Krauthammer: Moment of Moral Clarity/ Israel

Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.

The whole idea of roof knocking is to not kill them.
It's a warning to get the hell out of there.
Israel does not want to kill them, but Hamas wants to kill every single Israeli and use their own people to achieve that goal.
Moral clarity? Why would Jews cheer the death of Palestinian civilians?

NEW YORK -- CNN has removed correspondent Diana Magnay from covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after she tweeted that Israelis who were cheering the bombing of Gaza, and who had allegedly threatened her, were “scum.”

CNN Removes Reporter Diana Magnay From Israel-Gaza After 'Scum' Tweet
"Magnay appeared on CNN Thursday from a hill overlooking the Israel-Gaza border. While she reported, Israelis could be heard near her cheering as missiles were fired at Gaza.

"After the liveshot, Magnay tweeted: 'Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to ‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.” The tweet was quickly removed, but not before it had been retweeted more than 200 times.

"The removal of Magnay comes a day after NBC News pulled Ayman Mohyeldin from Gaza.

"NBC's decision to remove the widely praised Mohyeldin, and unwillingness to explain why, has been met with anger and frustration from journalists inside and outside the network.

"A source with knowledge of the decision told The Huffington Post that NBC executives cited security concerns. But at the same time Moyheldin was pulled, NBC assigned chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel to Gaza.

"One of Mohyeldin's tweets and Facebook posts were recently deleted, a move that has fueled speculation that his social media use could have been the cause for his removal. But the source said the reason given internally by network executives was security."

Anyone involved with the US media who doesn't parrot the Israeli line winds up being replaced. That explains why Americans are entirely clueless about Israel's belligerent occupation of Gaza and how the Israeli town of Sderot was built on the ruins of an Arab village name Najd in 1948.

CNN Removes Reporter Diana Magnay From Israel-Gaza After 'Scum' Tweet

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