Lebanon, IDF Exchange Fire


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Lebanese Katyushas landed on Israel this morning. The IDF responded with artillery fire. No casualties reported on either side of the border. More at the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and AFP. Ron Ben-Yishai assesses what it all means.

Updates to follow.
The Lebanese will be smart if putting an end to the constant provocation, which does no good to anyone.
How many over flights of Israel has Lebanon conducted lately?

You know as much as me, and you know only from what they say, which isn't very credible
"Since the civil war, Israel has routinely breached Lebanese airspace, waters, and borders, which is illegal since it violates Lebanon's territory and United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 and 1701.[85][86][87]

"The most frequent breaches are overflights by Israeli war planes and drones; such violations have occurred since the inception of the Israeli–Lebanese conflict, and have happened continuously and almost daily since the 2006 Lebanon war, being the source of much conflict between Lebanon and Israel.[88]

"Israeli warplanes sometimes stage mock attacks on Lebanese cities, and emit sonic booms that frighten civilians.[89][90]

"In 2007 the Lebanese government complained that Israeli planes had flown into Lebanese airspace 290 times within four months, and that Israeli troops had crossed the border 52 times."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many over flights of Israel has Lebanon conducted lately?

You know as much as me, and you know only from what they say, which isn't very credible
"Since the civil war, Israel has routinely breached Lebanese airspace, waters, and borders, which is illegal since it violates Lebanon's territory and United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 and 1701.[85][86][87]

"The most frequent breaches are overflights by Israeli war planes and drones; such violations have occurred since the inception of the Israeli–Lebanese conflict, and have happened continuously and almost daily since the 2006 Lebanon war, being the source of much conflict between Lebanon and Israel.[88]

"Israeli warplanes sometimes stage mock attacks on Lebanese cities, and emit sonic booms that frighten civilians.[89][90]

"In 2007 the Lebanese government complained that Israeli planes had flown into Lebanese airspace 290 times within four months, and that Israeli troops had crossed the border 52 times."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think a strongly worded email to the UN is in order.

Take care of that, please.
Lebanese Katyushas landed on Israel this morning. The IDF responded with artillery fire. No casualties reported on either side of the border. More at the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and AFP. Ron Ben-Yishai assesses what it all means.

Updates to follow.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture

Lebanese Katyushas landed on Israel this morning. The IDF responded with artillery fire. No casualties reported on either side of the border. More at the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and AFP. Ron Ben-Yishai assesses what it all means.

Updates to follow.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture

Israel painted the picture in 1948.

"After the war, the United Nations estimated 711,000[20] Palestinian Arabs, out an estimated 1.8 million dwelling in the Mandate of Palestine,[21] fled, emigrated or were forced out of Israel and entered neighboring countries.

"By 1949, there were 110,000 Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon,[22] moved into camps established by and administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.[23]

"With the exception of two camps in the Beirut area, the camps were mostly Muslim.[23]

"Lebanese Christians feared that the Muslim influx would affect their political dominance and their assumed demographic majority.[23]

"Accordingly, they imposed restrictions on the status of the Palestinian refugees.

"The refugees could not work, travel, or engage in political activities.

"Initially the refugees were too impoverished to develop a leadership capable of representing their concerns.[23]

"Less democratic regimes also feared the threat the refugees posed to their own rule, but Lebanon would prove too weak to maintain a crackdown.[3]

"The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recruited militants in Lebanon from among the families of Palestinian refugees who had left Israel in 1948."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine the magnitude of that desperation.
From what I've read the response is strong as it should be in this situation
What have you read that leads you to that conclusion?

His sources must be not so biased as yours:lol::eusa_whistle:
Surely, you are not implying bias on the part of the UN?

"29 December 2013 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged maximum restraint by all sides after today's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon, which was then followed by artillery fire from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).
"According to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), two rockets fired from the general area of El Khiam in southern Lebanon around 7 a.m. local time and impacted in the vicinity of Kiryat Shimona in northern Israel. The IDF returned 32 rounds of artillery fire directed at the area from where the rockets had originated."

