Kindness Gene


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Strangers can spot 'kindness' gene: study - Yahoo! News

People with a certain gene trait are known to be more kind and caring than people without it, and strangers can quickly tell the difference, according to US research published on Monday.

The variation is linked to the body's receptor gene of oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone" because it often manifests during sex and promotes bonding, empathy and other social behaviors.

This is something I've been wondering about a lot lately. Christians vs atheists, gays vs straights, left-handed vs right, conservatives vs liberals. Mindsets. We think how we think, we feel as we feel, and there is no means to change it because it's hard-wired.
I hate all left-handed people. Especially the gay, Jewish, black ones who are Democrats.:lol:
Strangers can spot 'kindness' gene: study - Yahoo! News

People with a certain gene trait are known to be more kind and caring than people without it, and strangers can quickly tell the difference, according to US research published on Monday.

The variation is linked to the body's receptor gene of oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone" because it often manifests during sex and promotes bonding, empathy and other social behaviors.

This is something I've been wondering about a lot lately. Christians vs atheists, gays vs straights, left-handed vs right, conservatives vs liberals. Mindsets. We think how we think, we feel as we feel, and there is no means to change it because it's hard-wired.

I agree criminals can spot the kind people....
I wonder if there is a gene for being conniving and calculating. And can I get a gene splice?

I'm thinking about becoming a criminal mastermind as my next career.
If you care for others before yourself...

you're kind.

If anyone has doubts I'd suggest you visit a Tarot reader.

There was one guy ( a native American) that told me I'd better start watching out for myself rather than others or it would be the end of me.

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