Kim Jong Un sends out pictures showing how seriously he takes Trump's "threat"

Why wouldnt Progressives like Dean love KJU and NoKo? They have a living wage and single payer healthcare, its a Progressive Mecca


It's like anytime the news doesn't report on Kim Jong Un for a couple of days, the Trump Administration says see, we made them change their tune.

Mr. Trump, the world is laughing at you, Kim Jong Un is laughing at you, Transgenders are laughing at you.

Wow, sucking up yo Whoa! Fat....Rederp has reached a new low, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED levels of low.

Why are some of their hats so big?


It's like anytime the news doesn't report on Kim Jong Un for a couple of days, the Trump Administration says see, we made them change their tune.

Mr. Trump, the world is laughing at you, Kim Jong Un is laughing at you, Transgenders are laughing at you.

Nice attempt to start ww3, but you're rDean and a lame internet faggot, so STFU, pansy. Unless you're volunteering to catch the first salvo.
Santa brought you an early Christmas present:


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