Larry Kudlow replaces Gary Cohn as Trump's top economic adviser


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What a peculiar choice. A Cohn copycat who supports free trade and will be a liability to his message with Trump supporters.

Canada is dancing in the streets, the cheap steel from China will continue to cross into America, and NAFTA leverage will probably go to Canada. The same policies that his competitor in Pennsylvania used to make up a massive percentage from 2016, will now be opposed by his top economic adviser?

CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as Trump's top economic adviser

Conservative economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as National Economic Council director and become the top economic adviser to President Donald Trump according to a new report.

Multiple reports say that Kudlow, who is a CNBC contributor, will be named NEC director as soon as Thursday.

Trump suggested that the offer was imminent while talking to reporters on Tuesday.

"I've known him a very long time. We don't agree on everything, but I think in this case I think that's good because I want a divergent opinion," Trump said.
During the first term of the Reagan administration (1981–1985), Kudlow was associate director for economics and planning in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a part of the Executive Office of the President. While he worked at the OMB, Kudlow was also an advisory committee member of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, more commonly known as Freddie Mac.[citation needed] In April 2005, New York Governor George Pataki included Kudlow in a six-member state tax commission.

In 1987 Kudlow was rehired by Bear Stearns as its chief economist and senior managing director. He was fired in 1994 after abuse of cocaine caused him to skip an important client presentation. Kudlow later admitted to a $100,000 a month cocaine habit.[18] Kudlow also served as an economic counsel to A. B. Laffer & Associates, the San Diego, California, company owned by Arthur Laffer, a major supply-side economist and creator of the Laffer curve, an economic theory that relates the relationship between tax levels and government revenue.

From wiki.
During the first term of the Reagan administration (1981–1985), Kudlow was associate director for economics and planning in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a part of the Executive Office of the President. While he worked at the OMB, Kudlow was also an advisory committee member of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, more commonly known as Freddie Mac.[citation needed] In April 2005, New York Governor George Pataki included Kudlow in a six-member state tax commission.

In 1987 Kudlow was rehired by Bear Stearns as its chief economist and senior managing director. He was fired in 1994 after abuse of cocaine caused him to skip an important client presentation. Kudlow later admitted to a $100,000 a month cocaine habit.[18] Kudlow also served as an economic counsel to A. B. Laffer & Associates, the San Diego, California, company owned by Arthur Laffer, a major supply-side economist and creator of the Laffer curve, an economic theory that relates the relationship between tax levels and government revenue.

From wiki.

Yeah I saw some of that, didn't want to get the personal stuff. I'm concerned he is stuck in decades gone, and uncontrolled Friedman economics, without taking into consideration so many other factors which he could not have foreseen. Not the least, is a lack of progress in China on social and civil right issues.

I am worried he goes in and pushes Navarro and Ross out, and the assault against American industry and economic health will continue. I am free market as well, but we HAVE to understand that the 1990s are over, China is a National Security threat, this is not a joke. I've said it many times, I am the Churchill talking about Germany while everyone else seems to be Chamberlain.

China is a FAR greater threat to America and Western Liberty than any other nation on earth, maybe in history. For this reason alone, I respect Rubio, he believes the same.
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What a peculiar choice. A Cohn copycat who supports free trade and will be a liability to his message with Trump supporters.

Canada is dancing in the streets, the cheap steel from China will continue to cross into America, and NAFTA leverage will probably go to Canada. The same policies that his competitor in Pennsylvania used to make up a massive percentage from 2016, will now be opposed by his top economic adviser?

CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as Trump's top economic adviser

Conservative economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as National Economic Council director and become the top economic adviser to President Donald Trump according to a new report.

Multiple reports say that Kudlow, who is a CNBC contributor, will be named NEC director as soon as Thursday.

Trump suggested that the offer was imminent while talking to reporters on Tuesday.

"I've known him a very long time. We don't agree on everything, but I think in this case I think that's good because I want a divergent opinion," Trump said.

China supplies the US with very little steel. Don't give us your stupid conspiracy theories.
Why did Trump pick him? Because he's a tv personality.

Zackly, beat me to it. We actually have a CiC who's too stupid to extricate himself from the boob tube and thinks it's real. Then he fills a position on the basis of "I've seen this guy on TV".
During the first term of the Reagan administration (1981–1985), Kudlow was associate director for economics and planning in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a part of the Executive Office of the President. While he worked at the OMB, Kudlow was also an advisory committee member of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, more commonly known as Freddie Mac.[citation needed] In April 2005, New York Governor George Pataki included Kudlow in a six-member state tax commission.

In 1987 Kudlow was rehired by Bear Stearns as its chief economist and senior managing director. He was fired in 1994 after abuse of cocaine caused him to skip an important client presentation. Kudlow later admitted to a $100,000 a month cocaine habit.[18] Kudlow also served as an economic counsel to A. B. Laffer & Associates, the San Diego, California, company owned by Arthur Laffer, a major supply-side economist and creator of the Laffer curve, an economic theory that relates the relationship between tax levels and government revenue.

