*Lebanon: The Next Shit Stick To Be Stured*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Seems Lebanon is about to go off now.
2. Syria has awoken the sleeping revolutionists in Lebanon.
3. Who runs Lebanon anyway?
4. It doesn't really matter, if you've seen one dictator you've seen them all.
5. I wonder how many muslims will have to be killed before the UN thinks about sanctions?
6. In Syria I think they are still counting the dead, maybe Assad needs to step it up a bit, the slacker.
7. LINK:BBC News - Clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon, over Syria unrest

"At least two people have been killed in the Lebanese city of Tripoli in clashes between supporters and opponents of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, security officials say.

At least 12 people were injured, as the two sides fired guns and rocket-propelled grenades at each other.

The violence erupted after Friday prayers and continued overnight.

Tensions in the northern port city have mounted since the beginning of the uprising in Syria last March."

8. Will the king of Lebanon start the killing fields too, stay tuned to this channel.

Sounds like Hezbollah's handiwork...
Israeli Air Force responds to missile salvo from Lebanon, hits 'terror site'
August 22, 2013 > Israeli fighter jets hit militant targets in Lebanon on Friday in retaliation for a rocket attack launched at Northern Israel from Lebanese soil the day before. An Al-Qaeda-connected group has claimed responsibility for Thursday's attack.
"The IAF [Israeli Air Force] targeted a terror site located between Beirut and Sidon in response to a barrage of four rockets launched at northern Israel yesterday," a statement from the military read. "The pilots reported direct hits to the target." The attack took place near Naameh, according to defense sources, AP reported. The Abdullah Azzam Brigades - an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group that had claimed similar rocket attacks on Israel in 2009 and 2011 – claimed responsibility for Thursday's missile salvo.


At least three rockets were launched at Israel from southern Lebanon, setting off air raid sirens in the Nahariya and Acre areas, Haaretz reported on Friday. Lebanese sources said that four Katyusha rockets were launched at Israel. One of the rockets was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai said. The Israeli army said it does not believe that Hezbollah was responsible for the attacks. Israel invaded Lebanon during an inconclusive 2006 conflict with Hezbollah forces.

The Israeli army reiterated in its Friday statement it "holds the Lebanese government accountable for the attack". Lebanese President Michel Sleiman called the incident a violation of UN resolutions and of Lebanese sovereignty and urged security forces to find the militants and bring them to justice. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed retaliation, saying that "Anyone who harms us, or tries to harm us, should know we will strike them".

Israeli Air Force responds to missile salvo from Lebanon, hits 'terror site' ? RT News

See also:

Israeli warplanes strike area near Beirut
Aug 23,`13 -- Israeli warplanes struck a target south of Beirut early Friday, a day after militants fired four rockets into northern Israel, the Israeli military and a Palestinian official said.
The Israeli military said that the aircraft targeted "a terror site located between Beirut and Sidon in response" to the rocket attack. It was the first air raid on the area since the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group. Ramez Mustafa, a Lebanon-based official with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, said the raid occurred at 4 a.m. and caused no casualties or material damage. He said the Israeli air force fired one missile at the area. He said the warplanes struck the coastal town of Naameh, 10 miles (16 kilometers) south of Beirut. The Palestinian group is active in the area and has a base there. An Associated Press photographer in Naameh said the raid targeted a PFLP-GC base in a valley in the town. Lebanese troops in the area prevented journalists from reaching the base.

An Israeli army statement issued after the air raid said: "Yesterday's attack is a blatant breach of Israeli sovereignty that jeopardized Israeli civilian life. Israel will not tolerate terrorist aggression originating from Lebanese territory." On Thursday, militants in Lebanon fired four rockets into Israel, setting off air raid sirens and startling a nation already on edge over turmoil along its northern and southern borders. Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman, said three rockets landed in northern Israel, while a fourth was intercepted by Israel's "Iron Dome" rocket defense system. No one was injured, and the military dismissed the attack as an "isolated incident." Still, the rockets added to the nation's fears at a time it is nervously watching unrest in neighboring Syria, where the government has been accused of using chemical weapons against rebels and civilians this week. It's also worried about Egypt to the south, where Islamic militants have stepped up their activities near the Israeli border in the wake of a military coup.

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, an al-Qaida-inspired group based in Lebanon, claimed responsibility for the attack in a post on the Twitter account of Sirajuddin Zurayqat, a prominent Islamic militant leader. Zurayqat said the rockets were capable of flying 40 kilometers, or 25 miles, putting the Israeli city of Haifa in its range. The group, designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., has claimed responsibility for past rocket attacks on Israel. South Lebanon was the scene of bitter fighting between Israel and Lebanese militant Hezbollah guerrillas in 2006 and is considered a Hezbollah stronghold. Palestinian radical groups and Islamic militants in the area could also provoke a border incident, with radical Palestinian groups claiming responsibility for several past actions.

That summer war broke out after the Iranian-backed militant group's guerrillas crossed into Israel and captured two Israeli soldiers. The conflict killed about 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis. The last serious clashes along the frontier took place in 2010 when Lebanese and Israeli troops exchanged fire across the border, killing at least three people. "We are acting on all fronts, in the north and in the south, to defend the citizens of Israel from such attacks," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a videotaped statement. "We employ various measures, both defensive and preventive, and we are acting responsibly," he added. "Our policy is clear: to protect and to prevent. Whoever tries to harm us should know we will harm them." Lerner, the military spokesman, said the rockets were fired from a location south of the Lebanese port city of Tyre. He said two rockets landed in populated areas, while a third landed in an open field.

Chess wars understanding of the world is so regrettably malformed that it's no wonder foreigners flock to this site just to reinforce their preconceived notions that Americans are incomprehensibly stupid.
Whenever you hear the phrase "from the River to the sea" it's advisable to ask which river and what sea:

"From the beginning, Zionists advocated a 'Jewish State' not just in Palestine, but also in Jordan, southern Lebanon, and the Golan Heights as well. In 1918 Ben-Gurion described the future 'Jewish state's' frontiers in details as follows:

"to the north, the Litani river [in southern Lebanon], to the northeast, the Wadi 'Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern border will be mobile and pushed into Sinai at least up to Wadi al-'Arish; and to the east, the Syrian Desert, including the furthest edge of Transjordan" (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 87) Click here to view the 'Greater Israel' map that was submitted by the Zionists to the peace conference after WWI."


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