Led By California, Democrats Vow to Say ‘No’ to Trump — on Everything


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Good to see the sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes are going to rally around the new President and do their part to do what is best for the nation rather than their own party....


It's back to their 'ME'/Party-1st Obstructionist Politics. Who would have expected different...but you would think they would at least they would be quiet about it. They ain't too smart.

Led By California, Democrats to Say 'No' to Trump on Everything

"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

They are doing so based on their mistaken projection of Trump as a nascent fascist; their hysterical and self-serving delusions about being “unsafe”; and their own faulty memories of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama. In do doing, Democrats are setting themselves up to continue to fail."

"based on their mistaken projection" - yes, their same expert projection that said Hillary would win in a landslide... :p
Good to see the sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes are going to rally around the new President and do their part to do what is best for the nation rather than their own party....


It's back to their 'ME'/Party-1st Obstructionist Politics. Who would have expected different...but you would think they would at least they would be quiet about it. They ain't too smart.

Led By California, Democrats to Say 'No' to Trump on Everything

"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

They are doing so based on their mistaken projection of Trump as a nascent fascist; their hysterical and self-serving delusions about being “unsafe”; and their own faulty memories of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama. In do doing, Democrats are setting themselves up to continue to fail."

"based on their mistaken projection" - yes, their same expert projection that said Hillary would win in a landslide... :p

gee----now NICE-----the USA is like one big HAPPY FAMILY
Good to see the sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes are going to rally around the new President and do their part to do what is best for the nation rather than their own party....


It's back to their 'ME'/Party-1st Obstructionist Politics. Who would have expected different...but you would think they would at least they would be quiet about it. They ain't too smart.

Led By California, Democrats to Say 'No' to Trump on Everything

"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

They are doing so based on their mistaken projection of Trump as a nascent fascist; their hysterical and self-serving delusions about being “unsafe”; and their own faulty memories of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama. In do doing, Democrats are setting themselves up to continue to fail."

"based on their mistaken projection" - yes, their same expert projection that said Hillary would win in a landslide... :p
Nancy Pelosi, the gift that just keeps on giving.
No one expects anything else from Cali.

Hell. They keep electing those idiot Dems to run the State.

Cali used to be a place everyone wanted to live now I wonder how anyone can afford to live there.
They will soon be in no position to say "no" to anything.

What a luxury.
"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

That's cool. But what they're really doing is opposing everything Trump's VOTERS supported. The democrats apparently haven't figured out that the GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the "fuck the democrat rainbow crap" platform and won.

The democrats had better scrape off the California barnacles...and quick. Their "deranged men in women's showers" and "kids with no mom or dad marriage" BS shoved down the throats of unwilling citizens aren't going to gain them any more votes by standing firm until 2018.
Democrats Vow to Say ‘No’ to Trump — on Everything

like Turtleboy promised to make Obama a one term President ????
"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

It's exactly what the Republicans vowed to do in 2008...

...sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes in the GOP.

You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

It's exactly what the Republicans vowed to do in 2008...

...sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes in the GOP.

You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Link saying republicans said they would say no to everything Obama does?
"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

It's exactly what the Republicans vowed to do in 2008...

...sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes in the GOP.

You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Link saying republicans said they would say no to everything Obama does?

Well hell. They never needed to say no because he stuck them in the back of the bus because "he won" and he never asked for their input on anything.
Good to see the sore-loser, bitter, butt-hurt, party-1st snowflakes are going to rally around the new President and do their part to do what is best for the nation rather than their own party....


It's back to their 'ME'/Party-1st Obstructionist Politics. Who would have expected different...but you would think they would at least they would be quiet about it. They ain't too smart.

Led By California, Democrats to Say 'No' to Trump on Everything

"Democrats are vowing to oppose incoming President Donald Trump on everything — from his Cabinet nominees to his policy proposals, from his executive orders to his Supreme Court nominations.

They are doing so based on their mistaken projection of Trump as a nascent fascist; their hysterical and self-serving delusions about being “unsafe”; and their own faulty memories of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama. In do doing, Democrats are setting themselves up to continue to fail."

"based on their mistaken projection" - yes, their same expert projection that said Hillary would win in a landslide... :p

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