La School District Had Grenade Launchers!

Yes, that's crazy. It's bad enough that every hick police department in the country is getting MRAP vehicles, but a school district? Sigh.

And who is responsible? Can you say Obama & Holder? That's right folks, your president and attorney general are responsible for the militarization of American police institutions, apparently even school district police institutions. It's gotten crazy over the past six years. Your left-wing peaceniks at work. Not!

The White House claims they've been passing down all this war surplus material to cops because Americans are concerned about domestic terrorism. That's true, they are, now more than they've been since 9/11, but what the hell is giving an $800,000 six-ton IED-resistant armored vehicle to a school district police department going to accomplish? Nothing. It's crazy, just like our president.

Redneck Rambo wannabe cops are way too plentiful, and they're way too fucking stupid. Most of them are cowards as well, who'd scream and run away if ever confronted by the type of people they pretend to be. Why do they need to be armed like a military infantry company? They don't! If things get to that point, that's why we have a National Guard. And if they can't handle a situation, I guarantee the 101st Airborne Division can.

We need to get back to Andy Taylor and Barney Fife, not Stalin's Black Maria goon squads. And this is the LEFT who are responsible. The militarization of America's police is THE LEFT'S doing. Not the right.
Although I see no need for schools to have such weapons I find the left's fear of the police very disingenuous.

Talk about Waco and the attack by the ATF on the compound. Then the resultant murder of the innocent children with what can not be described as anything other then military equipment. All of sudden the left is in love with law enforcement. No prob. with an armed attack, no problem people being killed, in the initial raid, outside the compound while returning from work and of course law enforcement finishing the job with the fiery end. Anyone want to guess why?
It does not matter what the police have, it only matters what they do with the equipment.

The problem I see is that police are now getting para-military type forces to which they will want to use them, as they did at Waco. So instead of just arresting a person when they are at WalMart they might launch an attack.

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