Kiev Planning a Strike on Russia with Western-Made Missiles

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Is this the provocation that will cause Russia to get serious about ending this war?
And if Russia can't end it decisively with conventional weapons then will Putin order tactical nuclear weapons?

Or will America step in and order the Ukraine to not cause the provocation that allows this war to escalate into world war?


Has America instructed the Ukraine to escalate, due to the UKraine's completely ineffective counter attack failure?

Or some other interpretation of what is taking place?
Everything about Ukraine is 100% pure treason. Victoria Nuland and her crowd are Zionist Fascist traitors who have looted the American taxpayer and are now pushing Putin to use nukes over it.

Is this the provocation that will cause Russia to get serious about ending this war?
And if Russia can't end it decisively with conventional weapons then will Putin order tactical nuclear weapons?

Or will America step in and order the Ukraine to not cause the provocation that allows this war to escalate into world war?


Has America instructed the Ukraine to escalate, due to the UKraine's completely ineffective counter attack failure?

Or some other interpretation of what is taking place?
Time to retire this conflict for it's a no win situation for all involved(except our military industrial complex). This conflict is way too expen$ive in both $$$$$ & human life like humanity can do better than this.

Is this the provocation that will cause Russia to get serious about ending this war?
And if Russia can't end it decisively with conventional weapons then will Putin order tactical nuclear weapons?

Or will America step in and order the Ukraine to not cause the provocation that allows this war to escalate into world war?


Has America instructed the Ukraine to escalate, due to the UKraine's completely ineffective counter attack failure?

Or some other interpretation of what is taking place?

Russia may just nuke Kiev. That would end things pretty quickly.

The Ukrainian War cheerleaders are playing with fire.
Time to retire this conflict for it's a no win situation for all involved(except our military industrial complex). This conflict is way too expen$ive in both $$$$$ & human life like humanity can do better than this.
Thanks for your opinion.
Some think the war is producing results for America and Nato countries.

It would be interesting to hear some opinions on how the war is going and which side is making gains?

Last night Maddow on MSNBC featured a demonization piece on Russia/Putin over the treatment of Navalny, but nothing in the way of bragging about Ukraine successes.

That serves as a barometer on the progress being made by the Ukraine. There isn't any.
Russia may just nuke Kiev. That would end things pretty quickly.

The Ukrainian War cheerleaders are playing with fire.
That's a possibility I've considered too, but it's not typical of Russia's goals. If tactical N weapons are used, it's more likely to be against an especially difficult front line that's holding Russia's progress back.

But in fact, there are cards to play by Russia before they resort to tactical nukes. Putin is said to be assembling a million man army to make the decisive move forward after the Ukraine offensive has petered out.

And the fact that it's petering out is the very reason why the escalation against Russian territory is now being considered.


Is it really being considered? Is it Russian propaganda that seves their goals?

Is this the provocation that will cause Russia to get serious about ending this war?
And if Russia can't end it decisively with conventional weapons then will Putin order tactical nuclear weapons?

Or will America step in and order the Ukraine to not cause the provocation that allows this war to escalate into world war?


Has America instructed the Ukraine to escalate, due to the UKraine's completely ineffective counter attack failure?

Or some other interpretation of what is taking place?
If the target mi!itary installations it will certainly get the publics attention if they hear explosions a few miles away. Besides, Crimea doesn't become a permanent piece of Russia property if the illegally invade it, Russia is just temporarily holding that land until Ukraine takes their land back via similar means Russia used to steal it.
Everything about Ukraine is 100% pure treason. Victoria Nuland and her crowd are Zionist Fascist traitors who have looted the American taxpayer and are now pushing Putin to use nukes over it.
You and most Americans don't seem to have very strong convictions against America's war with Russia. Your feeling are so far based on your domestic political fight against Biden.

That's not enough to negatively influence the chance of a peace settlement.

No where near enough emphasis is being placed on the fact that a win for both America and Russia is essential. There's not going to be a replay after this one!
If the target mi!itary installations it will certainly get the publics attention if they hear explosions a few miles away.
Are you adding something to the discussion that we didn't already know?

You've been decidedly on the Ukraine side. Do you have anything optimistic to contribute?

The purpose here isn't to have an armchair war, it's to hear opinions from both sides.
Are you adding something to the discussion that we didn't already know?

You've been decidedly on the Ukraine side. Do you have anything optimistic to contribute?

The purpose here isn't to have an armchair war, it's to hear opinions from both sides.
Ukraine has been invaded. What about this fact is difficult for you to acknowledge? Crimea of all places...this is even NOT Russian terrirory. Only the greatest optimist, and I'm being generous here; would suggest thst the region is at best highly contested. You obfuscate your duty to be honest about such important global issues
Crimea was part of Ukraine but choose to be aligned with Russia and not Western Ukraine.

