Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to 'prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens' by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

H.R.6357 - To prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens, and for other purposes.

Ain't that some shiite.

I wonder where the nuts learn that is fine and dandy to shoot US citizens indiscriminately. What a great teacher.

Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to 'prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens' by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

H.R.6357 - To prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens, and for other purposes.

Ain't that some shiite.

I wonder where the nuts learn that is fine and dandy to shoot US citizens indiscriminately. What a great teacher.

Do you have a copy of the bill?
Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to 'prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens' by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

H.R.6357 - To prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens, and for other purposes.

Ain't that some shiite.

I wonder where the nuts learn that is fine and dandy to shoot US citizens indiscriminately. What a great teacher.

Do you have a copy of the bill?

Text of the bill doesn't seem to be available yet.
Good ole Denny seeing flying saucers again?
As mayor of Cleveland Ohio, he once tried to seize the financial assets of Cleveland Electric Light and Power. After failing in that attempt, his next move was to try to take the city into bankruptcy to cheat the bondholders.
The instinctive urge to "Steal from he to give to thee" runs deep in Democrats, probably been running deep since one unknown Australopithicene stole the fruits, roots, and nuts the Australopithicene Lucy had gathered for herself and her family in and around the Olduvai.
Here is the salient part of the bill:

EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLING- The term ‘extrajudicial killing’--

(A) means a premeditated and intentional use of lethal force against a United States citizen; and

(B) does not include--

(i) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen after a trial and finding of guilt for such citizen by an appropriate tribunal consistent with due process of law;

(ii) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen who is directly participating in hostilities in a zone of active armed conflict and the United States is a party to such conflict; and

(iii) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen that is authorized for law enforcement personnel under certain circumstances, including self-defense, defense of others, and enabling the release of hostages.
One problem with such a law is it gives the Federal Government Jurisdiction over the States. What happens next is they refuse to respond, and refuse to let the Locals. Federal Government obstructing Local and State Governments from doing their job, seems even more contagious than Fire-Aids. :eek:
The law does allow Obama to kill known enemies of the US that are actively participating in terroristic activities against the US of A.
The reason being is that during Bush, war was declared against terrorists and terrorism.

I back the actions that any president takes against known enemies that seek to destroy or attack the US of A.
The law does allow Obama to kill known enemies of the US that are actively participating in terroristic activities against the US of A.
The reason being is that during Bush, war was declared against terrorists and terrorism.

I back the actions that any president takes against known enemies that seek to destroy or attack the US of A.

ud be screaming over reach if it was Boooosh doing it.
One problem with such a law is it gives the Federal Government Jurisdiction over the States. What happens next is they refuse to respond, and refuse to let the Locals. Federal Government obstructing Local and State Governments from doing their job, seems even more contagious than Fire-Aids. :eek:

I don't read this that way. I read it as a limitation on the federal government and more specifically on the executive.
One problem with such a law is it gives the Federal Government Jurisdiction over the States. What happens next is they refuse to respond, and refuse to let the Locals. Federal Government obstructing Local and State Governments from doing their job, seems even more contagious than Fire-Aids. :eek:

I don't read this that way. I read it as a limitation on the federal government and more specifically on the executive.

Correct, it’s an attempt to limit the power of the CE.

Which is why the bill will again go nowhere. And if it should pass it would be vetoed, and if overridden the CE would simply ignore it.
Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to 'prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens' by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

H.R.6357 - To prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens, and for other purposes.

Ain't that some shiite.

I wonder where the nuts learn that is fine and dandy to shoot US citizens indiscriminately. What a great teacher.

Do you have a copy of the bill?

To prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens, and for other purposes. (H.R. 6357) -
Here is the salient part of the bill:

EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLING- The term ‘extrajudicial killing’--

(A) means a premeditated and intentional use of lethal force against a United States citizen; and

(B) does not include--

(i) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen after a trial and finding of guilt for such citizen by an appropriate tribunal consistent with due process of law;

(ii) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen who is directly participating in hostilities in a zone of active armed conflict and the United States is a party to such conflict; and

(iii) the use of lethal force against a United States citizen that is authorized for law enforcement personnel under certain circumstances, including self-defense, defense of others, and enabling the release of hostages.

That basically would let the US kill Americans if they were involved in violent terrorist activities against the US and hiding in another country.

Go figure.

One problem with such a law is it gives the Federal Government Jurisdiction over the States. What happens next is they refuse to respond, and refuse to let the Locals. Federal Government obstructing Local and State Governments from doing their job, seems even more contagious than Fire-Aids. :eek:

I don't read this that way. I read it as a limitation on the federal government and more specifically on the executive.

Correct, it’s an attempt to limit the power of the CE.

Which is why the bill will again go nowhere. And if it should pass it would be vetoed, and if overridden the CE would simply ignore it.

Of course it won't. First's coming from Kucinich. Secondly, Republicans want no more a restriction on Executive power then Democrats do.
Dennis smacking Obama around with legislation.

Good times :)

BOTH parties need to be smacked with legislation.

I can't believe the 5th Amendment is not enough.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.[1]


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