Left Show How Uneducated They Are Once Again with Trumps "Unprecidented Outlandish Rhetoric"

The North Korean regime NEVER intended to comply with Clintons two page deal. They lie as usual to get what they want then press on with their nuclear ambitions. Bush saw the fatal flaws in the Clinton deal and backed out. You make it sound as though Clintn's "deal" was a good one. It was NOT!!!

First of all, an editorial is not the same thing as a report. It's just someone's opinion. Secondly, whether they intended to do it or not isn't something you can deduce because you're not a telepath and can't presume to know what someone was thinking nearly 20 years ago. Thirdly, it wasn't until 2006, after Bush pulled us from Clinton's agreement, that North Korea actually tested a nuke. They had the capability to do so for as much as a decade prior and didn't. So why did they do so in 2006? What prompted that? Bush pulling aid per the agreement, and trying to lazily outsource negotiations to China and other Pacific Rim nations, when all North Korea really wanted was to deal with us only.

As usual, it was Democrat showing weakness that our sworn enemy ALWAYS uses against us. Jimmy Carter did it. Obama did it. Clinton did it.

Fucking bullshit and wholly ignorant of history. Which President was it that agreed to sell weapons (illegally) to Iran (our enemy, right?) in exchange for releasing the hostages? Which President was it that cut-and-ran from Lebanon after the marine barracks were bombed? Which President was it who installed a pro-Iranian (again, they're our enemy, right?) Shi'ite Prime Minister in Iraq? Which President was it who neglected Iran's (once again, our enemy, right?) nuclear ambitions which led them to spin thousands of centrifuges throughout the 00's? Which President was it who armed Saddam with weapons he used against his own people? Which President was it who sent billions of dollars on pallets to Sunnis in Anbar who were attacking coalition troops in an effort to bribe them to stop? Which President was it whose Secretary of State sang the praises of Khaddafi?

So you say Clinton, Carter, and Obama were weak, yet you don't seem to know how so. Then you ignore (or just plain don't know about) the Republican Presidents over the last 40 years who did the very things you accuse the Democratic Presidents of doing. That's pretty shitty.
Not defending Trump. But Democrats have a long history of colluding with foreign enemies and showing weakness.

Bullshit. Wasn't it Reagan who covertly (and illegally) sold Iran (our enemy, right?) weapons in exchange for releasing the hostages? Wasn't it Reagan who cut-and-ran from Lebanon after the barracks bombing? And the GOP and Trump colluded with Putin's Russia to win the 2016 election, all the while singing Putin's praises, changing the GOP's platform to a pro-Russian Ukraine stance, and doing God knows what else for them???

You sound as though you're just trying to explain things the way you comprehend them. I can appreciate that.
The truth is that NEITHER the Democrat NOR Republican Powers That Be are actually our "best friends". Unfortunately they mostly work to benefit themselves and you and I as taxpaying citizens get the short end of the stick every time.

If you can understand that concept first, you'll be on your way.

If......you are interested at all in the truth......you have to go outside of your normal "trusted" sources for information. Everyone knows that there are many Liberal "news" sources that huff and puff and say all kinds of fake things.....it's been proven too many times to deny.

Google is tainted and search results are biased. Known FACT. ALL the media is tainted. Yahoo is tainted.
All of these so called "news" sources are actually nothing more than propaganda tools for the globalist elitist (very wealthy and powerful people who don't give a shit about you).

Try using independent search engines to get results sometimes.

Of all the Democrats that have been President in recent history, only Jimmy Carter was naive and not totally corrupted. Obama and especially the Clintons were and still are VERY VERY bad news as far as ordinary citizens are concerned.

And Trump is not the white devil the left portrays him to be. He's no Saint, but he's not the devil either.
So you say Clinton, Carter, and Obama were weak, yet you don't seem to know how so. Then you ignore (or just plain don't know about) the Republican Presidents over the last 40 years who did the very things you accuse the Democratic Presidents of doing. That's pretty shitty.

I prefer an HONEST editorial to a fake news report any day. You should too.

Don't be so quick to call EVERYTHING anyone says that doesn't match your beliefs as "fucking bullshit". You're exhibiting a VERY CLOSED MIND when you do that.

