Last Chance for Warmer to Explain AGW Theory


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

The above is a chart posted by Old Rocks

The chart shows temperature collapsing immediately AFTER CO2 peaks.

What happened to CO2 being the Big Bully Climate Driver?

Without making us laugh and resorting to "er, well that's LOCAL temperature" can the AGWCult explain this?
Hmmmmmm............ Reading from left to right, the way the graph is set up to read, you see a gradual decline in temperature and CO2 as the Milankovic Cycles and the oceans absorbing CO2 plus the weathering of rock takes the CO2 out of the atmosphere. Then you see a very rapid increase in temperatue and CO2 as the Milankovic Cycles warm the oceans enough that a threshold is crossed, and the southern ocean emits CO2 and very rapidly warms the atmosphere.Then the Cycles start on the cold phase again, and the descent into another ice age is much slower than the warming.
Hmmmmmm............ Reading from left to right, the way the graph is set up to read, you see a gradual decline in temperature and CO2 as the Milankovic Cycles and the oceans absorbing CO2 plus the weathering of rock takes the CO2 out of the atmosphere. Then you see a very rapid increase in temperatue and CO2 as the Milankovic Cycles warm the oceans enough that a threshold is crossed, and the southern ocean emits CO2 and very rapidly warms the atmosphere.Then the Cycles start on the cold phase again, and the descent into another ice age is much slower than the warming.

So, according to the chart, there really aren't any "Feedback" loops and CO2 does not drive climate.

Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.
We're experiencing a Global Warming "Pause".

Sorta like an "intermission" in the middle of a real long movie. Like in "Gone With the Wind" when they have to change the reels.

The Global Warming "Experts" are Changing the Reels.
We're experiencing a Global Warming "Pause".

Sorta like an "intermission" in the middle of a real long movie. Like in "Gone With the Wind" when they have to change the reels.

The Global Warming "Experts" are Changing the Reels.

Changing the reels??? More like fixing the data to show warming where there is none.

SSDD said:
So there is no doubt of the mindset of AGW believers:

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.
- Crick

Aside from quoting me out of context, you have no justification in suggesting that my mindset is the mindset of anyone else.

As I have demonstrated here before, requests that their opponents die is far, far more common from your side of this argument than it is from mine. Others on your side have recently shown their disregard for honesty. Perhaps that is the common mindset.

Quote: Originally Posted by boedicca View Post
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

Quote: Originally Posted by SSDD View Post
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

Quote: Originally Posted by daveman View Post
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Quote: Originally Posted by dilloduck View Post
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Quote: Originally Posted by Redfish View Post
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

Quote: Originally Posted by HenryBHough View Post
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sunshine View Post
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

Quote: Originally Posted by flacaltenn View Post
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"
Last edited:

SSDD said:
So there is no doubt of the mindset of AGW believers:

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.
- Crick

Aside from quoting me out of context, you have no justification in suggesting that my mindset is the mindset of anyone else.

As I have demonstrated here before, requests that their opponents die is far, far more common from your side of this argument than it is from mine. Others on your side have recently shown their disregard for honesty. Perhaps that is the common mindset.

Quote: Originally Posted by boedicca View Post
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

Quote: Originally Posted by SSDD View Post
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

Quote: Originally Posted by daveman View Post
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Quote: Originally Posted by dilloduck View Post
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Quote: Originally Posted by Redfish View Post
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

Quote: Originally Posted by HenryBHough View Post
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

Quote: Originally Posted by CrusaderFrank View Post
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Quote: Originally Posted by Kosh View Post
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sunshine View Post
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

Quote: Originally Posted by gallantwarrior View Post
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

Quote: Originally Posted by flacaltenn View Post
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

Q: Which one of those quotes is suggesting that anyone be killed against their will?

A: Zero

You are the one suggesting that killing people who disagree with you is effective....You are the one hypothesizing how effective it would be to simply kill those who don't share your viewpoint.

Suicide, and execution are far different things to the normal mind...are you saying that you see no difference?
You are a piece of work. It's not often you run into someone as profoundly an asshole as you.

Thank the lord for small favors, eh?
SSDD, you committed intellectual suicide many years ago. Effectively, you are brain dead, incapable as Frankie boy of learning anything beyond the single sentence rightwingnut slogans.
SSDD, you committed intellectual suicide many years ago. Effectively, you are brain dead, incapable as Frankie boy of learning anything beyond the single sentence rightwingnut slogans.

And yet, it is you who has fallen hook line and sinker for the AGW hoax. You are the one who believes that a constant input of 644 watts per square meter can, via an unobserved, unmeasured, unquantifed greenhouse effect can result in a constant output of 1972 watts per square meter....

You guys are laughable.
Until you can reduce the number of science subjects in which your opinion goes contrary too all of mainstream and violates numerous fundamental principles to boot, no one is going to care what you think. You are a paragon of scientific incompetence.
The earth is not warming. And yes, the people who know this as fact understand the difference between weather and climate. Data and facts, unfunded by government, shows this clearly.

Increased levels of CO2 would actually increase crop yields.
Youch, you instantly resorted to kook conspiracy theories, which instantly revealed you as a brainwashed cult parrot. If you want us to pay attention to you, you'll need to show us some new and original deranged propaganda from your cult. The old stuff that you're repeating is simply too boring to bother with.
Youch, you instantly resorted to kook conspiracy theories, which instantly revealed you as a brainwashed cult parrot. If you want us to pay attention to you, you'll need to show us some new and original deranged propaganda from your cult. The old stuff that you're repeating is simply too boring to bother with.
so where is that experiment? again, hi pot meet kettle!!!! seems you just can't stay away from the pots and pans.
Youch, you instantly resorted to kook conspiracy theories, which instantly revealed you as a brainwashed cult parrot. If you want us to pay attention to you, you'll need to show us some new and original deranged propaganda from your cult. The old stuff that you're repeating is simply too boring to bother with.

Ah, the typical dismissive argument of someone what relies only on the superficial.

Using emotional devices to dismiss opinion that contradicts your beliefs is not impressive. The onus is on you to prove your case. But you don't! Why? Are you afraid that I'm correct? If so, why? Are you afraid to disprove me? If so, why?

I don't believe you can or will do either. Surprise me....
You're the one who declared all the data was a forgery. That is, you led off with an unsupported conspiracy theory. So back up your conspiracy theory. Whining about how unfair it is that I pointed out you're relying on conspiracy theories is not impressive. You're just being evasive and emotional.

So, you can back up your claims, or you can continue to tell everyone that you refuse to back up your claims, and everyone is required to take your unsupported claims at face value, otherwise you'll pout at them. I think we all know which route you're going to take.
SSDD, you committed intellectual suicide many years ago. Effectively, you are brain dead, incapable as Frankie boy of learning anything beyond the single sentence rightwingnut slogans.

And the far left Obama drones running their AGW cult narrative show once again how much they choose AGW dogma over real science.
You're the one who declared all the data was a forgery. That is, you led off with an unsupported conspiracy theory. So back up your conspiracy theory. Whining about how unfair it is that I pointed out you're relying on conspiracy theories is not impressive. You're just being evasive and emotional.

So, you can back up your claims, or you can continue to tell everyone that you refuse to back up your claims, and everyone is required to take your unsupported claims at face value, otherwise you'll pout at them. I think we all know which route you're going to take.

AGW is not real science, after 35+ years it has been shown to be pure bunk.

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