it ?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that
Yet in many states, there is no training requirement. Why aren't you having a fit? Why does the NRA not demand it?

Here in Pennsylvania:

  • The applicant must be 21 years of age or older with a picture I.D. for proof
  • The applicant must be a resident of County application is filed it for at least 90 days
  • The application must have no criminal convictions.
  • The applicant must be of good character and reputation; acting in a manner that will not be dangerous to public safety.
  • You are not a habitual drunkard or addicted to or user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or narcotic drug.
Great. Now how about telling us what these requirements are FOR ? Buying a gun ? CCW license ? Pistol ? Rifle ? Shotgun ? Liberals are clueless.
If you kept up with the conversastion, you would know that these are for concealed carry in PA<>

NRA fed Trumpettes are dumber than shit.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
The poster I responded to was talking about people going "elsewhere" from PP. Can you read ?
It was my post, asswipe.
Who cares whose post it was. Point was the govt shouldn't be paying for needless abortions, at PP or anywhere else. Got it ?
The government doers not pay for abortions.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt SHOULD have to pay for these services. Feel better now ?
So you hate Medicare & Medicaid. I get it.
You PRETEND you "get it"
What you got is a brain infection, called liberalism.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Planned Parenthood gets reimbursements for services rendered. Cut off PP & those people would have to go elsewhere for those services & the government would still pay for them.
Only a nut job liberal would say that the govt would have to pay for these services.
Who the fuck pays when medicare & medicaid patients go to Planned Parenthood. You assfucks get dumber with every ridiculous post you make,.
The poster I responded to was talking about people going "elsewhere" from PP. Can you read ?
It was my post, asswipe.
Who cares whose post it was. Point was the govt shouldn't be paying for needless abortions, at PP or anywhere else. Got it ?
The government doers not pay for abortions.
You are the one who said the govt reimburses PP.
It also helps when the Broward Sheriff Scott Israel is a wannabe politician rather than a real sheriff.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that
Yet in many states, there is no training requirement. Why aren't you having a fit? Why does the NRA not demand it?

Here in Pennsylvania:

  • The applicant must be 21 years of age or older with a picture I.D. for proof
  • The applicant must be a resident of County application is filed it for at least 90 days
  • The application must have no criminal convictions.
  • The applicant must be of good character and reputation; acting in a manner that will not be dangerous to public safety.
  • You are not a habitual drunkard or addicted to or user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or narcotic drug.
Great. Now how about telling us what these requirements are FOR ? Buying a gun ? CCW license ? Pistol ? Rifle ? Shotgun ? Liberals are clueless.
If you kept up with the conversastion, you would know that these are for concealed carry in PA<>

NRA fed Trumpettes are dumber than shit.
When you post in computer forum, you need to specify what you're talking about. Some people come into the thread new, and don't have the whole continuity of the thread
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
You are the ass. I have no desire whatsoever to allow untrained people to carry guns anywhere. Of course that would be ridiculous, and I've never heard of anybody endorsing such a foolish idea.

I've also never heard of any place where people can carry guns just from paying a fee. Sounds nuts.

You sure you're not just making this up ? With such an outlandish claim, you should be posting a source link to support it. I notice you're not doing that
Yet in many states, there is no training requirement. Why aren't you having a fit? Why does the NRA not demand it?

Here in Pennsylvania:

  • The applicant must be 21 years of age or older with a picture I.D. for proof
  • The applicant must be a resident of County application is filed it for at least 90 days
  • The application must have no criminal convictions.
  • The applicant must be of good character and reputation; acting in a manner that will not be dangerous to public safety.
  • You are not a habitual drunkard or addicted to or user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant or narcotic drug.
Great. Now how about telling us what these requirements are FOR ? Buying a gun ? CCW license ? Pistol ? Rifle ? Shotgun ? Liberals are clueless.
If you kept up with the conversastion, you would know that these are for concealed carry in PA<>

NRA fed Trumpettes are dumber than shit.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
So, you think that all you need to know is how to shoot a gun to be a security guard in a school?
Why don't you just go ahead and say you don't want schools defended?

That's what you mean anyway. Might as well go ahead and say it.

Because you don't really mind school kids being killed by shooters. Because that gives you a pile of bodies from which to preach gun control and confiscation.

Meanwhile, people who value children's lives support armed guards in schools. Hiring veterans and/or retired LEO gives you people with most of the training required.

There is no rational reason to oppose it.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?

View attachment 320242
So, you wanted our troops to remain in Iraq with no protection agreement?

And we shoild allow any untrained gun toter around our children.
Parkland had armed guards assfuck.
FALSE! They had ONE armed guard (who didn't guard), and was a gun-free zone for school staff, visitors, and everyone else. Gun-free zone, all the way. Invitation to mass shooters.
So they had an armed guard.

You God damn stupid fucks want any yeahoo untrained gun toter to be able to be around our children? How stupid is that?>
Ha ha. Typical leftist Strawman behavior. You take a perfectly valid argument, change it's components into something completely different, and then act like you're still debating the original scenario.

Back to reality. No, Mr Strawman. Nobody is talking about "any Yahoo untrained gun toter" (except you).

I have a CCW license, and I carry a pistol almost everywhere I go. So for all you liberals who are gun clueless, do you think I was able to get that license and gun as easy as buying a candy bar?

I had to have an unblemished background, passing a background check, waiting 3 days to get the gun. I had to qualify for the license, either by taking a gun safety course, or have military or police background.

How stupid is it for you to want our kids to be around unarmed adults, who are unable to take action in a shooting emergency ? It is exactly this kind of mindless idiocy that gas given us gun-free zones, and the mass shootings they invite.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that 1 armed guard is not enough ? What if there is a group of criminal shooters ? What if the 1 guard you have fails to act ? (as occured at Parkland) - especially when there is a stupid promise program in effect, discouraging intervention.

Your brainless attitude is symptomatic of the leftist anti-gun culture in America, that has given us millions of Americans who are clueless be about guns, law enforcement and self-defense, and when you post in forums like this, all you do is show off your ignorance.

You are a danger to America, and many people have died because of your foolishness.

It is that easy in a lot of states. You pay your fee, you get to carry a loaded gun. There is no or little training requirement.

It is a FACT that many gun toters have little or no training. & assfucks klike you want them to do it in school yards.
How about hiring weapons-trained veterans for school security? I mean, you should support that, since they have training.

This should be amusing.
I would but they need more training than weapons training.
Like what? What is your objection now?
So, you think that all you need to know is how to shoot a gun to be a security guard in a school?
What do you know about it ?
Only what he reads in Slate.

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