left wing media and democratic leaders encouraging racism and violence against people of color!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
when the president says we have criminals and drug dealers coming across the boarder .....he never said all immigrants ! but that does not matter the left screams hes a racist a white supremacist !!! when he tells 4 congressional leaders that have nothing good to say about this country to go home and fix your own problems and then come back and show us how its done the left screams he hates people of color !! lowering the flag at half mast till 08/08 in remembrance to the shooting victims the left screams 8th letter of the alphabet HH which is a dog whistle for hiel Hitler !!hes a racist ,hes telling racist to attack people of color and so on and so on !! it never stops and since the Russia investigation was a flop and proven to be bullshit racism and screams of white supremacy is all theyve got left ! these insidious tacticts by the left are dangerous for both conservative Trump supporters and and immigrants and people of color ! when you shout all day long that Trump supporters are evil Nazi violent racist it is a bull horn to attack them !! and yes even worse when a true violent white supremacist turns on the news and sees Don Lemon,Sharpton,democratic leaders ,and every damn major news outlet screaming that the president is also a white supremacist and is calling for the slaughter of immigrants and people of color is that not encouragement for idiots like the people they are talking about to do so !
ill gurantee
when the president says we have criminals and drug dealers coming across the boarder .....he never said all immigrants ! but that does not matter the left screams hes a racist a white supremacist !!! when he tells 4 congressional leaders that have nothing good to say about this country to go home and fix your own problems and then come back and show us how its done the left screams he hates people of color !! lowering the flag at half mast till 08/08 in remembrance to the shooting victims the left screams 8th letter of the alphabet HH which is a dog whistle for hiel Hitler !!hes a racist ,hes telling racist to attack people of color and so on and so on !! it never stops and since the Russia investigation was a flop and proven to be bullshit racism and screams of white supremacy is all theyve got left ! these insidious tacticts by the left are dangerous for both conservative Trump supporters and and immigrants and people of color ! when you shout all day long that Trump supporters are evil Nazi violent racist it is a bull horn to attack them !! and yes even worse when a true violent white supremacist turns on the news and sees Don Lemon,Sharpton,democratic leaders ,and every damn major news outlet screaming that the president is also a white supremacist and is calling for the slaughter of immigrants and people of color is that not encouragement for idiots like the people they are talking about to do so !
if you are calling the leader of the free world a racist it give legitimacy to true racist on both side of the political spectrum !
and now the leftist in hollywood have made a movie called [The Hunt] where people from red states are being hunted down and shot by people from blue states ....if Trumps so called micro so called taken out of context and called racist speech is a dog whistle for violence then the lefts bullshit is a bullhorn calling for violence .'The Hunt' Shows Liberals Murdering Conservatives. Do We Need That?
and if Trump wins again in 2020 do you think the violent mobs of leftist groups socialist[ armies] like.....ANTIFA.....are going to become less violent ....ooohhhhh nooooo think again !!

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