Left admits it's tactic to delegitimize the President elect


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I was proven right on my earlier assessment when On CNN they openly admitted in one of their cry racism ploys that they were trying to delegitimize the President elect, so he'd only be a one term President.
Basically admitting these character assassinations were to demonize the figures in a way that their only source of power (minority voters)were outraged into remaining affiliated to the party.
Because without the huge minority percentages the party is toast and will fall behind the Libertarians and they would get no platform like they do to the other parties.
There's a huge problem with this obvious desperation tactic though:
1) it shows the party has nothing to offer in policy or performance and can't run on it's own merits. In the same way CNN and MSNBC proves they have no news worthy media value.
2) it shows they are willing to act treasonous and or sabotage their nation for sake of party affiliation pride.
3)it shows they are willing to sacrafice their offsprings future for sake of this pride.
4) they are willing to divide and cause derision for sake of this strategy thus becoming the problem they deflect and displace.
5)they are therefore the cause of the tension and are abusing the minorities in the process of this propaganda game.
6)they dissmiss morality, ethics, and standards and reflect
that behavior to the younger generation
trying to justify it or normalize disturbing behavior. Especially when it's false testimony defamation of character affecting many people's lives not just the target of their propaganda campaign.
7)It mocks the seriousness of real racism
and mocks minorities.
8)it opens up a pandoras box in reflecting similar reverse behavior thus exposing reverse racism that is never equally addressed, thus is allowed to permeate society in equally negative ways.
The lack of media attention to this mirror reflection just puts fuel to the fire the media starts in the first place, while fanning the flames no less. And this becomes circular, in that it often times causes that perceived racism it exaggerates=self fulfilling or causing it.
9)this propaganda and division helps the radical terrorist who love baiting it and the oblivious oblige.
10)it's making these people into angry nutjobs. I've never seen such rediculous melt downs by both analyst and media personalities before. I've never said; "what is wrong with these people" as much as when watching CNN and MSNBC in our time now compared to
the time they demonized Bush or attacked Bob Dole or Newt and
the likes.

Maybe they should put down their playdo and someone should get them some ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS to
play with, to get out that frustration and anger they built up.
My vote would be to let MSLSD, Chicken Noodle News, et al just continue to march. They're all in part responsible for Hillary being consigned to the ash heap of history as a result of the devastating election thumping, so I'd expect they'll continue to negatively influence dimocrats in the future. Have at it and best of luck!
I was proven right on my earlier assessment when On CNN they openly admitted in one of their cry racism ploys that they were trying to delegitimize the President elect, so he'd only be a one term President.
Basically admitting these character assassinations were to demonize the figures in a way that their only source of power (minority voters)were outraged into remaining affiliated to the party.
Because without the huge minority percentages the party is toast and will fall behind the Libertarians and they would get no platform like they do to the other parties.
There's a huge problem with this obvious desperation tactic though:
1) it shows the party has nothing to offer in policy or performance and can't run on it's own merits. In the same way CNN and MSNBC proves they have no news worthy media value.
2) it shows they are willing to act treasonous and or sabotage their nation for sake of party affiliation pride.
3)it shows they are willing to sacrafice their offsprings future for sake of this pride.
4) they are willing to divide and cause derision for sake of this strategy thus becoming the problem they deflect and displace.
5)they are therefore the cause of the tension and are abusing the minorities in the process of this propaganda game.
6)they dissmiss morality, ethics, and standards and reflect
that behavior to the younger generation
trying to justify it or normalize disturbing behavior. Especially when it's false testimony defamation of character affecting many people's lives not just the target of their propaganda campaign.
7)It mocks the seriousness of real racism
and mocks minorities.
8)it opens up a pandoras box in reflecting similar reverse behavior thus exposing reverse racism that is never equally addressed, thus is allowed to permeate society in equally negative ways.
The lack of media attention to this mirror reflection just puts fuel to the fire the media starts in the first place, while fanning the flames no less. And this becomes circular, in that it often times causes that perceived racism it exaggerates=self fulfilling or causing it.
9)this propaganda and division helps the radical terrorist who love baiting it and the oblivious oblige.
10)it's making these people into angry nutjobs. I've never seen such rediculous melt downs by both analyst and media personalities before. I've never said; "what is wrong with these people" as much as when watching CNN and MSNBC in our time now compared to
the time they demonized Bush or attacked Bob Dole or Newt and
the likes.

