Kiev regime blocks water supply to Crimea. Fake Putin retaliation: billions free gaz


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Kiev regime blocks water supply to Crimea. Fake Putin retaliation: offering billions in free gas to nazis

Notes - for links just google it or see 2014/03 archive at truth-in-plain-sight.blogspot
March 15, 2014 - Sen. John McCain "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country" = openly telling the TRUTH to the cattle

April 15, 2014
Medvedev says Ukraine saved hundreds of billions of dollars on Russian gas discounts
“Our European partners, I mean (IMF managing director Christine) Lagarde appreciated the help Russia had extended to Ukraine in a recent period.
I mean $3 billion we granted as a loan, having bought the Eurobond-secured loan, say, from a borrower which, as a minimum, gave rise and is giving rise to serious doubts.
This money played a considerable role in establishing macroeconomic stability for a certain period.
I would like to stress that these are not my own words, but the words of the IMF managing director.
It only proves that we offered and are still offering a kind of help,” Medvedev said.

April 26, 2014
Crimean water canal dry after Ukraine cuts off the water

Each time you click "news" about "NATO v Putin" you are in fact being mocked .
All in plain sight: from Lavrov & Kerry daily handshake to fake Putin's call for ukrainian anti-fascist resisters to disarm.
Air force and tanks vs guerrila: Ukraine NOW = Syria 2011 before AIR BOMBINGS of children with chemical weapons and barrel bombs.

page comparing the real murdered Putin with the current impostor:
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Well common sense would be if your evil neighbor stole your backyard that had a pool and bungalow, you'd probably turn off the water and electricity to the backyard facilities until you could get it back....
not a reply. First post is NOT about what the Kiev regime did, to turn off the water.
It's about Putin's reaction to what the Kiev regime did; not only NOT turning off the gas but in fact offering it for free
Uh....false alarm, Kyiv didn't turn off the water totally, there was a slower rate of water flow for various reasons.....but not turned off.

Maybe tinydancer's local bar can come up with different claims than people on the ground over there....
Water was cut by Kiev, fact.
SIMFEROPOL, April 27. /ITAR-TASS/. Crimea’s authorities have launched works to de-mothball water well to replenish drinking water reserves after the Kiev authorities halted water supplies to Crimea via the North Crimean Canal, Crimean Minister of Information Dmitry Polonsky told Itar-Tass on Sunday. are spewing Russian controlled news.

Water was cut by Kiev, fact.
SIMFEROPOL, April 27. /ITAR-TASS/. Crimea’s authorities have launched works to de-mothball water well to replenish drinking water reserves after the Kiev authorities halted water supplies to Crimea via the North Crimean Canal, Crimean Minister of Information Dmitry Polonsky told Itar-Tass on Sunday.
Mar 2, 2018 - Ukraine shivers as Russia refuses to deliver gas - for dummies
Grotesque illuminati theater served ad nauseum, in particular since the Maidan revolution, Feb 2014.
Agendas: divert from treasonous "Putin" "selling" gas and oil under production costs to openly nazi states formally in the EU/NATO (such as Poland), let alone to a state annoucing it will reconquer Crimea (Ukraine).
Transcript: "Naftogaz later said it had signed a contract with Poland's PGNiG for urgent gas supplies".
What the "article" obviously fails to add: gas that "Putin" delivered to Poland.

Mar 2, 2018 - Ukraine shivers as Russia refuses to deliver gas

Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities - for dummies
All leaks are staged. In other words: the "startling" video, "leaked" Oct 16, 2016, is nothing but ...
Another psy-op part of setting the stage to kill 90% of the world's population (through mandatory vassassination)
Such psy-ops are being served constantly by illuminati media since 2008.
Now for what is unavoidable but won't be "leaked":
Why did MOST of the world's oil reserves under $200 a barrel disappear within 5 years? Answer here:
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: World's oil reserves under $200 a barrel: Why MOST disappeared within 5 years

Impostor Putin has the same role as fake Yanukovich had: pave the way for an openly pro-EU nazi successor.
Crash course on black is white psy-ops: start with an act where the impostor impersonating murdered Putin is cast in the leading role
UKRAINE staged "regime change", years later: TRUTH was echoed by NOBODY - Remider of Last Prophet's words:
"Putin annects Crimea" script is the opposite of what is served by illuminati media.
"Putin" plays his part to let the "new regime" deploy NATO military in the Ukraine will be served as "Putin annects Crimea", an act of the "to be undone" type, was staged to avoid an armed revolt (89% in Crimea are ethnic russians).
Feb 21, 2014: Maidan revolution: simulated reality:
Sandy Hook "victims" = Ukraine's Maidan "revolution" dead "protesters" = * ZERO *.
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it: Illuminati's third commandment: EU populace awakening to dictatorship rewritten as "Ukraine fight to join the EU democracy"
An armed revolt which did break out weeks later in Lugansk/Donetsk. But immediately after the referendum on independence (May 2014), agents sent by "Putin" took control of the leadership.
And yet in Summer 2014 these agents were only able to prevent the total military defeat of the nazi ukrainian batallions by signing the first treasonous Minsk ceasefire, followed by a remake months later:
Battle of Armageddon - Ongoing since 24 March 1999: Ukraine vs Novorussia FULL STORY ONLY here
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