Kurdish Peshmerga's Female Fighters Prepare For Battle Against Isis

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Female Peshmerga Fighter Training - Business Insider

As fighting continues to rage between ISIS and its enemies in Iraq and Syria, the female soldiers fighting within the Kurdish Peshmerga have gained increasing prominence.

Unlike many neighboring militaries in the Middle East, the Peshmerga allow women into their military force. Female Kurds serve on the front lines alongside their male companions. Women are able to climb the leadership ladder of the Peshmerga too, although they are capped at the level of regiment commander.

The military force also plays a strong role in helping to combat the practice of honor killings, and the organization encourages the education of women — fighters have to be literate in order to join the force.


More at the link.
Read more: Female Peshmerga Fighter Training - Business Insider
ISIS is scared of the women soldiers. In their weirdass version of Islam, they don't go to paradise if killed by a woman.

2000 Kurds in Kobane are holding off ISIS, even though ISIS had previously routed 30,000 Iraqi regulars. It's not the size of the dog in the fight ...

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