Lauren Boebert escorted out of a live Beetlejuice performance after complaints

That's not so bad. Yes, she was disruptive and deserved to be thrown out but her behavior doesn't deserve the ridicule she's receiving. Perhaps the worst of it is her rank hypocrisy, but who isn't a hypocrite from time to time?
"You know who I am" tells you she is trash.
I dunno? What’s that got to do with Boebert or this thread. Why not start a thread about them if you’re so interested?

More what-about-ism……

How about ghetto trash like Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson Lee? There are a couple of dozen more just like them. Low IQ hate filled ghetto trash that convinced other ghetto trash to vote for them.
How about ghetto trash like Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson Lee? There are a couple of dozen more just like them. Low IQ hate filled ghetto trash that convinced other ghetto trash to vote for them.
Hey…I got an idea
Lets stop talking about Tramp Boebert and change the subject to Waters and Jackson
Then maybe you can change again to AOC
Hey…I got an idea
Lets stop talking about Tramp Boebert and change the subject to Waters and Jackson
Then maybe you can change again to AOC
Exactly my point. This is what conservatives do...every woman they disagree with is a bitch, slut, whore, etc... You’re better than that.
I would hope that small percentage of the female population would be limited to the folks whom the shamers really know and not just what they hear in the media.
The video pretty much says it all.

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