King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. The GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige.


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Dirty Donald is demanding blood and heads of any GOP senator that votes in favor of the impeachment resolutions and removal from office.

It is alleged that GOP Senators have been told their heads will be severed and stuck on a pike if they vote for Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Perhaps the Saudi embassy in the USA will offer their embassies to carry out the decapitations.

Are GOP lawmakers going to be sacrificial stooges in Dirty Donald's reelection campaign?

Donald Trump has corrupted politics and society in the USA beyond redemption.

It's true that Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and escape the consequences and even gain more howling followers.

GOP Senators have been publicly exposed as corrupt.

King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. The GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige.

King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. The GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige.
The creation of a new form of American government, where the executive branch is permanently and utterly above the law, oversight, and accountability is upon us.

Rick Wilson

Like so many things in life that move slowly and then all at once, I fear Donald Trump has finally led America to the moment in our political history where things go very dark.

“Head on a pike.” “Take her out.” A rigged Senate impeachment trial with a foregone conclusion where one party isn’t even bothering to pretend they have the least commitment to truth, the rule of law, or the good of the country. Calls for the arrests and court-martial of whistleblowers and truth-tellers. An endless assault on a free press. Taken separately, these are troubling glimpses inside the political hurricane of the moment, but as a mosaic, they portend something so much more dangerous.

The enemy is always within for Trump. The abundant testimony by Fiona Hill, Alexander Vindman and others about Trump’s effort—led by Rudy Giuliani and his private henchmen—to wreck Joe Biden, leading to the abrupt removal of Yovanovitch, isn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was that Trump is caught on a recording admitting it.
I am reminded of those rallies where Stalin would execute the first one who stopped applauding.
It is God-Emperor Trump, God-Emperor Trump...

And of course, traitors should be dealt with harshly. More TDS...
Dirty Donald is demanding blood and heads of any GOP senator that votes in favor of the impeachment resolutions and removal from office.

It is alleged that GOP Senators have been told their heads will be severed and stuck on a pike if they vote for Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Perhaps the Saudi embassy in the USA will offer their embassies to carry out the decapitations.

Are GOP lawmakers going to be sacrificial stooges in Dirty Donald's reelection campaign?

Donald Trump has corrupted politics and society in the USA beyond redemption.

It's true that Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and escape the consequences and even gain more howling followers.

GOP Senators have been publicly exposed as corrupt.

King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. The GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige.

King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. The GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige.
The creation of a new form of American government, where the executive branch is permanently and utterly above the law, oversight, and accountability is upon us.

Rick Wilson

Like so many things in life that move slowly and then all at once, I fear Donald Trump has finally led America to the moment in our political history where things go very dark.

“Head on a pike.” “Take her out.” A rigged Senate impeachment trial with a foregone conclusion where one party isn’t even bothering to pretend they have the least commitment to truth, the rule of law, or the good of the country. Calls for the arrests and court-martial of whistleblowers and truth-tellers. An endless assault on a free press. Taken separately, these are troubling glimpses inside the political hurricane of the moment, but as a mosaic, they portend something so much more dangerous.

The enemy is always within for Trump. The abundant testimony by Fiona Hill, Alexander Vindman and others about Trump’s effort—led by Rudy Giuliani and his private henchmen—to wreck Joe Biden, leading to the abrupt removal of Yovanovitch, isn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was that Trump is caught on a recording admitting it.
I believe the GOP should vote up to one vote away from Conviction and Removal so that you can watch and see if he ( Trump ) put their heads on a Pike and when he does not will you realize that what was said meant your political career is over and not real death?
I believe the GOP should vote up to one vote away from Conviction and Removal so that you can watch and see if he ( Trump ) put their heads on a Pike and when he does not will you realize that what was said meant your political career is over and not real death?
I doubt anybody thinks the threat is actual. It probably means the death of a political career. It is just something to get riled up over. A substitute for real anger too despicable to be spoken.

Problem is that according to many polls, many Americans are getting vocal about this subject, and I/m beginning to think voting against Impeachment may also mean a political head on a pike.
I believe the GOP should vote up to one vote away from Conviction and Removal so that you can watch and see if he ( Trump ) put their heads on a Pike and when he does not will you realize that what was said meant your political career is over and not real death?
I doubt anybody thinks the threat is actual. It probably means the death of a political career. It is just something to get riled up over. A substitute for real anger too despicable to be spoken.

Problem is that according to many polls, many Americans are getting vocal about this subject, and I/m beginning to think voting against Impeachment may also mean a political head on a pike.

National Polls mean little to me and what should be conducted is State to State polls to discover if Red States are leaning flto Conviction and Removal and also swing States and if not then Red and Purple State Senators are safe...
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Jared Kushner has been negotiating with bone saw experts and Saudi Embassies for contract execution.

Jared Kushner is skinny and whiney but he can do the job if some burly thugs hold the victims.

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