King Obama the Irrelevant


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A perfect assessment of King Barry from the Big Government blog
The "fiscal cliff" fiasco has made it clear that President Barack Obama is entirely irrelevant to the everyday task of governing. He is not interested in it, and he is not good at it. He is great at campaigning and terrible at leading. He is essentially a symbol, a political celebrity who could be re-elected forever because people seem to like what they think he stands for, and what he tells them he stands against. But he does nothing positive for the country.

Read more @ King Obama the Irrelevant

A perfect assessment of King Barry from the Big Government blog
The "fiscal cliff" fiasco has made it clear that President Barack Obama is entirely irrelevant to the everyday task of governing. He is not interested in it, and he is not good at it. He is great at campaigning and terrible at leading. He is essentially a symbol, a political celebrity who could be re-elected forever because people seem to like what they think he stands for, and what he tells them he stands against. But he does nothing positive for the country.

Read more @ King Obama the Irrelevant


Joe "gaffe-master" Biden went and talked to the senate to work something out.
What does that say about Mr Obama's leadership?
Mr Obama couldn't lead a hungry five year old to the dinner table.
LOL. And I guess we will see how your House leaders do. 89 Senate votes for the compromise that the President worked out.

"Biden, evidently in good spirits after playing a central role in crafting the deal, said little on his way into or out of a roughly one hour and 45 minute meeting behind closed doors with Senate Democrats. "Happy New Year," he said on the way in. Asked on the way out what his chief selling point had been, the vice president reportedly replied: "Me."

Senate passes 'fiscal cliff' deal, House up next | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Thankfully Obama was quick to set the record straight and assure everyone that the doing was all his.

And more Americans still prefer him to Romney.

Amazing, huh?



Yes, amazing. Ha!
LOL. And I guess we will see how your House leaders do. 89 Senate votes for the compromise that the President worked out.

If it passes the House, Dems own the economy now, right?

No more sissy whining about Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh, right?
A perfect assessment of King Barry from the Big Government blog
The "fiscal cliff" fiasco has made it clear that President Barack Obama is entirely irrelevant to the everyday task of governing. He is not interested in it, and he is not good at it. He is great at campaigning and terrible at leading. He is essentially a symbol, a political celebrity who could be re-elected forever because people seem to like what they think he stands for, and what he tells them he stands against. But he does nothing positive for the country.

Read more @ King Obama the Irrelevant



Your continual fits of white-fisted impotent rage don't change the fact that you utterly ignore the intransigence of republicans lying at the root of this particular problem.

Please be less stupid. For the sake of the children.
A perfect assessment of King Barry from the Big Government blog
The "fiscal cliff" fiasco has made it clear that President Barack Obama is entirely irrelevant to the everyday task of governing. He is not interested in it, and he is not good at it. He is great at campaigning and terrible at leading. He is essentially a symbol, a political celebrity who could be re-elected forever because people seem to like what they think he stands for, and what he tells them he stands against. But he does nothing positive for the country.

Read more @ King Obama the Irrelevant


He's great on the talk shows when the host and audience are kissing his ass.
He's great with the press and when he has his hand picked supporters around him
and the media kissing his ass.
He's great on the stage when he's doing his little comedy schtick....

The low information voters love him and will vote for him every time.

He suks in a crises and in getting things done.
He doesn't have a clue about ObamaCare.
He farmed that out and doesn't even know what the friggin thing is all about.

He's a lousy President.
He divides the country.
Us against them mentality.
He can't lead.....

But he will win award after award.
Magazine cover after magazine cover.
He's been listed as the best President this country has ever had.Or close to it.

Yet this country is on the road to ruin and all he does is tell everyone it's not his fault.
And the Democrat's eat that shit up with a spoon.

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