Killing Cop Killers With Posse Comitatus


Sep 23, 2010
The worldwide killing by Muslims approved of by Taqiyya the Liar is a separate topic than the domestic killing he is responsible for that I want to examine in this message.

First off, Democrats have been trying to disarm law-abiding Americans for decades. It is now clear that killing average Americans will quickly follow killing cops. The question is this: Will the police stand aside and refuse to confiscate the guns the federal government located over many years? Local state and police forces have no reason to support the federal government whose policies are now committed to killing cops, nor should cops stand in the way of armed Americans from defending themselves against Taqiyya the Liar.

Incidentally, I cannot see New York City cops protecting their mayor. There may be a few more big city administrations jumping at the chance to do the killing for the federal government’s agenda.

The scum’s actions in the White House must be examined, but never believe anything he says. Case in point. The Ready Reserve Corps was designed to be a paramilitary force before it found funding into the ACA. Originally, Taqiyya the Liar called for a civilian national security force. In a speech on July 2, 2008 then-Senator Obama said:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."​

Now, take a good look at the kind of people training since the White House empowered them. Move the video to 1:00 in the video. They are the very people the scum and his Justice Department gave licenses to people for killing cops today:

Indeed, there is a good chance law-abiding gun owners will be joined by the police as a matter of self-defence.

Let’s take look at lawyers in relation to cop killers. Cop killers who are not killed in a gun battle, or commit suicide, lawyers will make millions. Lawyers will keep Joe Car, the Boston bomber, and Fort Hood murderer, Nidal Hasan, will rake in millions by keeping them alive for decades. The same is true of every killer who not only stays alive in prison but stands a better than good chance of getting released decades down the road because “he never got free trial.”

Worse still, the freaks who oppose the death penalty end up getting their way although an overwhelming of Americans favor the death penalty.

NOTE: A look at the media shows that they are responsible for killing cops, but only so long as they are federal government policies. Interestingly, it is getting a lot more difficult to separate ordinary cop killers from the political kind.

Finally, here is a thought. What will the scum in the White House do if police forces across the country invoke Posse comitatus against federal government criminals?

Sheriffs and the posse comitatus
By David Kopel May 15

Sheriffs and the posse comitatus - The Washington Post
I should have included academia:

“They have blood on their hands,” said former NYC police commissioner Bernard Kerik, of Mayor Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton and “all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality.” He was, of course, referring to the heinous assassinations of the two NYPD officers this weekend. “All those who encouraged,” by the way, would include Barack Obama and Eric Holder.

Virtually all the mainstream media.

And most of academia.

December 23, 2014
Liberal Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops
By Selwyn Duke

Articles Liberal Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops


Progressives completed their long march through public institutions, enabled by the reality that as their march was a covert one, there would be nobody to stop them. They started in academe which they now own, marched through churches before taking steady aim at the Blue Line, knowing full well that without the Blue Line there can only be anarchy.

To progressive politicians the Blue Line is the enemy
By Judi McLeod December 23, 2014

To progressive politicians the Blue Line is the enemy

The tragedy is that the public holds the parasites in the academy in the highest esteem as they continue to hide their bloodstained hands behind their story that education promises the only way to a better life. The only ones who get a better life get it from federal government tax dollars.

The scum’s actions in the White House must be examined, but never believe anything he says.
Da Reverend Al Sharpton proves my case. Taqiyya the Liar uses the same rhetoric he honed in 2008 when he campaigned on his moral message —— end WHITE racial hatred. After more than six years he continues to tell the same lies while his actions put guns in the hands of Sharpton’s followers.

Charles Krauthammer is not fooled by Taqiyya or Sharpton:

Krauthammer: When People Say We Need To Have A Conversation About Race, Aren't We Having One Right Now?

Krauthammer When People Say We Need To Have A Conversation About Race Aren t We Having One Right Now Video RealClearPolitics

I have one question. If Sharpton was not a street hustling punk would he have been invited to the White House 81 times? Hell, a black racist without a collar would not get to the White House once let alone 81 times. Obviously, our self-proclaimed “spiritual leader” is simpatico with every racist street hustling reverend.

Incidentally, the community organizer cum-president appears to have assigned promoting racial hatred to the “da reverends.”
The OP is clearly unaware of how ridiculous he is, that the 'premise' of his thread fails as a straw man fallacy – indeed, it's nothing but lies, and that the OP has succeeded in only demonstrating his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
The OP is clearly unaware of how ridiculous he is, that the 'premise' of his thread fails as a straw man fallacy – indeed, it's nothing but lies, and that the OP has succeeded in only demonstrating his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

To C_Clayton_Jones: Ordinarily, I do not waste my time talking to idiots like you. In this instance others might be interested learning where Taqiyya the Liar transformed his black racism hatred into federal government policy. Possibly, even a dumbbell like you might grasp where his plan was born. Look to Nazi Germany for Taqiyya’s the Liar’s blueprint.

The Schutzstaffel (SS) and the Gestapo were Hitler’s two most loyal instruments of oppression. The SS eventually dominated and disgraced Germany’s honorable military. It is reasonable to say that every politician with a cursory knowledge of Nazi Germany, and our political system, knows how to empower the Ready Reserve Corps the same way Hitler empowered the SS and the Gestapo. The names will be different —— the methods are the same.

