Leaked Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide's Secret Spy Network


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
She seems NOT to be able to get out from under THE WEB.....

ProPublica ^
Starting weeks before Islamic militants attacked the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, longtime Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal supplied intelligence to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gathered by a secret network that included a former CIA clandestine service officer, according to hacked emails from Blumenthal's account. The emails, which were posted on the internet in 2013, also show that Blumenthal and another close Clinton associate discussed contracting with a retired Army special operations commander to put operatives on the ground near the Libya-Tunisia border while Libya's civil war raged in 2011. Blumenthal's emails to Clinton, which were directed...
And the shit just keeps getting deeper

Gee, what will the Democrats do when Hillary goes down and they have no candidate?
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I am wondering if any one of you guys actually read the article before making your comments?

Could someone please explain what exactly is the "I GOT YA"" on the Secretary of State? Do you actually think that the CIA does not use front groups all the time to gather intel for them? What is so tantalizing about this....?
I am wondering if any one of you guys actually read the article before making your comments?

Could someone please explain what exactly is the "I GOT YA"" on the Secretary of State? Do you actually think that the CIA does not use front groups all the time to gather intel for them? What is so tantalizing about this....?
One thing I noted is that the emails weren't on a .gov account on either end. That means Hillary broke the law when she wiped her server, and can face prison time and disqualification from ever holding another elected office under Federal law.
Yep, it just keep getting worse and worse

did you see that Blumenthal was in it. when are they going to Prosecute these people and kicked from our government
I am wondering if any one of you guys actually read the article before making your comments?

Could someone please explain what exactly is the "I GOT YA"" on the Secretary of State? Do you actually think that the CIA does not use front groups all the time to gather intel for them? What is so tantalizing about this....?
One thing I noted is that the emails weren't on a .gov account on either end. That means Hillary broke the law when she wiped her server, and can face prison time and disqualification from ever holding another elected office under Federal law.
These emails were turned over, Hillary did not erase them, the various Investigations over the years have had them....

For goodness sakes, the WHOLE WORLD has these emails because a hacker, hacked Bloomenthal's account and other high level government email accounts and put them out on the net in 2013....this hacker is in prison now....
What was Blumenthal's security clearance?
He, and the team he worked with, obviously worked covertly with or for the CIA/ and or State Department.

It's a damn shame we are even discussing this and the hacker revealed this info, because I am certain this disclosure of these covert agencies doing the legwork for our Intelligence community hurt our National Security greatly!
You almost gotta laugh when you think about the Nixon administration taken down by the son of card carrying communists and a punk who didn't have a clue because of a 3rd rate burglary, an undisclosed secret informant who didn't come forward until he died and fake outrage about the missing 18 minutes in an old fashioned tape recorder.
And the shit just keeps getting deeper

Gee, what will the Democrats do when Hillary goes down and they have no candidate?

Like I said yesterday we'd have to film her screwing the hell out of a 12 year old boy.

No...the lefties in the Psychiatric associations are working to get that declared normal...as are their minions in Hollywood......
What was Blumenthal's security clearance?
He, and the team he worked with, obviously worked covertly with or for the CIA/ and or State Department.

It's a damn shame we are even discussing this and the hacker revealed this info, because I am certain this disclosure of these covert agencies doing the legwork for our Intelligence community hurt our National Security greatly!

No....blumenthal is a long time clinton goon.....he was the one tasked with spreading lies about monica lewinsky when that scandal came out...but he got caught because the story he tried to pedal...that she was a nut and a slut....led to the question.."if she is nuts....why is she allowed in the vicinity of the President of the United States".....he also hired the private detectives that were used to scare the women clinton sexually assaulted...he is a long time clinton goon.....
What was Blumenthal's security clearance?
He, and the team he worked with, obviously worked covertly with or for the CIA/ and or State Department.

It's a damn shame we are even discussing this and the hacker revealed this info, because I am certain this disclosure of these covert agencies doing the legwork for our Intelligence community hurt our National Security greatly!

No....blumenthal is a long time clinton goon.....he was the one tasked with spreading lies about monica lewinsky when that scandal came out...but he got caught because the story he tried to pedal...that she was a nut and a slut....led to the question.."if she is nuts....why is she allowed in the vicinity of the President of the United States".....he also hired the private detectives that were used to scare the women clinton sexually assaulted...he is a long time clinton goon.....

Blumenthal.......he was working for the clintons not the U.S......so please...he is a long time goon, not a patriot working for his country....

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