Late Night Ratings Sink As Viewers Tire Of Constant Anti-Trump Attacks


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Awesome. It appears viewers across the spectrum are sick and tired of “celebrities” shoving their leftist views down their throats. This goes along with miserable NFL ratings.

While America was laughing at Twitter and watching YouTube videos, late night was slipping. Writing in the Transom, Ben Domenech of The Federalist points out that the late-night viewership of ABC, CBS, plus NBC this week barely broke 8 million viewers. Not long ago retired NBC funnyman Jay Leno was bringing in 6 million viewers all on his own.

Read more: Late Night Ratings Sink As Viewers Tire Of Constant Anti-Trump Attacks
Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.
Awesome. It appears viewers across the spectrum are sick and tired of “celebrities” shoving their leftist views down their throats. This goes along with miserable NFL ratings.

While America was laughing at Twitter and watching YouTube videos, late night was slipping. Writing in the Transom, Ben Domenech of The Federalist points out that the late-night viewership of ABC, CBS, plus NBC this week barely broke 8 million viewers. Not long ago retired NBC funnyman Jay Leno was bringing in 6 million viewers all on his own.

Read more: Late Night Ratings Sink As Viewers Tire Of Constant Anti-Trump Attacks

Ratings have nothing whatsoever to do with "left" or "right". Ratings have nothing to do with politics. Ratings have nothing to do with "assent" or "approval" or "tiring" of anything.

Ratings have to do with ATTENTION. That's what they measure and that's all they measure. And they measure that for one purpose: to determine how much commercial time is worth, i.e. "how many eyeballs can you deliver for my product".

That has absolutely nothing to do with whether one "approves", "disapproves" or is "flatly neutral" about the content. Everybody in mass media knows this. It's why the old maxim "if it bleeds it leads" was coined, and that was way before television.

In other words if you are not involved in either buying or selling TV commercials ---- ratings have no significance. Period.

That said, if Rump is not the attention-magnet he once was, that prolly doesn't bode well for his future. And as soon as he reads your thread ----- he'll do something about it. You can count on it.
Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.

If there were a TV show that constantly ridiculed people named "TwoThumbs" ----- you'd watch it. Even if you hated it.

Understand the psychology. And understand the difference between "attention" and "approval". They're not even related.
Late night television ratings have been plummeting for years. That has nothing to do with triggered Trumpflakes.
Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.

If there were a TV show that constantly ridiculed people named "TwoThumbs" ----- you'd watch it. Even if you hated it.

Understand the psychology. And understand the difference between "attention" and "approval". They're not even related.
If I don't approve I won't pay attention.


the hate spew is costing them money and votes.
The only reason a Trump voter would even see late night television is if the TV was one as he made one of his multiple trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Ratings are down because they don't mock Trump enough
Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.

If there were a TV show that constantly ridiculed people named "TwoThumbs" ----- you'd watch it. Even if you hated it.

Understand the psychology. And understand the difference between "attention" and "approval". They're not even related.
If I don't approve I won't pay attention.


the hate spew is costing them money and votes.

Of course you will.

Mass media isn't mining your approval. It's mining your curiosity. It just wants your eyeballs so it can shove Viagra and pickup trucks and deodorant in there. It doesn't care how it scores those eyeballs.

If you see some building on fire, or some thug beating somebody with a tire iron, or somebody drowning in a flood, or some drunk driving dangerously fast -------- you'll be paying attention. You don't need to "approve" of truck fires, assaults, floods or drunk driving. "Approval" is irrelevant.
Late night television ratings have been plummeting for years. That has nothing to do with triggered Trumpflakes.

Zackly --- TV in general is sagging, and that's a good thing. Although mostly it's due to new media forms.

This is the same cherrypicking argument the football jingoists use as they point to low NFL ratings while it's still baseball season, ignoring that ratings for baseball, basketball, hockey and NASCAR are all sagging. It's what the confirmation biasists have to do to convince themselves.
Awesome. It appears viewers across the spectrum are sick and tired of “celebrities” shoving their leftist views down their throats. This goes along with miserable NFL ratings.

