Krugman Endorses Death Panels


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Krugman Endorses Death Panels​


Health Reform:​

The left's favorite economist, who condemned others for saying ObamaCare would require death panels, now admits they are real and necessary. The way to control costs, he says, is death and taxes.

Paul Krugman has long extolled the virtues of Britain's National Health Service and its National Institute for Clinical Excellence with the Orwellian acronym of NICE. Krugman has been anything but nice to NHS critics and those who've said that what have been called its "death panels" would be brought to America via ObamaCare.

In a roundtable discussion on ABC's "This Week," the New York Times columnist said of what recently came out of the president's deficit commission: "Some years down the pike, we're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.

"Medicare is going to have to decide what it's going to pay for," Krugman said. "And at least for starters, it's going to have to decide which medical procedures are not effective at all and should not be paid for at all. In other words, (the deficit commission) should have endorsed the panel that was part of the health care reform."

Krugman went right to his blog Sunday afternoon to "clarify" his comments. He explained, and we are willing to accept, that he was being derisive of the term and sarcastic. "I said something deliberately provocative on This Week," Krugman wrote, "so I think I'd better clarify what I meant," which is something he regularly denies to others.

He explained that "health care costs will have to be controlled, which will surely require having Medicare and Medicaid decide what they're willing to pay for — not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we're willing to spend for extreme care."

Whatever his intended use of the phrase "death panels," what he describes are in fact "death panels." A group of people will sit on a, er, panel, deciding what treatments are cost-effective and should be available and who should get them. That is called rationing and in cases of the "extreme care" he mentions, a life-and-death decision.

That's a death panel.


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... A group of people will sit on a, er, panel, deciding what treatments are cost-effective and should be available and who should get them. That is called rationing and in cases of the "extreme care" he mentions, a life-and-death decision.

What that's really called is our modern-day insurance-controlled and completely dysfunctional health care system.

In the past, if you had insurance, your care iwa dictated by that insurance company.

If you didn't have insurance, thanks to the Reagan Socialist disaster, EMTALA, you got free care at the emergency room and the cost was passed on to those who actually paid for their care.
Krugman Endorses Death Panels​


Health Reform:​

The left's favorite economist, who condemned others for saying ObamaCare would require death panels, now admits they are real and necessary. The way to control costs, he says, is death and taxes.

Paul Krugman has long extolled the virtues of Britain's National Health Service and its National Institute for Clinical Excellence with the Orwellian acronym of NICE. Krugman has been anything but nice to NHS critics and those who've said that what have been called its "death panels" would be brought to America via ObamaCare.

In a roundtable discussion on ABC's "This Week," the New York Times columnist said of what recently came out of the president's deficit commission: "Some years down the pike, we're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.

"Medicare is going to have to decide what it's going to pay for," Krugman said. "And at least for starters, it's going to have to decide which medical procedures are not effective at all and should not be paid for at all. In other words, (the deficit commission) should have endorsed the panel that was part of the health care reform."

Krugman went right to his blog Sunday afternoon to "clarify" his comments. He explained, and we are willing to accept, that he was being derisive of the term and sarcastic. "I said something deliberately provocative on This Week," Krugman wrote, "so I think I'd better clarify what I meant," which is something he regularly denies to others.

He explained that "health care costs will have to be controlled, which will surely require having Medicare and Medicaid decide what they're willing to pay for — not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we're willing to spend for extreme care."

Whatever his intended use of the phrase "death panels," what he describes are in fact "death panels." A group of people will sit on a, er, panel, deciding what treatments are cost-effective and should be available and who should get them. That is called rationing and in cases of the "extreme care" he mentions, a life-and-death decision.

That's a death panel.


Read More At IBD:
Krugman Endorses Death Panels -

yes this is called QARY( Quality adjusted remaining years) wherein Obama looks at your health, age, and expense of treatment needed to decide if you get treatment or die. Death panels have always been a part of Barry's ACA!!

Piles and piles of bullshit.

There is no place where "ObamaCare" considers or recommends or requires or suggests "death panels".

WHEN will the rw's actually educate themselves?

Never. Because its so much easier to repeat idiotic lies like this one.

Piles and piles of bullshit.

There is no place where "ObamaCare" considers or recommends or requires or suggests "death panels".

WHEN will the rw's actually educate themselves?

Never. Because its so much easier to repeat idiotic lies like this one.

actually its called QARY( Quality adjusted remaining years) wherein Obama looks at your health, age, and expense of treatment needed to decide if you get treatment or die. Death panels have always been a part of Barry's ACA!!

A liberal who doubts it can use the internet to look it up?? Does a liberal know how to use the internet???
We knew all along it was going to happen.

The fact that the left pissed itself collectively to deny it should have been all the evidence we needed.

Oh well. Welcome to the nightmare. I think in about 2 years, we'll start seeing the real fruits....scheduled killings, subsidies for families who can talk relatives into euthanasia....
We knew all along it was going to happen.

The fact that the left pissed itself collectively to deny it should have been all the evidence we needed.

Oh well. Welcome to the nightmare. I think in about 2 years, we'll start seeing the real fruits....scheduled killings, subsidies for families who can talk relatives into euthanasia....

a giant government monopoly death panel could create a huge public relations problem. Imagine taking your mother to the hospital only to find the death panel formula means she must die. I wonder if they would let you out of the hospital so you could go to another country?

It would pay to know the formula before you went to the hospital on the off chance you wanted to live despite what Obama wanted.
Behavioral scientists will nudge you into wanting to die. If you don't want to die, you are selfish, ego driven. If you don't want to die, you might be mentally ill and incompetent to know what's best.
Behavioral scientists will nudge you into wanting to die. If you don't want to die, you are selfish, ego driven. If you don't want to die, you might be mentally ill and incompetent to know what's best.

So then we watch out for jail bar doors at hospitals in case we want to get out and Obama doesn't want us to get out!!

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