LAPD In Big Trouble For Stopping Crimes


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The Los Angeles Police Department this month was forced to unveil its crime-predicting program after a lawsuit filed by the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition.

The program relies on artificial intelligence to predict which individuals are most likely to commit a crime. A person earns "points" for past offenses and encounters with police. People with the most points are monitored in expectation of future crimes. Apparently with a pretty good success rate.

Encounters with police resets the clock for future surveillance - which can last up to two years since their last interaction with police. Individuals who may be associated with or know about criminal activity can face extra surveillance.

In other words, LAPD units are ordered to check up on persons of interest, to check for things like outstanding warrants or illegal gun seizures. Apparently, the program was becoming too effective, because it focused police attention where crimes and criminals were most likely to occur, so has been attacked by James Garcia and his Stop LAPD Spying Coalition under the guise that it was unduly targeting minorities who committed most of the crimes.

The LAPD Has a New Surveillance Formula, Powered by Palantir

Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
The Los Angeles Police Department this month was forced to unveil its crime-predicting program after a lawsuit filed by the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition.

The program relies on artificial intelligence to predict which individuals are most likely to commit a crime. A person earns "points" for past offenses and encounters with police. People with the most points are monitored in expectation of future crimes. Apparently with a pretty good success rate.

Encounters with police resets the clock for future surveillance - which can last up to two years since their last interaction with police. Individuals who may be associated with or know about criminal activity can face extra surveillance.

In other words, LAPD units are ordered to check up on persons of interest, to check for things like outstanding warrants or illegal gun seizures. Apparently, the program was becoming too effective, because it focused police attention where crimes and criminals were most likely to occur, so has been attacked by James Garcia and his Stop LAPD Spying Coalition under the guise that it was unduly targeting minorities who committed most of the crimes.

The LAPD Has a New Surveillance Formula, Powered by Palantir

Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
Those computers were racist for looking at the evidence of rampant black criminality.

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