Russia has hit civilian target in Ukraine and killed civilians. Ukraine would be right to hit them back. They need to be careful that this does not lead to World War III. Yes the likelihood that Ukraine would win in a one on one battle with slim. This would lead to another Korea or Vietnam. The best they can hope for is an agreement. If this was China and Russia at war then yeah let sit back and watch it as long as it doesn't spread.

It is a sticky situation and both sides need to meet and negotiate. Ukraine is no match for Russia. Depending on the west for help will either create a proxy war or a whole lot of people will die.
That's a possibility I've considered too, but it's not typical of Russia's goals. If tactical N weapons are used, it's more likely to be against an especially difficult front line that's holding Russia's progress back.

But in fact, there are cards to play by Russia before they resort to tactical nukes. Putin is said to be assembling a million man army to make the decisive move forward after the Ukraine offensive has petered out.

And the fact that it's petering out is the very reason why the escalation against Russian territory is now being considered.


Is it really being considered? Is it Russian propaganda that seves their goals?
Nice little circle jerk you have going here.
Besides, Crimea doesn't become a permanent piece of Russia property if the illegally invade it, Russia is just temporarily holding that land until Ukraine takes their land back via similar means Russia used to steal it.
What's the point in adding that?
Are you trying to say that you have complete confidence in the Ukraine winning the war?

IF you're saying you have confidence in America winning the war against Russia, it would make a lot more sense. I'll take it as your opinion in any case.
What's the point in adding that?
Are you trying to say that you have complete confidence in the Ukraine winning the war?

IF you're saying you have confidence in America winning the war against Russia, it would make a lot more sense. I'll take it as your opinion in any case.
I have confidence in the WORLD wnning the war. At worst, ensuring any other nation takes a long, hard look at the risks they face in pursuing a similar path themselves. If Russias mighty military, wth a long history of experience in combat is having difficulties, other nations will as well. Surely you had access to history books in school to understand why preventing Russian expansion is so important?
Crimea was part of Ukraine but choose to be aligned with Russia and not Western Ukraine.

Russia has hit civilian target in Ukraine and killed civilians. Ukraine would be right to hit them back. They need to be careful that this does not lead to World War III. Yes the likelihood that Ukraine would win in a one on one battle with slim. This would lead to another Korea or Vietnam. The best they can hope for is an agreement. If this was China and Russia at war then yeah let sit back and watch it as long as it doesn't spread.

It is a sticky situation and both sides need to meet and negotiate. Ukraine is no match for Russia. Depending on the west for help will either create a proxy war or a whole lot of people will die.
Lots of substance in that reply! I'll address one point:

Ukraine is no match for Russia. Depending on the west for help will either create a proxy war or a whole lot of people will die.
Of course the Ukraine can't defeat Russia!

But America using the Ukraine as its proxy maybe can? Get yourself up to speed!

And then when you do, maybe you can address the topic that's being avoided. Will either America accept defeat without going nuclear.

Then maybe you can consider the chance of N.Y. or Moscow becoming a glass parking lot?
I have confidence in the WORLD wnning the war. At worst, ensuring any other nation takes a long, hard look at the risks they face in pursuing a similar path themselves. If Russias mighty military, wth a long history of experience in combat is having difficulties, other nations will as well. Surely you had access to history books in school to understand why preventing Russian expansion is so important?
The majority of the world's people might be confident that the Brics side will win the war.
Nice little circle jerk you have going here.
It's nothing more than my attempt to bring awareness to the forum's members of the peril.


To hear the opinions of others on whether they believe or not that there is great peril involved.

Do you have an opinion you would like to share or are you trying to uphold confidence in America's war, and this discussion isn't helping?

Is this the provocation that will cause Russia to get serious about ending this war?
And if Russia can't end it decisively with conventional weapons then will Putin order tactical nuclear weapons?

Or will America step in and order the Ukraine to not cause the provocation that allows this war to escalate into world war?


Has America instructed the Ukraine to escalate, due to the UKraine's completely ineffective counter attack failure?

Or some other interpretation of what is taking place?
Silly stuff. The US has not given Ukraine permission to use US supplied weapons to attack targets inside of Russia, but Crimea is occupied Ukraine, and there are no restrictions on using those weapons to liberate Crimea. Months ago, General Hodges laid out a rough plan to retake Crimea, long range missiles to take out Russian military assets in Crimea to weaken the Russian frontlines and then a strong attack to drive the Russian invaders back to Russia.

A few days ago, the Kremlin announced that Ukraine had been mostly demilitarized, and now and now they are having hissy fits over an attack on Crimea they always knew was coming. Apparently, someone has misplaced the Russian brain.
It's nothing more than my attempt to bring awareness to the forum's members of the peril.


To hear the opinions of others on whether they believe or not that there is great peril involved.

Do you have an opinion you would like to share or are you trying to uphold confidence in America's war, and this discussion isn't helping?
Everybody's opinion is the same, Russia can't win this war unless the West abandons Ukraine, and the longer the war goes on the worse it is for Russia. Regardless of which side you favor, everyone knows this is the truth.

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