Maybe they should put down their playdo and someone should get them some ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS to
play with, to get out that frustration and anger they built up.

hashev------you are so right -----I am (as a registered democrat ) UTTERLY DEVASTATED regarding the fall of
my party into the CESSPIT of cynical exploitation. The victims now are those that my erstwhile fellow democrats once, TRULY, did defend. ----to wit the disenfranchised, the
"races", the disabled, the impoverished, the women etc.
NOW my erstwhile fellows are EXPLOITING the very same groups and shoving them in the direction of destructive
disorder and the INGESTION OF LIBELS. The cynical canards are nauseating--------especially for women (like me)----I am supposed to imagine that the whole USA is about to wax MYSOGYNIST------because we lost our "HEROINE"----the crafty criminal lying self-aggrandizing harpy-hillcat
My vote would be to let MSLSD, Chicken Noodle News, et al just continue to march. They're all in part responsible for Hillary being consigned to the ash heap of history as a result of the devastating election thumping, so I'd expect they'll continue to negatively influence dimocrats in the future. Have at it and best of luck!

May my party-----the DEMOCRATS------someday recover from its present perversion
I was proven right on my earlier assessment when On CNN they openly admitted in one of their cry racism ploys that they were trying to delegitimize the President elect, so he'd only be a one term President.
Basically admitting these character assassinations were to demonize the figures in a way that their only source of power (minority voters)were outraged into remaining affiliated to the party.
Because without the huge minority percentages the party is toast and will fall behind the Libertarians and they would get no platform like they do to the other parties.
There's a huge problem with this obvious desperation tactic though:
1) it shows the party has nothing to offer in policy or performance and can't run on it's own merits. In the same way CNN and MSNBC proves they have no news worthy media value.
2) it shows they are willing to act treasonous and or sabotage their nation for sake of party affiliation pride.
3)it shows they are willing to sacrafice their offsprings future for sake of this pride.
4) they are willing to divide and cause derision for sake of this strategy thus becoming the problem they deflect and displace.
5)they are therefore the cause of the tension and are abusing the minorities in the process of this propaganda game.
6)they dissmiss morality, ethics, and standards and reflect
that behavior to the younger generation
trying to justify it or normalize disturbing behavior. Especially when it's false testimony defamation of character affecting many people's lives not just the target of their propaganda campaign.
7)It mocks the seriousness of real racism
and mocks minorities.
8)it opens up a pandoras box in reflecting similar reverse behavior thus exposing reverse racism that is never equally addressed, thus is allowed to permeate society in equally negative ways.
The lack of media attention to this mirror reflection just puts fuel to the fire the media starts in the first place, while fanning the flames no less. And this becomes circular, in that it often times causes that perceived racism it exaggerates=self fulfilling or causing it.
9)this propaganda and division helps the radical terrorist who love baiting it and the oblivious oblige.
10)it's making these people into angry nutjobs. I've never seen such rediculous melt downs by both analyst and media personalities before. I've never said; "what is wrong with these people" as much as when watching CNN and MSNBC in our time now compared to
the time they demonized Bush or attacked Bob Dole or Newt and
the likes.

Maybe they should put down their playdo and someone should get them some ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS to
play with, to get out that frustration and anger they built up.

hashev------you are so right -----I am (as a registered democrat ) UTTERLY DEVASTATED regarding the fall of
my party into the CESSPIT of cynical exploitation. The victims now are those that my erstwhile fellow democrats once, TRULY, did defend. ----to wit the disenfranchised, the
"races", the disabled, the impoverished, the women etc.
NOW my erstwhile fellows are EXPLOITING the very same groups and shoving them in the direction of destructive
disorder and the INGESTION OF LIBELS. The cynical canards are nauseating--------especially for women (like me)----I am supposed to imagine that the whole USA is about to wax MYSOGYNIST------because we lost our "HEROINE"----the crafty criminal lying self-aggrandizing harpy-hillcat

