Learn About the Socialist Movement


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Aug 27, 2010
The fear mongers here at USMB try to tie todays Socialism to yesterdays Marxism that was never implemented to any extent in Europe a gillion years ago by Santa Claus. This is what todays social movement is about, so don't let the cons screw your head on backwards so you can't see, hear the good news, are be touched with Enlightenment. This information available from WIKI.

Social Democracy is a political ideology of the centre-left on the classic political spectrum. The contemporary social democratic movement seeks to reform capitalism to align it with the ethical ideals of social justice while maintaining the capitalist mode of production, as opposed to creating an alternative socialist economic system.[1] Practical modern social democratic policies include the promotion of a welfare state, and the creation of economic democracy as a means to secure workers' rights.[2]

Historically, social democracy was a form of evolutionary reformist socialism[2] that advocated the establishment of a socialist economy through class struggle. During the early 20th century, major European social democratic parties began to reject elements of Marxism, Revolutionary socialism and class struggle, taking a moderate position that socialism could be established through political reforms. The distinction between Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism had yet to fully develop at this time. The Frankfurt Declaration of the Socialist International in 1951, attended by many social democratic parties from across the world, committed adherents to oppose Bolshevik communism and Stalinism, and to promote a gradual transformation of capitalism into socialism.[3]

Social democracy, as practiced in Europe in 1951, was a socialist movement supporting gradualism; the belief that gradual democratic reforms to capitalist economies will eventually succeed in creating a socialist economy.[4] rejecting forcible imposition of socialism through revolutionary means.[4] This gradualism has resulted in various far left groups, including communists, of accusing social democracy of accepting the values of capitalist society and therefore not being a genuine form of socialism[4],instead labeling it a concession made to the working class classes by the ruling class. Social democracy rejects the Marxian principle of dictatorship of the proletariat and the creation of a socialist state, claiming that gradualist democratic reforms will improve the rights of the working class.[5]
Class struggle? Hmm, you mean like "Tax cuts for the rich!!!!"

Yeah, even rich people need a break once in awhile, and those dollars will buy machines to fuel the future. In other words, it is easier to give the rich sugar for now, as we continue the Socialist takeover. The day will come when they are the servants and the workers their masters.:eusa_angel:
never implemented to any extent?

Are you seriously so unfamiliar with the last century of history?

What were the Soviets? Capitalists? What about the people who were killed for it? You think they died because they were free to make their own choices?

You can't limit people's freedom and not become a dictator.
Class struggle? Hmm, you mean like "Tax cuts for the rich!!!!"
How about "tax cuts create jobs"?

"Between 2001-2004 George W. Bush pushed through a series of annual tax cuts for investors and corporations that amounted to a total of $3.4 trillion over the recent decade, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Every tax cut bill passed between 2001-2004 was called a jobs creation bill.

"More than 80% of the $3.4 trillion eventually accrued to the wealthiest 20% of households and corporations, and most of that to the top 0.1%, or 100,000 households, and the S&P's largest companies.

"And what did George W. Bush's business-investor tax cut produce in terms of jobs?

"The period 2001-2004 witnessed the weakest jobs creation on record following a recession. It took a full 46 months just to recover the level of jobs in the U.S. that existed in January 2001, when the recession began.

"Estimates today after the current recession are that it will take 7-8 years to recover the lost jobs, if even then."


Why Tax Cuts...
never implemented to any extent?

Are you seriously so unfamiliar with the last century of history?
To offer you 101,..............

"In a Socialist economy, the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. On the other hand, in a communist society, there is no centralized government - there is a collective ownership of property and the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

Read more: Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen http://www.diffen.com/difference/Communism_vs_Socialism#ixzz17OGx13YY"

What were the Soviets? Capitalists? What about the people who were killed for it? You think they died because they were free to make their own choices?

You can't limit people's freedom and not become a dictator.

Is that why America appears to foreigners as a capitalist dictatorship?
Tax increases take your $$ and give it to the government.
What does the government do with the $$?
Do they reward hard work, capital risk in the free market and entrepreneur endeavors in the free market?
Or do they just give it away based on politics and not the free market?
Which is better?
Only a fool wants tax increases. Taxes KILL the economy.
never implemented to any extent?

Are you seriously so unfamiliar with the last century of history?
To offer you 101,..............

"In a Socialist economy, the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. On the other hand, in a communist society, there is no centralized government - there is a collective ownership of property and the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

Read more: Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen http://www.diffen.com/difference/Communism_vs_Socialism#ixzz17OGx13YY"

What were the Soviets? Capitalists? What about the people who were killed for it? You think they died because they were free to make their own choices?

You can't limit people's freedom and not become a dictator.

Is that why America appears to foreigners as a capitalist dictatorship?

I work at a company that has Germans, Dutch and various Asians who come here.
The Asians don't know much about our political process. They seem to be more concerned with business.

The Europeans think the right wing is scary and ignorant and dangerous. As much as the right wing downs the Europeans, the feeling is returned tenfold. I haven't met a European who didn't think our right wing was over the top. They were shocked by Reagan and were absolutely stunned by Bush. They think America elected someone who was possibly mildly retarded at the most and incredibly stupid at the least. Sarah Palin has them scratching their heads.

