Lawmakers to Obama: GET YOU STORY STRAIGHT!!!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Lawmakers to Obama: Get your story straight on Libya attack

1. Frustrated lawmakers are calling on the Obama administration to get its story straight on what happened in last week's deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, with President Obama coming under pressure to address the American people about the evolving narrative.
"You hate to think that the president would purposely mislead the American people, but it sure looks like it to me," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, R-Calif., said.

2. McKeon was among several top-ranking lawmakers who expressed frustration following a briefing with administration officials late Thursday. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he learned "nothing" from it, claiming the administration is still blaming an anti-Islam film on YouTube for the attack that killed four Americans including the U.S. ambassador

3. The White House has been sending mixed signals. Press Secretary Jay Carney for the first time Thursday called the strike terrorism. Obama, though, continued to cite the anti-Islam film when asked about the attack during a voter forum hosted by Univision

4. If he'd spend some time in Washington ... rather than traveling around ... to raise money and campaign for four more years of what -- yeah, I think it would be good if he did a little bit of what he's being paid to do," he said.

5. Some lawmakers have called for an independent investigation, expressing concern about whether the administration is handling it appropriately

6 Following Thursday's briefing with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., reportedly slammed the meeting as "the most useless, worthless briefing that I have attended in a long time."

7. "It was like a one-hour filibuster with absolutely not one single bit of new information being brought forth," he said, according to Foreign Policy Magazine. The briefing "if anything, built far greater distrust about what's happening than just answering questions. It was pretty unbelievable."

Read more: Lawmakers to Obama: Get your story straight on Libya attack | Fox News
It's about time. I also urge people to call their elected officials and demand that they inform the public of what happened. How ridiculous is it that we know more about Kate Middleton's exposure than we know about why our consulate wasn't protected.
Because there are conflicting stories tells me they're trying like hell to hide something that will make Barry look bad, so they're hoping to run the clock to at least November 7th. That's a long ways to go but with the Islamic assholes raising hell all over the world it's gonna keep the issue on the front burner for them. Bet there's a high degree of sweat going on in the Obama camp, and it will only get worse for them.
Republicans have issues with Obama? Shocking.

In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?
Republicans have issues with Obama? Shocking.

In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

Fine . . You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness but are desperately looking for anything to cling to after Romney (47%) stepped on his dick again. We've got that.
Republicans have issues with Obama? Shocking.

In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

That is a good question that has to be asked and answered by Obama. There needs to be an investivation into the preparedness of the embassies to be prepared for attacks and the warnings the White House received prior to attacks.
That's what happens when you lie to cover lies.. You can't get your story straight. This President is a habitual liar along with his Zombie herd of useful idiots.
In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

Fine . . You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness but are desperately looking for anything to cling to after Romney (47%) stepped on his dick again. We've got that.

Don't try to derail this thread with attacks on Romney. This is about a president who is willfully neglecting his job.
In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

Fine . . You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness but are desperately looking for anything to cling to after Romney (47%) stepped on his dick again. We've got that.

Unlike you, Obama, and the rest of the transvestite parasites on the left, at least Romney has "a dick to step on".

Furthermore, it's astounding that you would put Romney's WORDS above the LIFE of American's. Who among us is "desperately looking for something to cling to" after Obama let Americans DIE. It's serious you fucking asshole. Just asking the families who are grieving today because of Obama.
The straight story is, if muslim outrage was sufficiently violent enough, the administration would have a plausible reason to release Shiek Rahman in a gesture of good will.
Getting the story straight....You mean the Admin keeps changing its story?? Well I never...whatever next?? :badgrin:


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Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

Fine . . You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness but are desperately looking for anything to cling to after Romney (47%) stepped on his dick again. We've got that.

Don't try to derail this thread with attacks on Romney. This is about a president who is willfully neglecting his job.

I've never done this before - but I would strongly encourage anyone reading this thread to give squinch negative reps. He's actually trying to make the case that what Romney said is more important than human life.

Had Romney said "I'm a member of the KKK who hates *******, I think poor people suck, and I want to redistribute wealth to the rich while punishing the poor", it wouldn't be 1/100000000th of the "stepping on his dick" that Obama did letting people DIE. This is life and death you fucking asshole squinch - it's a billion times more important than anything anyone has ever said...
Last edited:
In other news today:

Fire is hot and ice, is indeed, cold.

More at 11.

Fine.. You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness. We've got that. Some of us however, do. Unless you think you can adequately explain why there was no protection at our consulate, why our ambassador was missing for 8 -10 hours, and have they improved security at our other diplomatic installations? The Sudanese have refused to allow Marine protection, why is our embassy there still open?

Fine . . You don't give a damn about U.S. foreign policy and readiness but are desperately looking for anything to cling to after Romney (47%) stepped on his dick again. We've got that.

LOL.. don't you find it at all telling that the media suddenly releases a tape they've held for months just when they really need a distraction from what is becoming an obvious failure of Obama's foreign policy team?
The American people deserve to know exactly what happened at our embassies around the world. And we expect if our government sends someone to a foreign country that they will have the protection of the U.S.
I think this will come down to Obama and Hillary not wanting anyone to see a U.S. presence in many Middle Eastern countries and that is why we had no security.

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