If you study the Chicago mob influence on the progressive movement you'll notice a pattern and similarity to the mobster influence on the RCC church.
The use of social justice and equality(socialism) in order to bleed money from it's subjects, support, and subvert those very same people they claim to be helping or fighting for.
There's big money thrown at such programs and ideology and thus support in regards to politics & religion is essential & also require subjectifying and using their supporters to procure these funds=racketeering 101.
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Let's be honest here, Winger...if Barry hadn't claimed to be a foreign student in his applications for college none of those stories would have gotten much traction. A few small lies back then by a young Barack Obama to get financial aid led to a whole bunch of nonsense thirty years later.
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Why did Obama fight to refuse to publish his birth certificate right at the beginning, when someone in the Hillary camp first came up with that accusation in the 2008 campaign?
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

I don't know if technically you can call it that since ALL EMPLOYMENT REQUIRES PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP and the fact we pick and choose what laws to enforce and who gets to
step around them for sake of party & power
is the exact reason people voted for law and order over lawless ones.
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Why did Obama fight to refuse to publish his birth certificate right at the beginning, when someone in the Hillary camp first came up with that accusation in the 2008 campaign?

He didn't

Why won't Trump release his taxes?

Yes he did. He didn't release it until many were demading it.

Because it's not a requirement to run for President.
I was proven right on my earlier assessment when On CNN they openly admitted in one of their cry racism ploys that they were trying to delegitimize the President elect, so he'd only be a one term President.
Basically admitting these character assassinations were to demonize the figures in a way that their only source of power (minority voters)were outraged into remaining affiliated to the party.
Because without the huge minority percentages the party is toast and will fall behind the Libertarians and they would get no platform like they do to the other parties.
There's a huge problem with this obvious desperation tactic though:
1) it shows the party has nothing to offer in policy or performance and can't run on it's own merits. In the same way CNN and MSNBC proves they have no news worthy media value.
2) it shows they are willing to act treasonous and or sabotage their nation for sake of party affiliation pride.
3)it shows they are willing to sacrafice their offsprings future for sake of this pride.
4) they are willing to divide and cause derision for sake of this strategy thus becoming the problem they deflect and displace.
5)they are therefore the cause of the tension and are abusing the minorities in the process of this propaganda game.
6)they dissmiss morality, ethics, and standards and reflect
that behavior to the younger generation
trying to justify it or normalize disturbing behavior. Especially when it's false testimony defamation of character affecting many people's lives not just the target of their propaganda campaign.
7)It mocks the seriousness of real racism
and mocks minorities.
8)it opens up a pandoras box in reflecting similar reverse behavior thus exposing reverse racism that is never equally addressed, thus is allowed to permeate society in equally negative ways.
The lack of media attention to this mirror reflection just puts fuel to the fire the media starts in the first place, while fanning the flames no less. And this becomes circular, in that it often times causes that perceived racism it exaggerates=self fulfilling or causing it.
9)this propaganda and division helps the radical terrorist who love baiting it and the oblivious oblige.
10)it's making these people into angry nutjobs. I've never seen such rediculous melt downs by both analyst and media personalities before. I've never said; "what is wrong with these people" as much as when watching CNN and MSNBC in our time now compared to
the time they demonized Bush or attacked Bob Dole or Newt and
the likes.

Maybe they should put down their playdo and someone should get them some ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS to
play with, to get out that frustration and anger they built up.

The right are upset about character assassinations? After 8 years of calling Obama a Muslim, saying he was born in Kenya? Are you fucking me?
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Why did Obama fight to refuse to publish his birth certificate right at the beginning, when someone in the Hillary camp first came up with that accusation in the 2008 campaign?

He didn't

Why won't Trump release his taxes?

Yes he did. He didn't release it until many were demading it.

Because it's not a requirement to run for President.

State of Hawaii said he was born there

Trump promised to release his taxes once his "audit" was over.....what is he hiding?
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Why did Obama fight to refuse to publish his birth certificate right at the beginning, when someone in the Hillary camp first came up with that accusation in the 2008 campaign?

He didn't

Why won't Trump release his taxes?

Yes he did. He didn't release it until many were demading it.

Because it's not a requirement to run for President.

State of Hawaii said he was born there

Trump promised to release his taxes once his "audit" was over.....what is he hiding?

Is the audit over?
I haven't really heard one way or the other.
Delegitimize like claiming he was born in another country?

Why did Obama fight to refuse to publish his birth certificate right at the beginning, when someone in the Hillary camp first came up with that accusation in the 2008 campaign?

He didn't

Why won't Trump release his taxes?

Yes he did. He didn't release it until many were demading it.

Because it's not a requirement to run for President.

State of Hawaii said he was born there

Trump promised to release his taxes once his "audit" was over.....what is he hiding?

