Lead , Follow But Preferably Get Out Of The Way !


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Lead Follow But Preferably Get Our Of The Way ! "

* Ode To The Stupid Fucks *

When someone blows their horn , or flashes their lights , because you are a stupid fuck , putting on breaks or slowing down or some other form of retaliation is not the correct move - get the fuck out of the way your retarded imbecile !

Another example is of lead eating dullards constipating the passing lane because they are too stupid to know what a passing lane is for and cannot let loose of their control fetish for someone else to pass whom is already willing to get a ticket long before they do ,

Another example is someone who does not know how to negotiate a yield and merge along a 50 meter stretch and simply stops , idiot !

Another example is someone whom absolutely has to finish their simpleton text or tweat before moving their bloated ass when the light turns green , and that includes the dummies who have to wait for the driver in front of them to get at least 3 car lengths ahead before applying the gas .

Another example is the narcissistic piss ant who you have just passed or are passing who has to venture beyond their lackadaisical speed to try to block the passing lane and keep you from passing them or the next car , when you actually use the passing lane for its purpose ; those are the most evil and mentally retarded fucks and may you end up in a ditch .

To all of those morons and more , " Lead , follow but preferably get out of the way ! " .
" Lead Follow But Preferably Get Our [sic] Of The Way ! "

* Ode To The Stupid F•••s *

When someone blows their horn , or flashes their lights , because you are a stupid f••• , putting on breaks or slowing down or some other form of retaliation is not the correct move - get the f••• out of the way your [sic] retarded imbecile !

I normally try to be a courteous driver, but few things bring out the complete asshole in me as much as having some cretinous monkey tailgating me on the freeway. Keep back a safe distance, and if I see you coming up behind me, I'll probably let you pass. But ride my tail, and I'll just slow down, and do the best that I can to piss you off. I've becoming very adept at making use of other traffic, especially slow-moving trucks, to trap a tailgater behind me and forcing him down to absurdly-slow speeds. I don't like doing it, because I have somewhere I'm trying to get to as well; but as irrational as it may be, my offense at being tailgated often takes precedence over my desire to reach my own destination quickly.
" Lead Follow But Preferably Get Our [sic] Of The Way ! "

* Ode To The Stupid F•••s *

When someone blows their horn , or flashes their lights , because you are a stupid f••• , putting on breaks or slowing down or some other form of retaliation is not the correct move - get the f••• out of the way your [sic] retarded imbecile !

I normally try to be a courteous driver, but few things bring out the complete asshole in me as much as having some cretinous monkey tailgating me on the freeway. Keep back a safe distance, and if I see you coming up behind me, I'll probably let you pass. But ride my tail, and I'll just slow down, and do the best that I can to piss you off. I've becoming very adept at making use of other traffic, especially slow-moving trucks, to trap a tailgater behind me and forcing him down to absurdly-slow speeds. I don't like doing it, because I have somewhere I'm trying to get to as well; but as irrational as it may be, my offense at being tailgated often takes precedence over my desire to reach my own destination quickly.

Some jerk did that to me on the way to the emergency vet when my cat got hit. I almost slammed into the selfish ass, but my cat was hurt bad and I couldn't wait for cops.
Some jerk did that to me on the way to the emergency vet when my cat got hit. I almost slammed into the selfish ass, but my cat was hurt bad and I couldn't wait for cops.

If you were tailgating as stupidly-aggressively as the idiots that provoke me to behave as I described, then I have no sympathy for you.

I'm not an aggressive person, and I wasn't then...athough I thought about it.
It is. If someone rides my ass, I hit the breaks. Fuck 'em. If the person behind me isn't smart enough to figure out that I have about 4 rigs, grandpa in a station wagon and a travel trailer to the right of me.........it's not my problem.
" Animal King Dome Interstate Tundra "

* Freak Farm Psychology *

I normally try to be a courteous driver, but few things bring out the complete asshole in me as much as having some cretinous monkey tailgating me on the freeway. Keep back a safe distance, and if I see you coming up behind me, I'll probably let you pass. But ride my tail, and I'll just slow down, and do the best that I can to piss you off. I've becoming very adept at making use of other traffic, especially slow-moving trucks, to trap a tailgater behind me and forcing him down to absurdly-slow speeds. I don't like doing it, because I have somewhere I'm trying to get to as well; but as irrational as it may be, my offense at being tailgated often takes precedence over my desire to reach my own destination quickly.
Would it be a valid presumption that slowing down safely , abruptly and sufficiently , so as to get out of the way entirely , thereby forcing / allowing a rump ranger to quickly jump lanes and jump ahead , so as to become a rump ranger on some other gator tail , is a sufficient strategy ?

At a maximum , having been passed would require time to catch up and be one more vehicle further away in distance from ones destination .

If such a fool wishes to lead rapidly somewhere , then by all means be polite and get completely out of the way , then approach the interaction with situational indifference for a simplistic behavior , that is one of many temporary obstacles between ones current location and anticipated destination .

Once passed , recover the original speed while maintaining a demeanor of situational indifference , and follow recommended minimum stopping distance of two car lengths between traveling vehicles .

Treating imbeciles with indifference is easier when one considers that such interactions occur infrequently and the trivial loss of time for rapidly getting out of the way is largely inconsequential .

Those tail gators can be tenuous rump rangers , and communicating expectations of demeanor between drivers includes at least two perspectives of an interaction .

There is a psychology of public interactions including the men tall eye tee of in an on the road , and a disposition for emotive intelligence makes a difference .

* Provided Informed Consent *

A lead , follow , get out of the way rule implies that loitering in blind spots is getting in the way , very not safely , as one should be either in front or behind an other parallel moving vehicle , or ensure the driver of the other vehicle is well aware of concurrent vehicle locations , and do not assume another driver is aware of ones vehicle location - especially navigating through a blind spot .

Getting past another vehicle quickly and then recovering to an expected speed , such as when passing 18 wheels , is a better option than a slow transition to pass .

One simply slips back a bit to gather acceleration , then launches readily past safely without unnecessary loitering , and then returns to the expected normal speed once in front of the vehicle being passed .

No doubt , visibly inspecting 360 degrees of proximity about ones vehicle when changing lanes is understood to be a necessary behavior to improve risk for safety .

* Shell Posturing Aggression Against Most Egregious Road Degenerates *

One of the most deranged mental retardation behaviors are those navigating their vehicle so as to approach rapidly from behind as though intending to pass , whom further navigate to and continue to maintain a position within ones blind spot .

As often as such times seem to oddly occur , almost as though conceiving to cause an accident , a customary behavior has been to unexpectedly drift into the menacing lane so far as to startle the driver and then readily return to my current lane , so as to let the other driver understand its foolishness is not appreciated .
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