What I do when YOU say something I totally disagree with is go and do a bit of research to make sure I have the correct facts. I don't just call everything anyone else says as Bullshit.

You seem to skip over the things Obama did that were very bad. Do you remember the "Fast and Furious" gun running scheme he did illegally with Mexico? Americans died because of that. Just one example.

The Clinton "weakness" was more sinister.....
It was always based on what they could get out of any deal. Evil, greedy, dishonest people those Clintons.

Obama was indeed very weak, but worse it's no secret he and Michelle have a bitter taste towards America. Don't lie and say you don't know that.
And so, Obama did things that actually hurt the nation...like the Iran deal. Great deal for Iran...BAD for the USA.

As much as Obama dislikes America...he became PRESIDENT. Of ALL people Obama should have appreciated that fact and realized America is not so bad after all.....but he didn't.

As far as Iran, has it even slowed down their nuclear ambitions? NO.
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Do you remember the "Fast and Furious" gun running scheme he did illegally with Mexico?

Illegally? Not so. And didn't that program start with Bush the Dumber? And wasn't the point of it to trace how guns in the US end up in cartel's hands?

Americans died because of that. Just one example.

So, you accused Obama of being "weak" and appeasing tyrants. How does Fast and Furious relate to that? It doesn't. It's just you trying to come up with something to make the shitty things Republicans have done since Reagan look less bad by comparison. But even then, it doesn't.

The Clinton "weakness" was more sinister.....
It was always based on what they could get out of any deal. Evil, greedy, dishonest people those Clintons.

Wait - you seem to be saying the Clintons were savvy dealmakers. And again, you haven't actually articulated how they were weak with anything. North Korea didn't test their first nuke when Clinton was President, they did so 5 years after he left office.

Obama was indeed very weak, but worse it's no secret he and Michelle has a bitter taste towards America. Don't lie and say you don't know that.

So you didn't say how Obama was weak. He's the one who got Osama bin Laden when Bush very weakly gave up the hunt for him. While Obama was President, Mubarak and Khaddafi were both ousted. And no one used more drones than Obama, who truly rained fire and fury down on the middle east with them. Obama also strong-armed Iran to come to the table by imposing harsh sanctions that crippled their economy. Same with Russia. So, I don't know what barometer you are using to determine "weakness", but I'd say not getting the guy responsible for 9/11, appeasing Iran by installing a Shi'ite Prime Minister in Iraq, standing by dumbly as North Korea tests a nuke, and attacking the wrong fucking country is pretty fucking weak.

And so, Obama did things that actually hurt the nation...like the Iran deal. Great deal for Iran...BAD for the USA.

How so? Explain.

Has it even slowed down their nuclear ambitions? NO.

It stopped their nuclear ambitions. That was the point of the agreement. We would ease the sanctions we put in place during Obama's first two years in exchange for Iran ceasing work on its nuclear program. So far, the UN, the IAEA, and all our allies confirm it's working fine.
You say the Obama "deal" "Stopped Iran's' nuclear ambitions?" Wow....just wow. You're as naive as Carter unfortunately.
You think the Clintons are upstanding "good", honest people ??? For God's sake. You're lost.

Ah well.....
You're obviously dedicated to believing the Democrats are your bestest buddies.

Some people either will never learn or will have to learn the hard way.
Democrats are the cause of a majority of the problems this nations faces from Welfare to government corruption.

Since you've been successfully brainwashed, there is no getting through to you.
No wonder this nation is crumbling. You're a great example of the weak links created by the Globalists who you willingly lick their behinds. You're totally clueless.

You're "P'owned" by their BS and defending their every move while they use you and laugh at you. Sad.

FYI....Obama was a complete narcissist. He took credit for everything and anything without giving an ounce of credit where credit was really due. It was actually BUSH who made Bin Laden's death possible. Obama simply wasn't able to get in the way.

Just ONE source....

The path to Osama bin Laden’s death didn’t start with Obama

And as far as Fast and Furious.....

Forbes Welcome
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"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.
We were really in actual times of war and some socialists even made sure they could accomplish what they needed in the short run, with a little luck.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Some on the left refuse to take the right wing seriously about real times of war, unless we have real times of war, tax rates on the One Percent, to Prove it.
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

Given the fact that we were already bombing the shit out of Japan it is not rhetoric

Even without Hiroshima, there were already some devastating air raids on Japan
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

So he ripped off Truman.