United Nations News Centre - UN chief urges maximum restraint after exchange of fire across Israeli-Lebanese border
You know as much as me, and you know only from what they say, which isn't very credible
"Since the civil war, Israel has routinely breached Lebanese airspace, waters, and borders, which is illegal since it violates Lebanon's territory and United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 and 1701.[85][86][87]

"The most frequent breaches are overflights by Israeli war planes and drones; such violations have occurred since the inception of the Israeli–Lebanese conflict, and have happened continuously and almost daily since the 2006 Lebanon war, being the source of much conflict between Lebanon and Israel.[88]

"Israeli warplanes sometimes stage mock attacks on Lebanese cities, and emit sonic booms that frighten civilians.[89][90]

"In 2007 the Lebanese government complained that Israeli planes had flown into Lebanese airspace 290 times within four months, and that Israeli troops had crossed the border 52 times."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think a strongly worded email to the UN is in order.

Take care of that, please.
Too late:

"'This is a very serious incident in violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 and is clearly directed at undermining stability in the area,' Maj.-Gen. Serra said, referring to the resolution which ended the 2006 war between Israel and the Lebanese group Hizbollah."

Maybe you should cc bibi?

United Nations News Centre - UN chief urges maximum restraint after exchange of fire across Israeli-Lebanese border
Lebanese Katyushas landed on Israel this morning. The IDF responded with artillery fire. No casualties reported on either side of the border. More at the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and AFP. Ron Ben-Yishai assesses what it all means.

Updates to follow.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture

Israel painted the picture in 1948.

"After the war, the United Nations estimated 711,000[20] Palestinian Arabs, out an estimated 1.8 million dwelling in the Mandate of Palestine,[21] fled, emigrated or were forced out of Israel and entered neighboring countries.

"By 1949, there were 110,000 Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon,[22] moved into camps established by and administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.[23]

"With the exception of two camps in the Beirut area, the camps were mostly Muslim.[23]

"Lebanese Christians feared that the Muslim influx would affect their political dominance and their assumed demographic majority.[23]

"Accordingly, they imposed restrictions on the status of the Palestinian refugees.

"The refugees could not work, travel, or engage in political activities.

"Initially the refugees were too impoverished to develop a leadership capable of representing their concerns.[23]

"Less democratic regimes also feared the threat the refugees posed to their own rule, but Lebanon would prove too weak to maintain a crackdown.[3]

"The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recruited militants in Lebanon from among the families of Palestinian refugees who had left Israel in 1948."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine the magnitude of that desperation.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture


We can do selective quotes and links of the history of the troubles in the area.

When did many of the Arab states come into being as states and by whose authority and... get it?:eusa_shifty:
Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture

Israel painted the picture in 1948.

"After the war, the United Nations estimated 711,000[20] Palestinian Arabs, out an estimated 1.8 million dwelling in the Mandate of Palestine,[21] fled, emigrated or were forced out of Israel and entered neighboring countries.

"By 1949, there were 110,000 Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon,[22] moved into camps established by and administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.[23]

"With the exception of two camps in the Beirut area, the camps were mostly Muslim.[23]

"Lebanese Christians feared that the Muslim influx would affect their political dominance and their assumed demographic majority.[23]

"Accordingly, they imposed restrictions on the status of the Palestinian refugees.

"The refugees could not work, travel, or engage in political activities.

"Initially the refugees were too impoverished to develop a leadership capable of representing their concerns.[23]

"Less democratic regimes also feared the threat the refugees posed to their own rule, but Lebanon would prove too weak to maintain a crackdown.[3]

"The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recruited militants in Lebanon from among the families of Palestinian refugees who had left Israel in 1948."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine the magnitude of that desperation.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture


We can do selective quotes and links of the history of the troubles in the area.

When did many of the Arab states come into being as states and by whose authority and... get it?:eusa_shifty:
Starting with Sykes-Picot?

"The territory of what would become the states of Israel and Lebanon was once part of the long-lived Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) until its defeat in World War I. As a result of Sinai and Palestine Campaign in 1917, the British occupied Palestine and parts of what would become Syria.

"French troops took Damascus in 1918.

"The League of Nations officially gave the French the Mandate of Syria and the British the Mandate of Palestine after the 1920 San Remo conference, in accordance with the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement."

Israel declared independence in March of 1948 with the blessing of the UN.

"The largely Christian enclave of the French Mandate became the French-controlled Lebanese Republic in 1926. Lebanon became independent in 1943 as France was under German occupation, though French troops did not completely withdraw until 1946."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel painted the picture in 1948.

"After the war, the United Nations estimated 711,000[20] Palestinian Arabs, out an estimated 1.8 million dwelling in the Mandate of Palestine,[21] fled, emigrated or were forced out of Israel and entered neighboring countries.

