Knife Control to Curb Stabbings


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
For all the gun control (or ban) nuts out there, what happens when a culture doesn't have guns? They find another tool. This kind of reinforces the whole, "it isn't the tool, it's the person that does the killing" reality.

In the UK where they have very limited gun availability, those evil enough or mentally ill enough to desire killing another human being simply find a different tool. Take away their knives, they will just pick up a rock or club and beat you to death.

Any gun control advocates see how silly the judges arguments are for knife control?

Knives are too sharp and filing them down is solution to soaring violent crime, judge says

"A judge has proposed a nationwide programme to file down the points of kitchen knives as a solution to the country’s soaring knife crime epidemic.

Last week in his valedictory address, retiring Luton Crown Court Judge Nic Madge spoke of his concern that carrying a knife had become routine in some circles and called on the Government to ban the sale of large pointed kitchen knives.

Latest figures show stabbing deaths among teenagers and young adults have reached the highest level for eight years, and knife crime overall rose 22 per cent in 2017.

In the past two months, he said, there have been 77 knife-related incidents in Bedfordshire, including three killings.

Judge Madge told the assembled judges, barristers and court staff: “These offences often seem motiveless - one boy was stabbed because he had an argument a couple of years before at his junior school.”

He said laws designed to reduce the availability of weapons to young would-be offenders had had “almost no effect”, since the vast majority had merely taken knives from a cutlery drawer.

He said: “A few of the blades carried by youths are so called ‘Rambo knives’ or samurai swords. They though are a very small minority.

"The reason why these measures have little effect is that the vast majority of knives carried by youths are ordinary kitchen knives. Every kitchen contains lethal knives which are potential murder weapons.

"Accordingly, it is very easy for any youth who wants to obtain a knife to take it from the kitchen drawer in his home or in the home of one of his friends.”

As a result - said the judge -
the most common knife a youth will take out is eight to ten inches, long and pointed, from his mother's cutlery tray.

He asked: “But why we do need eight-inch or ten-inch kitchen knives with points?

“Butchers and fishmongers do, but how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all."

"Acknowledging that any blade could cause injury, the judge pointed out “slash wounds are rarely fatal.”

So, he said: “I would urge all those with any role in relation to knives - manufacturers, shops, the police, local authorities, the government - to consider preventing the sale of long pointed knives, except in rare, defined, circumstances, and replacing such knives with rounded ends.

"It might even be that the police could organise a programme whereby the owners of kitchen knives, which have been properly and lawfully bought for culinary purposes, could be taken somewhere to be modified, with the points being ground down into rounded ends," he said...….."

Any of that flawed reasoning sound familiar?
It’s a whole lot easier to get out of the way of a knife headed your way than it is a bullet.
Come on folks, you don't need those long knives and they don't need to have points on them. Those are for very specialized needs that the average home cook just doesn't need when they could just hack away with a butter knife. Save lives by controlling deadly knives. Knives kill people.
To hell with those little pointy knives why stab someone when you can chop off a hand with one of these


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