CDZ Left or right?

Obama was considered leftist by American standards. By European standards he was right of center. American Democrats are considered the left party but because they do not support health care for all or wealth tax or the shorter work week among other things they are considered conservative certainly not socialist to most of the world. So what is left or right depends on the culture you come from?
As for economics even socialist nations like China have had to make capitalistic compromises.

1. American Democrats absolutely support health care for all and wealth taxes. It's often one of their central themes. You Europeans are misinformed.

2. Obama was the most radical left president we've ever had at the time. He changed drastically too. The 2008 Obama still at least tried to mirror someone who appreciated America, but 2012 he had fully embraced and mainstreamed identity politics. If you disagreed with his bad policies, it wasn't because of the policy, it was because you were a racist. The media loved him, got "tickles down their leg" from him, and lobbed him softballs while promoting his message non-stop, attacking any conservative who might question him as racist.

Obama started the ugliness we see today.

The World's Smallest Political Quiz​

World's Smallest Political Quiz - Advocates for Self-Government

Discover your REAL political views with The World’s Smallest Political Quiz.

Some added clarification. The above quiz is more than showing if you are Left or Right, but also Up or Down on issue of government authority. A four direction matrix.

About The Quiz​

About the Quiz - The Advocates for Self-Government

The world-famous World’s Smallest Political Quiz is a fast, fun and accurate assessment of a person’s overall political views.

The Left versus Right model doesn’t give any useful insight into the differences between the various political categories. It doesn’t tell us what the important differences are between liberal-progressives, conservatives, moderates, libertarians, and authoritarians.
The Quiz model is far more inclusive and accurate, despite only including two dimensions. It is based on the idea that the majority of political issues can be divided broadly into two categories: Economic and Personal.

The Personal category includes what you do in relationships, in self-expression, and in general what you do with your own body and mind. Examples of personal activities: marriage; choosing what books you read and movies you watch; what foods, medicines, and drugs you choose to consume; sports; your religious choices; organizations you join; who you choose to associate with.

The Economic category includes what you do as a producer and consumer — what you can buy, sell, or produce. Where you work, who you hire, or what you do with your money. Examples of economic activity: starting a business; buying a home; constructing a building; purchasing groceries; working in an office—in essence, the trading of goods and services.

Since most government activity occurs in these two major areas, political positions can be defined and compared by determining how much government control a person favors in these two areas.

The central insight of the political model The Quiz promotes is that the major difference between the various political philosophies, the real defining element in what a person believes, is the amount of government control over human action in both the personal and economic spheres.

In other words, there’s not just a left-right axis reflecting your personal values, but also an up-down one reflecting how willing you are to use force to get others to follow your values.



About The Advocates​

Who We Are​

About The Advocates - The Advocates for Self-Government

The Advocates for Self-Government promotes human well-being through the advancement of individual freedom and responsibility, voluntary exchange, and peace.
Anyone whom read his first two books would see that is a pile of male bovine feces.
His agenda was to fundamentally change the USA. Hardly qualifies as a moderate stance/agenda.
By passing healthcare?
Obama adopted a healthcare plan originally advocated by a Conservative Think Tank and Mitt Romney
Obama advocated for Infrastructure Investment

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