Kyle Rittenhouse FLEES from a group of students w/dog in tow after being asked a few questions

It would have been something, though, if he tried to escape from an increasingly hostile black mob and they blocked him, and started to assault him, and he killed one in self-defense.
The big problem with that is he would had even more lawyer fees. I seriously doubt with his past he could have claimed self defense and been allowed to just walk away free.

By the way, lawyer fees are one reason I will walk away from a serious argument that might turn violent when I am armed. I may look like a coward but at least I am not bankrupt.

Before Florida passed its concealed carry laws I took a jujitsu class. The instructor also said to walk away from an argument before it turned violent. He said the tactics he taught were to be used when attacked not just to settle an argument.
And what does it say how leftists made a hero out of a violent ex-felon drug addict black? I was forced to stop in the middle of MACY’s for eight minutes of fucking silence in tribute to him!

And there is no indication that Rittenhouse is either a racist or a coward. He was quite brave, actually, in trying to stop the BLM violence (although naive).
Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent of murdering black demonstrators; this is someone conservatives perceive to be a ‘hero.’
Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent of murdering black demonstrators; this is someone conservatives perceive to be a ‘hero.’
Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent of murdering black demonstrators;
and waited 24 hours after he arrived in the town where his father lived before he shot ANYONE, and all 3 of the people he defended himself from were white.

so much for 'murdering' black demonstrators.
Most Left Wingers are angry violent bigots.
These are the same sort of dangerous Radical Left extremist who attempted to lynch Kyle Rittenhouse.
As usual, a rightwinger opts to FLEE in fear, rather than to face actual people who simply want answers.

In this case a group of youngsters asked him a couple of easy questions, which he flubbed, like someone else we know

what happened here....

Notice how he got his ass up outta there so fast he damned near choked that poor little doggie to death?

The whole idea that black people oppose a guy who defended himself from 3 violent white guys, just goes to show how deep the plantation is.
Rittenhouse is a racist and coward.
You're a liar. You're also a poster child for punishing libel and slander with public caning.
And you didn't go to school. Whats the educational basis for Rittenhouse being there?

Again, why? We had speakers to debating economics, or this new NAFTA thing, or the impact of the fall of the Warsaw Pact on employment rights. This is not that.
So, you want to be the arbiter of what speech is "educational," then? No.
As usual, a rightwinger opts to FLEE in fear, rather than to face actual people who simply want answers.

In this case a group of youngsters asked him a couple of easy questions, which he flubbed, like someone else we know

what happened here....

Notice how he got his ass up outta there so fast he damned near choked that poor little doggie to death?


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