While America was laughing at Twitter and watching YouTube videos, late night was slipping. Writing in the Transom, Ben Domenech of The Federalist points out that the late-night viewership of ABC, CBS, plus NBC this week barely broke 8 million viewers. Not long ago retired NBC funnyman Jay Leno was bringing in 6 million viewers all on his own.

Read more: Late Night Ratings Sink As Viewers Tire Of Constant Anti-Trump Attacks

'Progressives' are too stupid and vain to contemplate the idea that just because they're dutiful little Fever Swamp tards and the college instructors patted them on the head and gave them trophies for being so diligent in regurgitating PC memes and idiotic rubbish the rest of the world is required to listen to their inane dribblings with rapt attention and agreement. this sort of dumbass narcissism isn't new; see how ridiculously clueless the 'activist' leaders of the 'Gay Rights ' hoax were re their fondness and worship of NAMBLA and making the kiddie rapers a openly proud and cherished part of their advisory councils in their organizations for two decades, only to find in 1994 even the sociopath Bill Clinton couldn't get them NGO status because of their pedo-friendliness being a major outrage, so in 1994, they held a vote on whether or not to ban NAMBLA ... yes, these sickos actually felt they needed to be fair to kiddie rapers and hold a vote on having them around ...

Such is the tribulations faced by mentally ill fetishists, their assorted fellow fetishists, sociopathic gimps, and the politics of mindless self-indulgence that is the core of the Democratic Party and its media hacks and frauds. They feel 'all oppressed n stuff'. They think that they're like 'everybody else', and can't imagine anything they spout is just lunacy, since it's all good with their peer group, which in media is a collection of drug addicts, pedophiles, rapists, porn addicts, and infantile Burb Brats.
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Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.

If there were a TV show that constantly ridiculed people named "TwoThumbs" ----- you'd watch it. Even if you hated it.

Understand the psychology. And understand the difference between "attention" and "approval". They're not even related.
If I don't approve I won't pay attention.


the hate spew is costing them money and votes.

Of course you will.

Mass media isn't mining your approval. It's mining your curiosity. It just wants your eyeballs so it can shove Viagra and pickup trucks and deodorant in there. It doesn't care how it scores those eyeballs.

If you see some building on fire, or some thug beating somebody with a tire iron, or somebody drowning in a flood, or some drunk driving dangerously fast -------- you'll be paying attention. You don't need to "approve" of truck fires, assaults, floods or drunk driving. "Approval" is irrelevant.
nice spin.

fail spin, but still nice.
Hating 40% of Americans, all the time, will eventually lead people to stop thinking you're funny and go elsewhere.

Why would black people watch a show that constantly ridiculed black people?
same for every group of people.

If there were a TV show that constantly ridiculed people named "TwoThumbs" ----- you'd watch it. Even if you hated it.

Understand the psychology. And understand the difference between "attention" and "approval". They're not even related.
If I don't approve I won't pay attention.


the hate spew is costing them money and votes.

Of course you will.

Mass media isn't mining your approval. It's mining your curiosity. It just wants your eyeballs so it can shove Viagra and pickup trucks and deodorant in there. It doesn't care how it scores those eyeballs.

If you see some building on fire, or some thug beating somebody with a tire iron, or somebody drowning in a flood, or some drunk driving dangerously fast -------- you'll be paying attention. You don't need to "approve" of truck fires, assaults, floods or drunk driving. "Approval" is irrelevant.
nice spin.

fail spin, but still nice.

Failed English (again) but no compliments necessary. It's how mass media WORKS. And it's not exactly a secret.
Constant anti trump gets old. Leno and Carson did anti incumbent on a regular basis, but not all the time with nothing else.

They are getting boring with too much.

The fake news only appeals to the left, which is maybe 20% of the population at best, despite their delusional beliefs to the contrary. They are really going to hate the backlash.

The article is conjecture, not proof.

Agree, it's a causation speculation based on nothing but wishful thinking.

The same fallacy the jingo-bots use to speculate that football ratings are "sinking because of national anthem protests", while completely ignoring the fact that viewership of baseball, basketball, hockey and NASCAR are all down as well.

The big reason is that fewer people watch traditional TV in general, wiith so many other media options coming onstream; and that has nothing to do with any kind of "approval". I can and do watch any and all of these late night TV hosts selectively, plus an entire season of baseball, and I don't even own a TV.

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