Leaked Documents Reveal U.S. Requested Kenya Gov To Investigate 'African Birth'


May 29, 2010
How about this? An inquiry from the U.S. Why would there be a inquiry into if he was born in Kenya if there wasn't something that tipped them off?

From the article:

“A July 4, 2008, letter by Kisombe to U.S. Amb. Michael Ranneberger in Nairobi, marked “Confidential,” was a response to an inquiry from the U.S. regarding the possibility that Obama had birth records in Kenya.”

I do remember during the campaign that Rahm Emanuel was sent to Kenya. A lot of people found that odd. As this article goes to print tonight, Ranneberger has been replaced by Obama with a new Ambassador and is on his way back to the U.S. right now.

Another Kenyan government letter reads:

"The information we in the ministry have is that some documents have been removed by unknown persons at unknown dates or are missing from birth registry records thus denting the prospects of uncovering the facts of this matter. This tampering, if confirmed, substitutes a series offence that is punishable by law and behooves your office to track down the culprits and bring them to justice. ..."


For more of this story go here:

Kenya investigated Obama 'African birth'
Leaked document shows official urged probe of possible criminal 'tampering'

Kenya investigated Obama 'African birth'

It has to make you wonder about all those articles and people calling Obama Kenyan born back before and after the election of 08.

Here is a few:

In the Kenyan Parliament it is stated in the Recorded Minutes March 25th, 2010:
(69 Pages.....Page 31 Minister of Lands, James Orengo states; Obama was born “here in Kenya” & “not even a native American”)

Here are 6 African Newspaper articles calling Obama “Kenyan-Born”

Notice the first article was from Sunday, June 27, “2004”

Historical News Articles and FactCheck Agree: Obama is “Kenyan-born”
Posted on October 18th, 2009 by David-Crockett

Sunday, June 27, “2004”

Kenya Sunday Standard headline-”Kenyan-born” Obama all set for US Senate
Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

The Nigerian Observer-Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next President with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The “Kenyan-born” Senator will…”
Nigerian Observer Online Edition

USAfrica — “Kenyan-born” OBAMA makes history…wins presidential nomination of U. S. Democratic party; eyes on White House…

AllAfrica.com — ” Little wonder then why “Kenyan-born” Barack Obama, America’s first Black President…”
allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Clintonian Branding (Page 1 of 1)

GraphicGhana.com — “For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever “African-American President” on this presidential visit to the “continent of his birth”. The same article, with the same quote, appeared in ModernGhana.com.

The Ghana Times — “So far, the odds favour the once underdog in American politics, Obama, the “African-American Senator” from Illinois state. A Congressional Quarterly (CQ) politics monitored on BBC put the “Kenyan born” American ahead of his rivel, John McCain.”
Hey brother,

I'm not happy with our current president anymore than you are. An honest polling would prove we are in the majority on that. But let's drop the birth thing. It is a dead and moot point. I was never much interested in where this clown was born. In my opinion, I don't see the importance. If he's been a citizen of this country for a significant amount of time, then he, or anyone else for that matter, should be able to run for the office. Instead of worrying about what state or country a person is born in, let's focus on what they know about the US. History, policy, business and financial knowledge, social characteristics, the many cultures and personalities represented here and how they interact or don't interact with each other...these are some of the key things that qualified leader MUST have significant experience and/or knowledge of. Where you come from really shouldn't matter...who you are despite your origin is the key.

Just my opinion.
Will you shut up about this stupid conspiracy. He was born in the United States. Get over it. Join the rest of us and deal with real issues. No evidence is no evidence.
By golly, get your little tinfoil helmat on before them thar seditious brainwaves infect your febrile little brain, and you go do something strange, like reading something not a conspiracy theory.
Dear sir, I believe this to be some straw grasping given the information on the subject we now have. None the less I will bite.

I do not find it unusual that someone in the middle of 2008 requested this information. Especially if the opposition party was in office in the USA in the summer of 2008.

Do you find that odd?

Thank you for your time.
Don't stop. Keep it up Mr. Teabirther.

Many other Teabirthers are also "retired" - from sanity.
and you the racist and hater of black people,continue your obsession over Obama Pole Rider.

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