Law enforcement in Democrat cities and states, GO ON STRIKE!

Fascinating, how Trump's bedwetter brigades have been convinced that terrorism is in progress. It's probably the most stupid conspiracy theory they've ever been fed, yet they've all fallen hard for it. Normal people can only laugh at how gullible and gutless they are.

Why do their masters feed them such conspiracy theories? To keep the Trump cultists hysterical and terrified. That keeps them obedient. Very, very obedient, like the bleating sheep that their masters want them to be.
People who believe Democrats/neo-commies and their propaganda are dumber then the brainwashed drones spewing the propaganda.

If you buy any of this, you are dumb.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
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Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
The goal of neo-communist is to make everyone equally miserable. Won't be any theft if nobody has anything to steal.
The next civil war is getting closer and closer.

Arm up.
When the police step aside, the rioters will miss them. The rioters will be the ones needing protection from the people. Democrat cities and states will become warzones.
Sounds good to me...


Democrats commit most of the crime so they are trying to make crimes easier to commit
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
The goal of neo-communist is to make everyone equally miserable. Won't be any theft if nobody has anything to steal.
The next civil war is getting closer and closer.

Arm up.
When the police step aside, the rioters will miss them. The rioters will be the ones needing protection from the people. Democrat cities and states will become warzones.
Sounds good to me...


Democrats commit most of the crime so they are trying to make crimes easier to commit

We are facing the INTERNAL enemy - the national-chauvinist "democratic" party, which made the SECOND attempt to seize power
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.

It seems that this person is either a mercenary of the nazi- chauvinist "democratic" party or a saboteur.

It is impossible to assume that this person does not know that these people are on the first line of fire.

Therefore - OR a provocateur or a moral freak..

I lived in downtown Manhattan and once on business went to the local police station. There is a list of killed by bastards, officers. I came to HORROR.

Up to 10 DEAD per year!

If I’m in Manhattan tomorrow, I'll take a photo. I have a journalist ID.

Only not a citizen, not a person, but a moral degenerate can write this.

By the way, you can sue me - you sir are a moral freak and anti-American

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Cameras & guns give the best protection value.
Ya know, I have no love for cops, really. I've had my run ins with them and I've always found them arrogant and just can't wait for a reason to fuck up your day, or life, like they get off on it.

But even with that, I'm not STUPID enough to think that everything would be JUST FINE if they were ALL GONE. I mean give me a fuckin' BREAK. We have virtual all out ANARCHY in CITIES NOW, and that's WITH the cops. Are you honestly dumb enough to think that getting rid of ALL THE COPS would make things MORE PEACEFUL?

You have to be out of your freakin' mind.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
Cops don’t fine for property violations. Lol

Do you know how strong DIGNITY, HONOR, and TRUTH ??? The cops of the whole country will support me. This man is part of the criminal nazi-chauvinist "democratic" party.

They drag us into a civil war and want to dissolve the Union.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
Cops don’t fine for property violations. Lol
You Lie!!!

Do you know how strong DIGNITY, HONOR, and TRUTH ??? The cops of the whole country will support me. This man is part of the criminal nazi-chauvinist "democratic" party.

They drag us into a civil war and want to dissolve the Union.
Sasha, are you OK?
Cameras & guns give the best protection value.
Ya know, I have no love for cops, really. I've had my run ins with them and I've always found them arrogant and just can't wait for a reason to fuck up your day, or life, like they get off on it.

But even with that, I'm not STUPID enough to think that everything would be JUST FINE if they were ALL GONE. I mean give me a fuckin' BREAK. We have virtual all out ANARCHY in CITIES NOW, and that's WITH the cops. Are you honestly dumb enough to think that getting rid of ALL THE COPS would make things MORE PEACEFUL?

You have to be out of your freakin' mind.

The MANAGED chaos!!! And the nazi-chauvinist party is behind all that.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
Cops don’t fine for property violations. Lol
You Lie!!!

Let's "Rock and Roll" in Court of Law!!!
Do you need my address???

Or verbal ona.ism, sorry members of the Forum, is that ALL you can do ???
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. It's more likely the Cop will find it easier to generate revenue fining you for any small violation you have on your property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
Cops don’t fine for property violations. Lol
You Lie!!!
Uh, no code inspectors do.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
Ya, you'll be saying GREAT when the crime spike starts and your home gets broken into, and there's NO ONE TO CALL. You just get your ass beat or worse, SHOT, and some crook walks off with all your goodies... if you have any.
Like calling a Cop has ever retrieved any stolen property. Cops are more expensive than criminals. Cameras & guns give the best protection value. You have to feed dogs & cops, plus cops want expensive pensions, healthcare, vehicles & gas to patrol. I lived 20+ years in areas without Cops & enjoyed the freedom & lower costs.
Great! We won't have to pay for their blood sucking pensions & healthcare.
More cop hate from Democrats

A vote for Democrats is like voting for crime
Wrong Idiot! Crime exploded under Republican rule. But Democrat Bill Clinton Lowered Crime More than any President in History!!!

How did Bill do that? Specifically how?
Democrats are obviously clueless. I know more about the Democrat party then the average Democrat does.
How many more blue lives must be lost to these Democrat terrorist attacks? Let the Democrats have their policeless society.

I would like to see massive police walkouts.

If your boss is a Democrat, it's time to find a new boss. Don't let these Democrats kill you to push their political agenda.

#blue lives matter

And how many lives must be lost to terrorists in blue. Good cops should be outraged at Floyd's death. It makes the honest cops' job harder.
Good cops are outraged by Floyd's death. Democrats want to exploit Floyd's death to attack police.

I haven't seen much evidence of it. What I have seen is more evidence of police brutality.

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