Kim JOng-Un's Uncles Execution Method? Dogs.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
If you are going to be a homicidal dictator, you might as well be a homicidal creative crazy ass dictator.

Report: Kim Jong-Un Had His Uncle Eaten By Packs of Wild Dogs | Jammie Wearing Fools

Jang Song-Thaek, 67, along with five close aides, was stripped naked and thrown into a cage of hounds which had been starved for three days, according to new details emerging from China.

The pack of animals spent more than an hour mauling the group in a punishment called ‘quan jue’, or execution by dogs, a report in Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Po said.
Batshit crazy is how you control the masses. Firing squad, gas chamber, hell, even hanging have nowhere near the psychological repulsion of the prospect of being eaten alive by dogs.

Crazy like a Fox. That slant eyed chunk of boy-gook is fearless. Not good, in psychology it's called sociopathic. I wonder if it's genetic or he just learned it from dad.
Assuming it's true.
As for the Kims, they're clearly nuts but are they this nuts?

Like Stalin, Mao, Fidel and Che before him, Jong is just another great Progressive dictator
Never forget, this is a derivative of the FDR White House reporting to Stalin and handing China and Eastern Europe to the Communists.

They started the Korean War, the spies handed our war plans to their masters and got our people killed and lost us the war

Never forget
Never forget, this is a derivative of the FDR White House reporting to Stalin and handing China and Eastern Europe to the Communists.

They started the Korean War, the spies handed our war plans to their masters and got our people killed and lost us the war

Never forget

You wish.
And, this is the nutter who is Dennis Rodman's new BFF and $arah Palin's "ally".

SSDD for Crusader Frank rewriting history and KatzenNinny writing nonsense. LOL
And, this is the nutter who is Dennis Rodman's new BFF and $arah Palin's "ally".

SSDD for Crusader Frank rewriting history and KatzenNinny writing nonsense. LOL

We all know about Rodman, but how the hell are you brining Palin into this?
This is very sick man.....scary indeed.....

So much for any thoughts tha North Korea might get a more moderate dictator

Yeah. When the method of execution used on a person would even make someone like Hitler/Stalin go "whoa dude, tone it down a bit" you know you got someone "special" on your hands.

Here in da woods we would have stripped him, tied him to a tree and pored honey on him to let the feral hogs have at him.
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