Laura Ingraham BUSTED In Her RAMPANT Hypocrisy!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
These RW radicals lie so much they just don't know truth from fiction.

Laura Ingraham in a fix -

That's why they lost so badly last month and they are STILL not showing any signs of letting up.

They haven't learned.

I truly hope they keep this up for the next two years, we need more of those so-and-so's OUT!

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FoxNews visits the Republican President.

MSNBC visits the Democrat President.

Is there ANYONE who trusts EITHER network?

This is just like when the Sports idiots wave the flag of their favorite team. "Look at me! MY sports team is in 1st Place! I'm better than you! I'm SMARTER than you too!"

When in fact BOTH teams fans are drooling morons.
These RW radicals lie so much they just don't know truth from fiction.

Laura Ingraham in a fix -

That's why they last so badly last month and they are STILL not showing any signs of letting up.

They haven't learned.

I truly hope they keep this up for the next two years, we need more of those so-and-so's OUT!


Looks like she "stepped in it" :lol:
Woohoo an entertainer being taken seriously.

I know right....?


Oh, please, Laura!!! Fox is being so nasty about this visit and they have no right to be. Why in the hell they have a problem with it is a mystery to me. They have all made it clear that they dislike President Obama intensely.

FOX & Friends ‘Outraged’ Over White House Invitation To MSNBC Hosts (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

FOX & Friends pitched an on-air fit yesterday when they learned “influential progressives” from MSNBC were invited to the White House to meet with the president.

FOX News consistently passes off lies as news. On July 17, 2012 a FOX headline read “Obama birth record ‘definitely fraudulent,’ Sheriff Joe Arpaio says.” In August, FOX accused Obama of calling Romney a felon and purposely misled their audience. It’s no wonder FOX was not on the White House Briefing guest list—but watching the hissy fit does make for some entertaining FOX drama and only enforces the fact they have little or no credibility.


What Laura complains of being denied is kind of like Kasandra Perkins, halfway through getting shot to death, offering to go get Jovan Belcher some more bullets.

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