Indeed, the word Schutzstaffel means “Defense Corps” although defense had little to do with the Schutzstaffel’s duties. Members of the SS served as Hitler’s personal guard, controlled the German army, and were a omnipotent security force.

The Gestapo was formed by combining several existing police organizations. The Gestapo became an internal police force with unlimited powers. Those powers were used to terrorize the German people.

A third organization, the Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung - abbreviated SA), was an essential element in Hitler’s rise to power. The SA lost its power and influence after Hitler consolidated his power, while the SS increased its power and influence.

If you discount ACORN and unions like the SEIU, Taqiyya came to power without calling upon SA-type storm troopers; nevertheless, his Ready Reserve Corps is an American SA. Why is that important? Answer: SA violence in the early years was a precursor to the SS the world came to know only too well.

The Brown Shirts planned to incorporate into itself the German army’s into a new people’s army, but it was the SS that accomplished it. Taqiyya’s Ready Reserve Corps is a people’s army loyal to him. Once the Ready Reserve Corps is as well-funded, well-trained, as strong, and as powerful as the US military the two will become one military entity with members of the people’s army dominating the regular army just as the SS came to dominate the German army.

NOTE: Killing cops shows they are already powerful enough to engage in violence. Remember that the violence in Hitler’s early years was not different than today’s killing cops. The extermination camps came later.

Incidentally, expect former ACORN activists, union members, etc., to swell the ranks of Taqiyya’s people’s army. Check your pulse for a sign of life if his followers with guns and uniforms does not frighten you.

If you doubt my take on Taqiyya’s goals for the Ready Reserve Corps you have to believe that he will stop at taking over private sector institutions which he has already done. Know this if you know nothing else: He will not stop at controlling the economy. Every totalitarian ideology must include control of the military. Taqiyya’s SS will pervert the American system of civilian control over the military. And all the while he will preach civilian control over the US military every time he orders his people’s army to do the very things civilian control is supposed to prevent.

Hitler was not the only villain in Nazi Germany, nor is Taqiyya the only villain in this country. Democrats in Congress are in agreement with Taqiyya’s people’s army; Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid put the Ready Reserve Corps into the healthcare bill, and lesser Democrats voted for it. Their claim that they did not read the entire bill might, or might not be true, but they all knew why funding the Ready Reserve Corps was there.

Parenthetically, the non-existent coverage Taqiyya’s media devoted to the Ready Reserve Corps shows that they are in agreement with Democrats. FOX’s phoney talking heads did not say much either. The dying, but not dying fast enough to suit me, media will go along no matter whatever Democrats do. The kindest thing anybody can say about media liberals is that they are too feebleminded to understand what that piece of scum in the White House is doing. The most charitable thing I can say about congressional Democrats below the leadership level is that their leaders are leading them down the garden path.

Don’t misunderstand me on this. I do not believe that Taqiyya the Liar is Hitler reincarnate as some claim. He has neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Taqiyya can do is to imitate. Even there, the imitation is weak-minded. Taqiyya is having trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He wants to scapegoat everyone who disagrees with him. That said, Taqiyya’s agenda shows that he obviously admires Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why is he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?

Remember that the “spiritual leader” campaigned on touchy-feely platitudes because he dared not be specific. He sure as hell could not be specific about implementing National Socialism at every level of society which is what he is doing above and beyond healthcare reform.

Finally, the piece of garbage lacked the brains to invent the best long-running con job of all black racists are getting away with —— the black race is a superior race. Taqiyya the liar simply incorporated superior black race into his plan for totalitarian government along the lines of Nazi Germany. The only part I love is that white touchy-feely freaks will believe him right up until the day black racists butcher the lot of them.
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What will the scum in the White House do if police forces across the country invoke Posse comitatus against federal government criminals?

Sheriffs and the posse comitatus
By David Kopel May 15

Sheriffs and the posse comitatus - The Washington Post

I guess this is one answer:

The Department of Defense is planning upcoming military exercises to take place in several Western states, including: California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The military exercises are going to take place in civilian areas, not on military bases.

The upcoming exercises may be in direct conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which limits the powers of the federal government in using its military personnel to enforce the state laws.

DoD Plans Exercises in Civilian Areas in Western US => May Violate Posse Comitatus Act
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, March 19, 2015, 3:41 PM

DoD Plans Exercises in Civilian Areas in Western US May Violate Posse Comitatus Act The Gateway Pundit
Naturally, the usual suspects turned it into their talking points:

Democrats reacted swiftly and angrily to the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. All three Democratic presidential candidates weighed in, as did most of the party's congressional leadership.

Anger is an understandable reaction to learning that innocents have been gunned down. So is fear. But Democrats from President Obama and Hillary Clinton to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid weren't afraid of renewing calls for gun control when they renewed those calls on Wednesday.

Democrats aren't afraid to be anti-gun anymore
By W. James Antle III (@jimantle) • 12/3/15 12:01 AM

All ie examinree aren't afraid to be anti-gun anymore

But it is this article that prompted me to add to this thread:

As the story unfolded Wednesday afternoon, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton immediately demanded action.

“I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now,” tweeted Clinton.​

California terror: 'Stop disarming American people'
Posted By Greg Corombos On 12/02/2015 @ 5:51 pm

California terror: ‘Stop disarming American people’

I doubt if posse comitatus applies to self-defense, but it should. Armed Americans, and the police, need it so they can work together for protection in light of the threat from a Muslim fifth column.

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