I actually think he got the "fire and fury" from last week's episode of Game of Thrones.

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

We were at war with Japan. We're not at war with North Korea. Trump's just overcompensating for his tiny wiener.
What are you overcompensating for?
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

So he ripped off Truman.

I actually think he got the "fire and fury" from last week's episode of Game of Thrones.

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

We were at war with Japan. We're not at war with North Korea. Trump's just overcompensating for his tiny wiener.

Yes, we are, The lack of physical hostility is a decades old CEASE FIRE.
Did I ever say I knew "first hand"? no. So you're putting words into my mouth, why? Because you feel you have to defend Trump? Why do you feel that? You don't owe him anything.

Trust me....I'm not putting ANYTHING in your mouth...... strange choice of words btw...

Not defending Trump. But Democrats have a long history of colluding with foreign enemies and showing weakness.
The Clintons especially.

Hell, I have no doubt they'd sell Chelsea to the highest bidder if they thought they could get away with it.

The Democrats love Chelsea.

Manning, that is.
"If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth."
President Harry Truman
Aug. 6, 1945

So he ripped off Truman.

I actually think he got the "fire and fury" from last week's episode of Game of Thrones.

I apparently wasn't the only one to think of this wartime Democrat President when I heard an NBC News report claim, repeatedly, with no apparent sense of history, that no president had ever used language such as we heard this week. Where did these "journalists" go to college? They should sue their schools for malpractice. And the parrot left run with such garbage believing what their masters tell them without question.

We were at war with Japan. We're not at war with North Korea. Trump's just overcompensating for his tiny wiener.
We are at war with North Korea. Crack open a history book.
I love how the left tries to blame President Trump for little Kimmy mouthing off and growing too big for his britches.

It's not like NK hasn't been saying they were going to destroy America for decades. It's not like they haven't engaged in this kind of "bombastic" language forever.

Trump's just speaking their "aggressive" language, nothing anyone else has tried as really worked so why the fuck not?

The North Korean government, via a state-run newspaper, warned of a “super-mighty preemptive strike” against the U.S. that would reduce both its military forces in South Korea and the American mainland “to ashes,” according to a Reuters report published Thursday. - 2017

"The U.S. had better know clearly that our means in ground, naval, underwater, air and cyberwarfare, including nuclear strike capability, which are miniaturized, precise and diversified, will be used by our people and army who display the strongest mental power and indomitable ideology and Juche-oriented [self-reliance] strategy and tactics and unique war methods are unprecedented in the human history of wars, which the gangster-like U.S. imperialists can never think of or imitate." - 2015

"If [the] United States wants their mainland to be safe," said a newswoman for the state TV station, KCNA, "then the Ulchi Freedom Guardian should stop immediately." - 2015

North Korea's National Defense Commission took to the airwaves today to threaten the United States with the "most disastrous final doom on its mainland," warning that "the time of the nightmare" is near. - 2015

"The US should not forget that the Anderson Air Force Base on Guam where B-52 bombers take off and naval bases in Japan and Okinawa where nuclear-powered submarines are launched are within the striking range of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) precision strike means," the statement read. "Now that the US started open nuclear blackmail and threat, the DPRK, too, will move to take corresponding military actions." - 2013

NK released a propaganda video in February 2013 showed President Barack Obama and U.S. troops engulfed in flames. A video published a week earlier warned of a missile attack on New York City.

North Korea holds a massive rally denouncing conservative South Korean President Lee Myung-bak as a “rat.” It says he should be struck with a “retaliatory bolt of lightning” because of his confrontational approach toward Pyongyang. - 2012

North Korea’s military warns that troops have aimed artillery at seven South Korean media groups to express outrage over criticism in Seoul of ongoing children’s festivals in Pyongyang. It threatens a “merciless sacred war.” - 2012

North’s Korean People’s Army threatens to turn Seoul’s presidential palace into a “sea of fire.” - 2011

“will never tolerate the U.S. reckless attempt to stifle the (North) by force of arms but mercilessly wipe out the aggressors.” - 2002

A North Korean negotiator threatens to turn Seoul into “a sea of fire.” - 1994

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