KISS’s Paul Stanley Rocks Wokesters with News that Trans Surgeries are NOT COOL!

That's wordplay. The immediate impact of course stops once you stop taking them, what they dance around is that you don't get that part of puberty back you tried to skip over if you are on them for too long.

What happens if puberty blockers are stopped?​

It depends on whether the stop coincides with the start of gender affirming hormones.

If no other medication is prescribed, puberty will resume exactly as it would have without the blockers.

AFAB folks, for example, will likely develop breasts and begin menstruating. AMAB folks will likely start to develop an Adam’s apple and grow facial hair.

According to Osipoff, the amount of time it takes for a person to resume puberty varies.

“It’s similar to how people’s bodies respond differently when they go off birth control pills,” she says. “Some people take a few weeks, while some people take just a few days.”

If a doctor prescribes a person gender affirming hormones, they will begin puberty as the gender they are, not as the sex or gender they were assigned at birth.

What happens if puberty blockers are stopped?​

It depends on whether the stop coincides with the start of gender affirming hormones.

If no other medication is prescribed, puberty will resume exactly as it would have without the blockers.

AFAB folks, for example, will likely develop breasts and begin menstruating. AMAB folks will likely start to develop an Adam’s apple and grow facial hair.

According to Osipoff, the amount of time it takes for a person to resume puberty varies.

“It’s similar to how people’s bodies respond differently when they go off birth control pills,” she says. “Some people take a few weeks, while some people take just a few days.”

If a doctor prescribes a person gender affirming hormones, they will begin puberty as the gender they are, not as the sex or gender they were assigned at birth.


Sorry, but the last line is absolute bullshit. They will not sprout fucking ovaries if they or a boy or grow a penis and testicles if they are a girl.

It just shows what fucking liars these people are, and what a dupe you are for swallowing this bullshit.
Sorry, but the last line is absolute bullshit. They will not sprout fucking ovaries if they or a boy or grow a penis and testicles if they are a girl.
They were already born with those. Grasp again.
Learn the difference between care and surgical alterations of the genitals.

That is the policy of the preeminent hospital for this type of care in the USA. They are not trans activist petitioning anyone across the globe.
Gender Affirming care from
- The interventions fall along a continuum as well, from counseling to changes in social expression to medications (such as hormone therapy). For children in particular, the timing of the interventions is based on several factors, including cognitive and physical development as well as parental consent. Surgery, including to reduce a person’s Adam’s Apple, or to align their chest or genitalia with their gender identity.
Again - you are hiding under a rock trying to pretend it doesn't include surgery - when it 100% does.
Surgery, including to reduce a person’s Adam’s Apple, or to align their chest or genitalia with their gender identity.
Hahaha ummmhumm. So let revisit the paragraph that alleged sentence came from. Here is the entire thing.

" For children in particular, the timing of the interventions is based on several factors, including cognitive and physical development as well as parental consent. Surgery, including to reduce a person’s Adam’s Apple, or to align their chest or genitalia with their gender identity, is rarely provided to people under 18.

Notice anything missing in your quote?

Hahaha ummmhumm. So let revisit the paragraph that alleged sentence came from. Here is the entire thing.

" For children in particular, the timing of the interventions is based on several factors, including cognitive and physical development as well as parental consent. Surgery, including to reduce a person’s Adam’s Apple, or to align their chest or genitalia with their gender identity, is rarely provided to people under 18.

Notice anything missing in your quote?

Once again - you live under a rock made of denial.
The Transactivist all over the western world are pushing for gender affirming care for minors including surgery.
TODAY - it is rare that surgery is performed, but that is what transactivist want to change.
You can deny that all you want.
Once again - you live under a rock made of denial.
The Transactivist all over the western world are pushing for gender affirming care for minors including surgery.
TODAY - it is rare that surgery is performed, but that is what transactivist want to change.
You can deny that all you want.
Transactivist huh? Sounds like another boogie man Faux Not News and the New Republican propagandists have come up with for the Herd. Help, the Transactivist are at the gate! Save us!

Most people, including democrats do not support gender affirming surgery for minor children.
We are guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards and other criteria to surgically treat people who are stable in their gender identity and have documentation of persistent gender dysphoria. You do not need to be a GeMS patient to have surgery at the center. All genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older.
Making the psychosis legitimate. Rock on Paul.
so sad to see all these aged rock stars try to stay relevant...i want to remember them as they were.....not the old fuckers they turned into
They were already born with those. Grasp again.

What grasping?

This is the line that shows these so called professionals are in complete doublethink mode

If a doctor prescribes a person gender affirming hormones, they will begin puberty as the gender they are, not as the sex or gender they were assigned at birth.

They will NOT begin puberty, they will begin a cosmetic drug induced body change.
Most people, including democrats do not support gender affirming surgery for minor children.
Makes no difference.
You think most Democrats really support biological men competing in women's sports??
Yet - they do.
You think most Democrat parents support biological males in their high school girls bathrooms?
Yet in some places they are.
You think Democrat parents really support a teacher pushing trans agendas in middle/high schools?
Yet there are 1000 examples where they are.

The Democrats have allowed the far left to completely take over the parties agenda and messaging.
Most Democrats are either too afraid to speak out against them, or just like virtue signaling over the same - either way - at the rate things are getting nuttier and nuttier - this nation will start gender affirming care on children before the year is out.
You think most Democrats really support biological men competing in women's sports??
Yet - they do.
46% say they do and 41% say they don't. I don't support them in scholarship competition or in professional sports.

You think most Democrat parents support biological males in their high school girls bathrooms?

Which bathroom should he/she use?


a teacher pushing trans agendas in middle/high schools

If a teacher is asked a question they shouldn't be afraid to answer truthfully because the answer might offend the parents.

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