From wiki.

Yeah I saw some of that, didn't want to get the personal stuff. I'm concerned he is stuff in decades gone, and uncontrolled Friedman economics, without taking into consideration so many other factors which he could not have foreseen. Not the least, is a lack of progress in China on social and civil right issues.

I am worried he goes in and pushes Navarro and Ross out, and the assault against American industry and economic health will continue. I am free market as well, but we HAVE to understand that the 1990s are over, China is a National Security threat, this is not a joke. I've said it many times, I am the Churchill talking about Germany while everyone else seems to be Chamberlain.

China is a FAR greater threat to America and Western Liberty than any other nation on earth, maybe in history. For this reason alone, I respect Rubio, he believes the same.

I hope so. We don't need Bernie Sanders policies. You are not Churchill. You are crazy.
During the first term of the Reagan administration (1981–1985), Kudlow was associate director for economics and planning in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a part of the Executive Office of the President. While he worked at the OMB, Kudlow was also an advisory committee member of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, more commonly known as Freddie Mac.[citation needed] In April 2005, New York Governor George Pataki included Kudlow in a six-member state tax commission.

In 1987 Kudlow was rehired by Bear Stearns as its chief economist and senior managing director. He was fired in 1994 after abuse of cocaine caused him to skip an important client presentation. Kudlow later admitted to a $100,000 a month cocaine habit.[18] Kudlow also served as an economic counsel to A. B. Laffer & Associates, the San Diego, California, company owned by Arthur Laffer, a major supply-side economist and creator of the Laffer curve, an economic theory that relates the relationship between tax levels and government revenue.

From wiki.

Yeah I saw some of that, didn't want to get the personal stuff. I'm concerned he is stuff in decades gone, and uncontrolled Friedman economics, without taking into consideration so many other factors which he could not have foreseen. Not the least, is a lack of progress in China on social and civil right issues.

I am worried he goes in and pushes Navarro and Ross out, and the assault against American industry and economic health will continue. I am free market as well, but we HAVE to understand that the 1990s are over, China is a National Security threat, this is not a joke. I've said it many times, I am the Churchill talking about Germany while everyone else seems to be Chamberlain.

China is a FAR greater threat to America and Western Liberty than any other nation on earth, maybe in history. For this reason alone, I respect Rubio, he believes the same.

I hope so. We don't need Bernie Sanders policies. You are not Churchill. You are crazy.

I didn't say I was Churchill comrade.

You are no Benedict Arnold either...
What a peculiar choice. A Cohn copycat who supports free trade and will be a liability to his message with Trump supporters.

Canada is dancing in the streets, the cheap steel from China will continue to cross into America, and NAFTA leverage will probably go to Canada. The same policies that his competitor in Pennsylvania used to make up a massive percentage from 2016, will now be opposed by his top economic adviser?

CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as Trump's top economic adviser

Conservative economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as National Economic Council director and become the top economic adviser to President Donald Trump according to a new report.

Multiple reports say that Kudlow, who is a CNBC contributor, will be named NEC director as soon as Thursday.

Trump suggested that the offer was imminent while talking to reporters on Tuesday.

"I've known him a very long time. We don't agree on everything, but I think in this case I think that's good because I want a divergent opinion," Trump said.

China supplies the US with very little steel. Don't give us your stupid conspiracy theories.

They supply their steel through Vietnam, Canada and elsewhere. Do you think Canada has enough production here to provide 16% of U.S steel? Hahah. Now you show something of yourself.

China has a massive hold in Canada, just as Russia did in the 1980s. Do some research, from Norsat International, to a decade of spying on Nortel to dumping and theft of U.S intellectual property through Canada.
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Larry Kudlow helped form the foundation of the Reagan economy. He is obviously stock market savvy and I believe will push Trump to look at the big picture in terms of Tariffs. In other words, more focused and less punitive Tariffs but enough to send the message that America is not the world's trade bitch anymore.
Larry Kudlow helped form the foundation of the Reagan economy. He is obviously stock market savvy and I believe will push Trump to look at the big picture in terms of Tariffs. In other words, more focused and less punitive Tariffs but enough to send the message that America is not the world's trade bitch anymore.

I disagree with the focus, unless there are MASSIVE penalties to nations who break rules, such as trans nation shipping which has been going on for a long time.

The issue ISN'T America, I am going to repeat this again and again until you all understand. It is China and other socialist countries. These sob's don't care for America, this is why they apply heavy tariffs and massive barriers to U.S goods and services. It is why they manipulate their currency and at least in Canada, enter corporations and operate as de-facto owners and "guiders" of said business for Canadian interests.
Larry Kudlow helped form the foundation of the Reagan economy. He is obviously stock market savvy and I believe will push Trump to look at the big picture in terms of Tariffs. In other words, more focused and less punitive Tariffs but enough to send the message that America is not the world's trade bitch anymore.