When Bush did this to the German Prime Minister, they were shocked. In Germany, this was an incredible insult. He might as well have pinched her ass.

The fear mongers here at USMB try to tie todays Socialism to yesterdays Marxism that was never implemented to any extent in Europe a gillion years ago by Santa Claus. This is what todays social movement is about, so don't let the cons screw your head on backwards so you can't see, hear the good news, are be touched with Enlightenment. This information available from WIKI.

Social Democracy is a political ideology of the centre-left on the classic political spectrum. The contemporary social democratic movement seeks to reform capitalism to align it with the ethical ideals of social justice while maintaining the capitalist mode of production, as opposed to creating an alternative socialist economic system.[1] Practical modern social democratic policies include the promotion of a welfare state, and the creation of economic democracy as a means to secure workers' rights.[2]

Historically, social democracy was a form of evolutionary reformist socialism[2] that advocated the establishment of a socialist economy through class struggle. During the early 20th century, major European social democratic parties began to reject elements of Marxism, Revolutionary socialism and class struggle, taking a moderate position that socialism could be established through political reforms. The distinction between Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism had yet to fully develop at this time. The Frankfurt Declaration of the Socialist International in 1951, attended by many social democratic parties from across the world, committed adherents to oppose Bolshevik communism and Stalinism, and to promote a gradual transformation of capitalism into socialism.[3]

Social democracy, as practiced in Europe in 1951, was a socialist movement supporting gradualism; the belief that gradual democratic reforms to capitalist economies will eventually succeed in creating a socialist economy.[4] rejecting forcible imposition of socialism through revolutionary means.[4] This gradualism has resulted in various far left groups, including communists, of accusing social democracy of accepting the values of capitalist society and therefore not being a genuine form of socialism[4],instead labeling it a concession made to the working class classes by the ruling class. Social democracy rejects the Marxian principle of dictatorship of the proletariat and the creation of a socialist state, claiming that gradualist democratic reforms will improve the rights of the working class.[5]

Class struggle? Hmm, you mean like "Tax cuts for the rich!!!!"

Yeah, even rich people need a break once in awhile, and those dollars will buy machines to fuel the future. In other words, it is easier to give the rich sugar for now, as we continue the Socialist takeover. The day will come when they are the servants and the workers their masters.:eusa_angel:

More :bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:
never implemented to any extent?

Are you seriously so unfamiliar with the last century of history?
To offer you 101,..............

"In a Socialist economy, the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. On the other hand, in a communist society, there is no centralized government - there is a collective ownership of property and the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

Read more: Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen http://www.diffen.com/difference/Communism_vs_Socialism#ixzz17OGx13YY"

What were the Soviets? Capitalists? What about the people who were killed for it? You think they died because they were free to make their own choices?

You can't limit people's freedom and not become a dictator.

Is that why America appears to foreigners as a capitalist dictatorship?

How much more :bsflag::bsflag::bsflag: do you have?
So... how is any of this relevant in a country that is dominated by two essentially right-wing parties?
Class struggle? Hmm, you mean like "Tax cuts for the rich!!!!"

Yeah, even rich people need a break once in awhile, and those dollars will buy machines to fuel the future. In other words, it is easier to give the rich sugar for now, as we continue the Socialist takeover. The day will come when they are the servants and the workers their masters.:eusa_angel:

Although I know it to be true it's still hard for me to believe there are actually people like you in this country that don't appreciate what we have here. There is no socialist utopia it has never existed because it cannot exist, there will always be people at the top that will seize power with promises of social justice for all the people, this will always lead to tyranny and misery. This country was founded on individual liberties, which is always the best way. The opportunity for people to make it is all we can ask. Wake up man you're in lah lah land.:eusa_eh:
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The fear mongers here at USMB try to tie todays Socialism to yesterdays Marxism
Socialist thought grew out of primarily Marxian roots. You claim to be a social democrat but you don't even know that the thinking of Shachtman et al emerged from those who inherited Engels' legacy?
that was never implemented to any extent in Europe a gillion years ago by Santa Claus.

This is what todays social movement is about, so don't let the cons screw your head on backwards so you can't see, hear the good news, are be touched with Enlightenment. This information available from WIKI.

So you're saying you can't speak for yourself, but instead you need to be told what you believe? If they wanted a link to wikipedia, they can google it. After all, you already said in your intro thread that you claim the term for your own.

Maybe you could follow my lead and make a thread explaining what you believe in in your own words?
Class struggle? Hmm, you mean like "Tax cuts for the rich!!!!"

Yeah, even rich people need a break once in awhile, and those dollars will buy machines to fuel the future. In other words, it is easier to give the rich sugar for now, as we continue the Socialist takeover. The day will come when they are the servants and the workers their masters.:eusa_angel:

I'll give you credit for effort, but you're stuff's not up to snuff

It aint gonna fly here

try Democratic Underground for now and come back later

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