Leader of Jihadists Didn't Want To Die Himself!


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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November 23, 2005
72 Virgins Not Enough?

One of the more interesting aspects of this Islamofascist war on the West concerns the fanatical way in which their lunatics willingly commit suicide just to kill others, especially non-combatants. That tactic appears very popular among the hoi polloi of the Islamists, but the leadership apparently doesn't buy into the whole "72 virgins" incentive they shovel out to their minions. The Israelis discovered this tonight when a key Islamic Jihad leader surrendered to them earlier:

A top Islamic Jihad militant surrendered to Israeli soldiers early Thursday, witnesses said, after a daylong siege during which army bulldozers knocked down the four-story house where he was hiding.

Dozens of troops surrounded the building in the town of Jenin in the hunt for Iyad Abu Rob. Witnesses said Abu Rob, a senior commander of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank, emerged from the wrecked house after midnight and was taken away by soldiers along with one of his aides.
The Admiral Emeritus once told me that the definition of disillusionment was watching your martial-arts instructor get his ass kicked in a country-western bar. Having one's commander surrender to the enemy when he and his ilk have sent dozens to kill themselves just to take out a few women and children in buses and pizzerias has to come in at least a close second on that scale. I wonder what Abu Rob's cohorts think of his sacrifice for the cause tonight.
Posted by Captain Ed at November 23

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