Kumbaya! Finally, Ds and Rs agree!

I think it depends on how it is regulated. What Republicans really want is no TOS rules so they spout and spread what ever they want, but that is a fake issue.
Agreed. They're just using it as a club to beat the other side over the head with in their "culture war".
Social media is too embedded in our culture now to continue to exert it’s social manipulations for profit unchecked. There needs to be a balance.
Social media has a lot of power to influence society and the government wants a cut.
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"The only people kicked off were people like Alex Jones"? If you wont even recognize the obvious, why should i even bother responding to your posts?
Okay, what's "the obvious"? I just explained the whole dynamic pretty accurately and thoroughly - that's obvious. It's also obvious you're drinking Kool Aid.
Youre missing all the normal people who are being deplatformed and shadow banned!

1. AI does make mistakes, but that's not just a conservative bias.

2. Most who get de-platformed abuse/violate the terms of service more than once. It's just like this website: violate the TOS, and they can remove you/me/whoever.

It's their platform. Don't like it? Find one that won't ban you. Or, you know, don't violate the TOS>
The rise of tech platforms has introduced new and difficult challenges, from the tragic acts of violence linked to toxic online cultures, to deteriorating mental health and wellbeing, to basic rights of Americans and communities worldwide suffering from the rise of tech platforms big and small.

There is a difference, tramp said no speech is bad and shouldn't be interfered with . tramp was protection of vindictive speech.
On TV 95% of what we see is pro Democratic Party and agendas. Vindictive speech can be closer to G rated but the same if said properly. And the judges of it are from the same party who controls the broadcasts. It is endless. Produce TV programs are of diversity and equity so bad that many productions look stupid. Commercial are saturated with the same.
Twitter called themsleves the "public square".

"CEO Jack Dorsey stands by the notion that Twitter is a “public square” for the world"

Well, it's public of us, not them

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