LA Coroner dies of arsenic poisoning same day Brietbarts autopsy was released


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Holy freaking toledo!

I just picked this up at the Daily Mail.

Just two months after conservative firebrand Andrew Breitbart died of a sudden heart attack, a Los Angeles coroner has died of suspicious circumstances.

Sources told the Los Angeles Times that Michael Cormier, 61, appears to have died of arsenic poisoning on April 20, the day the Los Angeles coroner's office released their preliminary autopsy report on Mr Breitbart.

Conspiracy theorists and some of Mr Breitbart's fans say that the timing, as well as the manner in which Mr Cormier died, makes compelling evidence of a sinister connection between the two men's deaths.

But what's really strange is this quote attempting to debunk that the two deaths could be related:

The L.A. County Coroner's Assistant Chief Ed Winter told LA Weekly that 'only doctors' ever worked on Mr Breitbart, because foul play was not suspected from the beginning.

Only freaking "doctors" worked on Breitbart because foul play was not mother freaking suspected!! Not suspected??????

Unreal. Just unreal. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but hell's bells my hair stood on end when I read this.

Andrew Breitbart death: Conspiracy theorists cry foul after 'coroner' dies of arsenic poisoning | Mail Online
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Holy freaking toledo!

I just picked this up at the Daily Mail.

Just two months after conservative firebrand Andrew Breitbart died of a sudden heart attack, a Los Angeles coroner has died of suspicious circumstances.

Sources told the Los Angeles Times that Michael Cormier, 61, appears to have died of arsenic poisoning on April 20, the day the Los Angeles coroner's office released their preliminary autopsy report on Mr Breitbart.

Conspiracy theorists and some of Mr Breitbart's fans say that the timing, as well as the manner in which Mr Cormier died, makes compelling evidence of a sinister connection between the two men's deaths.

But what's really strange is this quote attempting to debunk that the two deaths could be related:

The L.A. County Coroner's Assistant Chief Ed Winter told LA Weekly that 'only doctors' ever worked on Mr Breitbart, because foul play was not suspected from the beginning.

Only freaking "doctors" worked on Breitbart because foul play was not mother freaking suspected!! Not suspected??????

Unreal. Just unreal. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but hell's bells my hair stood on end when I read this.

Andrew Breitbart death: Conspiracy theorists cry foul after 'coroner' dies of arsenic poisoning | Mail Online

the la times was reporting "died of natural causes" the day he died. hmmm
Brietbart was seen acting like an insane man on crack not long before he died.

He was screaming in the streets at protestors like his hair was on fire.

Too much scotch and camels lead to his demise is my guess
Andrew Breitbart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On February 9, 2012, Breitbart while in Washington, DC was quoted as saying, “wait til they see what happens March first.” Breitbart was referring to his plan to release "damning" footage of President Obama that he had been promising to reveal throughout the month of February. [58] However, on March 1, 2012, Breitbart died at the UCLA Medical Center after he collapsed while walking in Brentwood.[59] He was 43 years old. An autopsy by the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office showed that he had cardiomegaly and died of heart failure.[60] The toxicology report showed "No prescription or illicit drugs were detected. The blood alcohol was .04%. No significant trauma was present and foul play is not suspected."[60] Personal friend of Brietbart, Bill Whittle, had said that Brietbart had a "serious heart attack" just months before his passing
Now that's what I call a conspiracy. Are all the freaking investigative reporters retired or are they waiting for a republican scandal?
Brietbart was seen acting like an insane man on crack not long before he died.

He was screaming in the streets at protestors like his hair was on fire.

Too much scotch and camels lead to his demise is my guess

source please...
Brietbart was seen acting like an insane man on crack not long before he died.

He was screaming in the streets at protestors like his hair was on fire.

Too much scotch and camels lead to his demise is my guess

source please...

[ame=]Andrew Breitbart Yells at Occupy Protesters - YouTube[/ame]


That good enough?
I admit I didn't believe it. I had to look it up independently.

Yep, he was poisoned to death. On the same day the autopsy results were released.

Maybe he balked at releasing fake autopsy results.
he had a heart attack months before he killed over.

He was acting like a mad man right before he killed over.
Had alcohol in is system when he died
TM you got yourself confused. This isn't about Brietbart, it's about the coroner that was poisoned with arsenic and died the same day the Breitbart autopsy results were released.

There is no dispute. The coroner is dead and the cause of death was arsenic poisoning.
No doubt how he came to have been poisoned by arsenic is under investigation. The investigation will be inconclusive because no one else wants to die of arsenic poisoning.
Ok...we all know that TM is enjoying this. It is sort of intriguing.

But what did TM know, and when was it known?
TM you got yourself confused. This isn't about Brietbart, it's about the coroner that was poisoned with arsenic and died the same day the Breitbart autopsy results were released.

There is no dispute. The coroner is dead and the cause of death was arsenic poisoning.

Thank you.

As much as I adore murder mysteries I'm really not one for " conspiracy around every corner".

But holy toledo, a coroner in the LA's office dies of arsenic poisoning the same day Brietbart's autopsy results are to be released and we're not supposed to go "huh"?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Is the Pope freaking Catholic?

I mean come on. And then the Sheriff's department issues a statement that "they can't rule out foul play".

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