I disagree with the focus, unless there are MASSIVE penalties to nations who break rules, such as trans nation shipping which has been going on for a long time.

The issue ISN'T America, I am going to repeat this again and again until you all understand. It is China and other socialist countries. These sob's don't care for America, this is why they apply heavy tariffs and massive barriers to U.S goods and services. It is why they manipulate their currency and at least in Canada, enter corporations and operate as de-facto owners and "guiders" of said business for Canadian interests.
Right, it is China and the the other socialist countries. That is why the Tariffs need to be focused on them. But heavy Tariffs are a doubled edged sword. I believe that Larry Kudlow will be a very important voice in expressing that to President Trump.
Larry Kudlow helped form the foundation of the Reagan economy. He is obviously stock market savvy and I believe will push Trump to look at the big picture in terms of Tariffs. In other words, more focused and less punitive Tariffs but enough to send the message that America is not the world's trade bitch anymore.

I disagree with the focus, unless there are MASSIVE penalties to nations who break rules, such as trans nation shipping which has been going on for a long time.

The issue ISN'T America, I am going to repeat this again and again until you all understand. It is China and other socialist countries. These sob's don't care for America, this is why they apply heavy tariffs and massive barriers to U.S goods and services. It is why they manipulate their currency and at least in Canada, enter corporations and operate as de-facto owners and "guiders" of said business for Canadian interests.
Right, it is China and the the other socialist countries. That is why the Tariffs need to be focused on them. But heavy Tariffs are a doubled edged sword. I believe that Larry Kudlow will be a very important voice in expressing that to President Trump.

I agree China is the focus, but it isn't just China. It is NAFTA, it is socialist EU nations and others who place barriers against U.S products.

This requires a broad message not just to China, but to the world, "we will not back down in the effort to protect our economy". These sob's are just waiting for the U.S economy to collapse so they can turn the reserve currency to the BRIC lead effort.
"Larry Kudlow will be my Chief Economic Advisor as Director of the National Economic Council. Our Country will have many years of Great Economic & Financial Success, with low taxes, unparalleled innovation, fair trade and an ever expanding labor force leading the way!" - President Trump

Larry Kudlow is about growth. Larry Kudlow is about jobs.

Larry Kudlow is a good man. Larry Kudlow will go down as the greatest economic advisor in the history of the world. end of story!

What a peculiar choice. A Cohn copycat who supports free trade and will be a liability to his message with Trump supporters.

Canada is dancing in the streets, the cheap steel from China will continue to cross into America, and NAFTA leverage will probably go to Canada. The same policies that his competitor in Pennsylvania used to make up a massive percentage from 2016, will now be opposed by his top economic adviser?

CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as Trump's top economic adviser

Conservative economist Larry Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn as National Economic Council director and become the top economic adviser to President Donald Trump according to a new report.

Multiple reports say that Kudlow, who is a CNBC contributor, will be named NEC director as soon as Thursday.

Trump suggested that the offer was imminent while talking to reporters on Tuesday.

"I've known him a very long time. We don't agree on everything, but I think in this case I think that's good because I want a divergent opinion," Trump said.
as well as a good supplier of drugs....Sure hope that rumour has no legs ,,,like the Obama not an American did
"Larry Kudlow will be my Chief Economic Advisor as Director of the National Economic Council. Our Country will have many years of Great Economic & Financial Success, with low taxes, unparalleled innovation, fair trade and an ever expanding labor force leading the way!" - President Trump

Larry Kudlow is about growth. Larry Kudlow is about jobs.

Larry Kudlow is a good man. Larry Kudlow will go down as the greatest economic advisor in the history of the world. end of story!


Larry Kudlow is about cocaine -- which recalls the debate where Rump couldn't stop sniffing.

>> But aside from the longtime TV gig and the Wolf of Wall Street steeze, there’s another thing Larry Kudlow is known for: being really fucking wrong. (Also, all the cocaine, but we’ll get to that.)

So, to help readers of Mediaite really get to know who will be wielding the titanic economic might of America’s $20 trillion GDP, here’s a handy collection of the times Larry Kudlow absolutely nailed it.

  • 1. Larry Kudlow, [December] 2007: “There is no recession.”....
  • 2. Larry Kudlow, 2008: Oil prices will help the stock market rally and Sarah Palin will strengthen John McCain’s presidential bid....
  • 3. Larry Kudlow, 2002: We should invade Iraq because it would “revive the American spirit.”...
  • 4. Larry Kudlow, 2011: “We should be grateful” that human toll of Japan earthquake and tsunami is worse than the economic toll...
  • 5. Larry Kudlow, 2015: Bush tax cuts led to five-year boom!... <<
----Forget All the Cocaine, Trump’s New Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow is One of TV’s Worst Financial Pundits


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