Left Wing Hypocrisy


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Here's a good one for you. I just read at Breitbart that Pelosi, Reid and Wasserman-Schultz are refusing to release their tax returns when requested by McClatchy Newspapers.

Yet, they've been some of the most vocal voices to have called on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns.

At a news conference, Wasserman Shultz said, “I file full financial disclosure required under the law” and refused to release her tax returns.

Reid also would not let McClatchy look at his tax returns.

In recent weeks, Pelosi has said Romney’s failure to release his tax returns makes him unfit to even be a Cabinet member while Reid said it made Romney unfit to be even a dogcatcher.

Wasserman Schultz said Romney’s refusal to release his returns was an example of Romney’s “penchant for secrecy.”

But, as McClatchy reports, “all three refused repeated requests from McClatchy to release their own returns, requests that started before the flap over Romney’s records.”

By Reid’s, Pelosi’s, and Wasserman Schultz’s standards, they should not be serving in office.

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