"By 1949, there were 110,000 Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon,[22] moved into camps established by and administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.[23]

"With the exception of two camps in the Beirut area, the camps were mostly Muslim.[23]

"Lebanese Christians feared that the Muslim influx would affect their political dominance and their assumed demographic majority.[23]

"Accordingly, they imposed restrictions on the status of the Palestinian refugees.

"The refugees could not work, travel, or engage in political activities.

"Initially the refugees were too impoverished to develop a leadership capable of representing their concerns.[23]

"Less democratic regimes also feared the threat the refugees posed to their own rule, but Lebanon would prove too weak to maintain a crackdown.[3]

"The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recruited militants in Lebanon from among the families of Palestinian refugees who had left Israel in 1948."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine the magnitude of that desperation.

Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture


We can do selective quotes and links of the history of the troubles in the area.

When did many of the Arab states come into being as states and by whose authority and... get it?:eusa_shifty:
Starting with Sykes-Picot?

"The territory of what would become the states of Israel and Lebanon was once part of the long-lived Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) until its defeat in World War I. As a result of Sinai and Palestine Campaign in 1917, the British occupied Palestine and parts of what would become Syria.

"French troops took Damascus in 1918.

"The League of Nations officially gave the French the Mandate of Syria and the British the Mandate of Palestine after the 1920 San Remo conference, in accordance with the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement."

Israel declared independence in March of 1948 with the blessing of the UN.

"The largely Christian enclave of the French Mandate became the French-controlled Lebanese Republic in 1926. Lebanon became independent in 1943 as France was under German occupation, though French troops did not completely withdraw until 1946."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The modern Syrian state was established after the first World War as a French mandate, and represented the largest Arab state to emerge from the formerly Ottoman-ruled Arab Levant."

So why do people go on about Israel and not Syria?

"Iraq's modern borders were mostly demarcated in 1920 by the League of Nations when the Ottoman Empire was divided by the Treaty of Sèvres."

I could go on.

Israel was created as other states were created.

nuf said
Desperation on the part of elements withing Lebanon. When the populace starts looking at the real enemies within...drag Israel into the picture


We can do selective quotes and links of the history of the troubles in the area.

When did many of the Arab states come into being as states and by whose authority and... get it?:eusa_shifty:
Starting with Sykes-Picot?

"The territory of what would become the states of Israel and Lebanon was once part of the long-lived Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) until its defeat in World War I. As a result of Sinai and Palestine Campaign in 1917, the British occupied Palestine and parts of what would become Syria.

"French troops took Damascus in 1918.

"The League of Nations officially gave the French the Mandate of Syria and the British the Mandate of Palestine after the 1920 San Remo conference, in accordance with the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement."

Israel declared independence in March of 1948 with the blessing of the UN.

"The largely Christian enclave of the French Mandate became the French-controlled Lebanese Republic in 1926. Lebanon became independent in 1943 as France was under German occupation, though French troops did not completely withdraw until 1946."

Israeli?Lebanese conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The modern Syrian state was established after the first World War as a French mandate, and represented the largest Arab state to emerge from the formerly Ottoman-ruled Arab Levant."

So why do people go on about Israel and not Syria?

"Iraq's modern borders were mostly demarcated in 1920 by the League of Nations when the Ottoman Empire was divided by the Treaty of Sèvres."

I could go on.

Israel was created as other states were created.

nuf said
Not exactly.

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern both Israel and Palestine and bordering states such as Lebanon.

"The Human Rights Council has adopted more resolutions condemning Israel than it has all other states combined."

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel was created to serve the interests of Empire in the Middle East.
What we're seeing today in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Syria is part of a plan to redraw the original borders laid down by Sykes-Picot nearly a hundred years ago.
Stay tuned for Sudan, Somalia, and Iran.

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What have you read that leads you to that conclusion?

His sources must be not so biased as yours:lol::eusa_whistle:
Surely, you are not implying bias on the part of the UN?

"29 December 2013 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged maximum restraint by all sides after today's rocket attack on Israel from southern Lebanon, which was then followed by artillery fire from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).
"According to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), two rockets fired from the general area of El Khiam in southern Lebanon around 7 a.m. local time and impacted in the vicinity of Kiryat Shimona in northern Israel. The IDF returned 32 rounds of artillery fire directed at the area from where the rockets had originated."

United Nations News Centre - UN chief urges maximum restraint after exchange of fire across Israeli-Lebanese border

UN and EU of today are a laughing stock.

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