LA Mayor to cut LAPD budget by $150 million in a political earthquake approved by city council


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

this will lead to more crime, folks!


Get ready, local governments everywhere are looking to trim budgets, now they have a ready made excuse. Though a $3B budget is massive
"Ready made excuse" ? Whaaaaat ? After all this rioting, burning, looting, if anything, there is all the reason in the world to INCREASE police budgets, and enlarge police rosters massively.
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US troops are ready to move in, where irresponsible, reckless, and downright criminal leftist politicians deliberately hold police back. Thank you President Trump.

This is all the more proof that if he doesn't get re-elected, we are all going to be in a lot of trouble, and we all better be armed to the teeth.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

The LAPD had been a power unto itself until the 1990s riots.

So I have no illusions about the LAPD.

But I realize that the LAPD is the only barrier between the good people of this city and the very, very, very bad people of this city.

Mayor Garcetti was a tough guy until the start of the current insurrection. Like a dictator, he was ordering citizens left and right what to do during this pandemic.

Then the looting and arson and violation of the curfew started. The peaceful demonstrators and the violent hoodlums called his bluff. Now he is pathetically asking them to cooperate. He is promising all kinds of structural change.

this will lead to more crime, folks!


Hopefully they’ll loosen their 2A infringements while they are at it. It’s not all doom, and gloom. When neighbors have to rely more on each other, and when a peace is reached homogeneously amongst peers, rather than the threat of force from a government boot heel; a tighter knit community is more possible than ever. A community where residents can, and must be personally invested. While it may be ugly at times; weaning the tax cattle off the government tit, and forcing them the demonstrate some personal agency might just be the very best thing that ever happened to these people.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

The LAPD had been a power unto itself until the 1990s riots.

So I have no illusions about the LAPD.

But I realize that the LAPD is the only barrier between the good people of this city and the very, very, very bad people of this city.

Mayor Garcetti was a tough guy until the start of the current insurrection. Like a dictator, he was ordering citizens left and right what to do during this pandemic.

Then the looting and arson and violation of the curfew started. The peaceful demonstrators and the violent hoodlums called his bluff. Now he is pathetically asking them to cooperate. He is promising all kinds of structural change.
Garcetti is using the budget cut as blackmail against the federal government

He wants the fedeal government to pay for LAs cops

1. I have just read that the Los Angeles mayor will end the curfew tonight (Thursday). It IS very embarrassing to order a curfew and no one obeys it.

2. I have just read that the mayor recently kneeled at one demonstration.

3. I have just read that His Honor will use the money from the reduced police budget to fund programs for people of color.

this will lead to more crime, folks!


Hopefully they’ll loosen their 2A infringements while they are at it. It’s not all doom, and gloom. When neighbors have to rely more on each other, and when a peace is reached homogeneously amongst peers, rather than the threat of force from a government boot heel; a tighter knit community is more possible than ever. A community where residents can, and must be personally invested. While it may be ugly at times; weaning the tax cattle off the government tit, and forcing them the demonstrate some personal agency might just be the very best thing that ever happened to these people.
Whatever this post was meant to say, and I'm not going to rack my brains to decipher it, this scenario couldn't be more clear. The law-abiding people of LA lose, the criminal filth win. This in an open invitation to President Trump to Insurrection Act these idiots, with US troops, and restore law and order. As usual, there is only one thing that criminal crazies understand, and that is FORCE and domination. Looks like that's what they will be getting. The sooner the better.

Lastly, it might not the a bad idea to somehow get the assclowns on the city council out of there, before they completely wreck the city, or what's left of it.

1. I have just read that the Los Angeles mayor will end the curfew tonight (Thursday). It IS very embarrassing to order a curfew and no one obeys it.

2. I have just read that the mayor recently kneeled at one demonstration.

3. I have just read that His Honor will use the money from the reduced police budget to fund programs for people of color.
I wonder who inititiated this extortion policy. If I get 2 guesses, I'd say BLM, NAACP.

this will lead to more crime, folks!


Hopefully they’ll loosen their 2A infringements while they are at it. It’s not all doom, and gloom. When neighbors have to rely more on each other, and when a peace is reached homogeneously amongst peers, rather than the threat of force from a government boot heel; a tighter knit community is more possible than ever. A community where residents can, and must be personally invested. While it may be ugly at times; weaning the tax cattle off the government tit, and forcing them the demonstrate some personal agency might just be the very best thing that ever happened to these people.
Whatever this post was meant to say, and I'm not going to rack my brains to decipher it, this scenario couldn't be more clear. The law-abiding people of LA lose, the criminal filth win. This in an open invitation to President Trump to Insurrection Act these idiots, with US troops, and restore law and order. As usual, there is only one thing that criminal crazies understand, and that is FORCE and domination. Looks like that's what they will be getting. The sooner the better.

Lastly, it might not the a bad idea to somehow get the assclowns on the city council out of there, before they completely wreck the city, or what's left of it.
It means the residents could have to opportunity to regain some of the intrepid agency that this nation's forefathers possessed. That they could seize their own destiny, and make of it what they will, rather than living as subjects. But thats up to them.

this will lead to more crime, folks!


Yep.....just let the looters control the streets.....

Fucking Democrats.
Democrats are idiots.
US troops are ready to move in, where irresponsible, reckless, and downright criminal leftist politicians deliberately hold police back. Thank you President Trump.

This is all the more proof that if he doesn't get re-elected, we are all going to be in a lot of trouble, and we all better be armed to the teeth.

You definitely should.
It means the residents could have to opportunity to regain some of the intrepid agency that this nation's forefathers possessed. That they could seize their own destiny, and make of it what they will, rather than living as subjects. But thats up to them.
They're not going to regain anything by cutting their police protection. Only thing they will get is more crime and a reduction of public safety. This is nuts.
It means the residents could have to opportunity to regain some of the intrepid agency that this nation's forefathers possessed. That they could seize their own destiny, and make of it what they will, rather than living as subjects. But thats up to them.
They're not going to regain anything by cutting their police protection. Only thing they will get is more crime and a reduction of public safety. This is nuts.
And when they decide they need a better opportunity to protect themselves; they'll have the opportunity to vote in leaders who support the second ammendment. When they realize they need genuine community to look out for each other; they'll have the opportunity to build meaningful bonds, and communities.
They didn't get in this situation overnight. And they wont get out of it overnight. And as bitter a pill as it may be to swallow, it took them a lot of blood, and bodies to get them to where they are today. Chances are that'll be part of the price to pay to get things back.

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