Is the audit over?
I haven't really heard one way or the other.

I get the feeling that "audit" will never be over to the satisfaction of Trump
I was proven right on my earlier assessment when On CNN they openly admitted in one of their cry racism ploys that they were trying to delegitimize the President elect, so he'd only be a one term President.
Basically admitting these character assassinations were to demonize the figures in a way that their only source of power (minority voters)were outraged into remaining affiliated to the party.
Because without the huge minority percentages the party is toast and will fall behind the Libertarians and they would get no platform like they do to the other parties.
There's a huge problem with this obvious desperation tactic though:
1) it shows the party has nothing to offer in policy or performance and can't run on it's own merits. In the same way CNN and MSNBC proves they have no news worthy media value.
2) it shows they are willing to act treasonous and or sabotage their nation for sake of party affiliation pride.
3)it shows they are willing to sacrafice their offsprings future for sake of this pride.
4) they are willing to divide and cause derision for sake of this strategy thus becoming the problem they deflect and displace.
5)they are therefore the cause of the tension and are abusing the minorities in the process of this propaganda game.
6)they dissmiss morality, ethics, and standards and reflect
that behavior to the younger generation
trying to justify it or normalize disturbing behavior. Especially when it's false testimony defamation of character affecting many people's lives not just the target of their propaganda campaign.
7)It mocks the seriousness of real racism
and mocks minorities.
8)it opens up a pandoras box in reflecting similar reverse behavior thus exposing reverse racism that is never equally addressed, thus is allowed to permeate society in equally negative ways.
The lack of media attention to this mirror reflection just puts fuel to the fire the media starts in the first place, while fanning the flames no less. And this becomes circular, in that it often times causes that perceived racism it exaggerates=self fulfilling or causing it.
9)this propaganda and division helps the radical terrorist who love baiting it and the oblivious oblige.
10)it's making these people into angry nutjobs. I've never seen such rediculous melt downs by both analyst and media personalities before. I've never said; "what is wrong with these people" as much as when watching CNN and MSNBC in our time now compared to
the time they demonized Bush or attacked Bob Dole or Newt and
the likes.

Maybe they should put down their playdo and someone should get them some ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS to
play with, to get out that frustration and anger they built up.

The right are upset about character assassinations? After 8 years of calling Obama a Muslim, saying he was born in Kenya? Are you fucking me?
You can't even keep these things straight.
They called his father a Muslim born in Kenya, some questioned his loyalty just as we question the party's loyalty to country first rather then control of power.
You lost all arguments using the birther argument because
1)started as Clinton's camp ploy.
2)the left used the birther claim for racism ploy propaganda thus proving that argument.
3)every official could prove their birth
place and not need to lie as required in lesser jobs, but especially important to high
offices. Your complaint shows a violation in the law when lying about birth info and the needs to that info.
4)you lose the argument when you require documentation of Trump that is already mostly publically available.
The fact you need to point out a sole incident(started by dems) instead of addressing the blatant acts and admissions to sabotage and demonize the presidency by the Left=ad hominem argument.
Trump is not a legitimate President

He was born in Jamaica
Trump gets fined one Million dollars for thieving

View image on Twitter

Mike Rosenberg @ByRosenberg

This is real: the president-elect, after "swindling thousands of innocent Americans," will pay a $1 million fine http://www.ag.ny.gov/press-release/statement-ag-schneiderman-25-million-settlement-agreement-reached-trump-university …

4:15 PM - 18 Nov 2016
If President Trump is able to Make America Great Again there'll be so many jobs that liberals won't take that he'll have to reopen the borders. But then they'll whine that immigrants are taking the jobs they don't want.

And find logic in that.
Trump gets fined one Million dollars for thieving

View image on Twitter

Mike Rosenberg @ByRosenberg

This is real: the president-elect, after "swindling thousands of innocent Americans," will pay a $1 million fine http://www.ag.ny.gov/press-release/statement-ag-schneiderman-25-million-settlement-agreement-reached-trump-university …

4:15 PM - 18 Nov 2016

So you admit then Hillary and Bernie's false promises of free college was a Democratic socialist swindle? Where are all those whiners college students 1 million dollars?
Oh thatcs right it was used for Chelseas wedding, no wait that was a Haitian fund used for her wedding, the college fund is something you the tax payer owes the whiners.

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