Last man standing.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOPs are running on lies and attacks on Obama. Their biggest nightmare is that obama is not failing. He has turned the economy around in “three year” So he ain’t goings no wheres” in 2012.
They cannot run on their own merit so they attack Obama. They don’t have a plan better then Obama’s so they lie. Every issue obama ran on he has accomplished the best he could with what he had, except amnesty for Illegal Aliens by he tried. Another four years and he will get that done also. Jobs have been created and saved, unemployment is down, border is more secure than ever, deportation are a record high, Obamacare is already working for millions, he got Osama and a few other terrorist, he got our children out of Iraq and out of harms’ way. He got the car out of the ditch and the GOP congress keep putting up road blocks to keep the car in the ditch at any expense to anyone who gets in their way of making sure Obama fails.
GOPs priority is making sure obama fails and at any cost to theirs or ours. Even if it means throwing hard working Americans and grandma under the bus and “eating their young.”
They are running on a pack of lies about Obama and each other. Their hero, Reagan cut taxes before he raised taxes. So we know “conservativeness” mean and what a business man in the white house put this country and most of the world through. He did the same thing in the white house what he did in his private life. Screw up every thing the attempted to do and had to be “bailed out” by daddy Bush. McCain has a “sugar mama.’ Never worked a day in the life. Unless you call crashing 5 planes work.
Obama has delivered on his word and GOPs are scared S*****less and knocking each other our of the ring and the only man left standing is Obama. GOP is campaigning for Obama. WTH is that all about?
The worse congress ever is calling Obama the worse president ever and his performance rate is 47% and theirs is 12%. LMAO
Load of BS there LOL. Obama can't run on his record because it sucks.

Don't think he can run on the economy improving. Its recovery is oh so slow and I doubt it will be improved enough to matter by 2012

He also can't run on his HC bs because it was passed in the death of American outrage.

The only thing he can run on is his class warfare bs and thats exactly what he will be doing.
I can hear it now as Obama chants "Four more years! Four more years!" to the 45,000,000+ unemployed paying ever inflated consumer prices and watching the national debt spiral out of control.

I can hear it now as Obama chants "Four more years! Four more years!" to the 45,000,000+ unemployed paying ever inflated consumer prices and watching the national debt spiral out of control.


And how did Obama do this? Are you bling, deaf and dumb? All this was put in motion by Bush and the government's credit card. Jobs were already leaving the country when Obama took office and unemployment was raging. You probably have a job because of Obama. Ingrate. Obama save us from the worse depression ever. The cost of the wars did not stop when Obama took office. Everyone who have half a brain know that Obama did not cause or contribute to this recession. Revenue is needed to pay down the debt. Not eating and throwing people under the bus or over the clif will not balance the budget.:cuckoo:
Obama has done every thing he could, inspite of the "do nothing congress" , to fix what Bush had broken. You should be on your knees kissing Obama butt that we are not all starving.
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I can hear it now as Obama chants "Four more years! Four more years!" to the 45,000,000+ unemployed paying ever inflated consumer prices and watching the national debt spiral out of control.


And how did Obama do this? Are you bling, deaf and dumb? All this was put in motion by Bush and the government's credit card. Jobs were already leaving the country when Obama took office and unemployment was raging. You probably have a job because of Obama. Ingrate. Obama save us from the worse depression ever. The cost of the wars did not stop when Obama took office. Everyone who have half a brain know that Obama did not cause or contribute to this recession. Revenue is needed to pay down the debt. Not eating and throwing people under the bus or over the clif will not balance the budget.:cuckoo:
Obama has done every thing he could, inspite of the "do nothing congress" , to fix what Bush had broken. You should be on your knees kissing Obama butt that we are not all starving.

Sorry honey.... nobody's buying the "it's all Bush's fault" shit anymore than they are the mythical Clinton surpluses. BHO has been Pres for three years and things have are as bad, or worse in some instances.

He's toast.
I can hear it now as Obama chants "Four more years! Four more years!" to the 45,000,000+ unemployed paying ever inflated consumer prices and watching the national debt spiral out of control.


And how did Obama do this? Are you bling, deaf and dumb? All this was put in motion by Bush and the government's credit card. Jobs were already leaving the country when Obama took office and unemployment was raging. You probably have a job because of Obama. Ingrate. Obama save us from the worse depression ever. The cost of the wars did not stop when Obama took office. Everyone who have half a brain know that Obama did not cause or contribute to this recession. Revenue is needed to pay down the debt. Not eating and throwing people under the bus or over the clif will not balance the budget.:cuckoo:
Obama has done every thing he could, inspite of the "do nothing congress" , to fix what Bush had broken. You should be on your knees kissing Obama butt that we are not all starving.

Don't tell me, let me guess . . . they had a BOGO sale on kool-aid and you had double coupons.

Negged for drooling, boot licking and stupidity. Loon.

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