Kim Davis Is Winning

You just know this woman has fifteen cats and a room devoted entirely to (gag) litter boxes.
That's totally a queer thing. She has a husband and at least one kid who works full time. That puts her head and shoulders above any homo family I know of....
She's winning. She will not endorse the licenses. The judge released her and has made the pathetic decision to tell her underlings to issue the licenses anyway....but has acknowledged that they aren't legal nor binding. She isn't going to issue the licenses and she's been released. She won.

And her clerks said they will ignore her order and issue them
She's winning. She will not endorse the licenses. The judge released her and has made the pathetic decision to tell her underlings to issue the licenses anyway....but has acknowledged that they aren't legal nor binding. She isn't going to issue the licenses and she's been released. She won.

And her clerks said they will ignore her order and issue them
I sincerely hope, for her sake, that they do...
Precisely what 'rights' is she fighting for? The right to not perform her elected functions? Or the right to be a homophobic bigot?

It certainly is not the right to practice the Christian Faith. There's nothing about the teachings of Jesus Christ that prescribes the discrimination of one's fellow man.

The "Christianity" she practices is 180 degrees out of sync with "Love thy neighbor" and "Judge not lest ye be judged". The 'faith' she espouses is wrought with dogma and misunderstanding of the basic tenets of Christianity. She practices a shameful, ugly faith.

And I think she is the winner of the Kathy Bates look alike contest. Has anyone seen MISERY lately?
The gist of the moronic article concerns 'winning' the Culture Wars, where the social right and Christian fundamentalists, as a consequence of their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the rule of law, believe they've won a 'moral victory,' leading to a Constitutional 'amendment' rendering Obergefell void, or electing a republican as president who will then pack the Supreme Court with reactionary rightwing ideologues hostile to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where Obergefell is 'overturned.'
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

Yo, I can see her voting "Republican" after reading the newspaper and hearing the news, the "Democrats" did not stand with her, only because she believed in God, and not the Devil!!!
View attachment 49831
The Democrats won't stand with her because she broke the law.

God and the devil have NOTHING to do with this. If you believe otherwise, perhaps you would favor a good old fashioned witch burning on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Anyway, nothing Christian is happening, that's for damn sure! No Christian forgets 'Love thy neighbor' and suddenly, in a fit of spiritual pique thinks it means 'except for Gays'. The whole thing is shameful to Christians and, as one myself, I find it embarrassing.
I see occupied, and cclayton, and seahag and others. My you look and act like you bit into a grapefruit. And are you CRYING???

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