Kids of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents


Don't believe a lot of what you hear about America falling behind in science education.

Many American students are brilliant in science. What's more, they are hard-working, industrious, competitive, innovative and many other time-honored American ideals.

Where did they get these ideals? From their foreign-born parents.

A reported released May 23 by the nonpartisan National Foundation for American Policy says America's best and brightest (at least in science) come from first-generation immigrant parents from China and India.

In fact, the San Jose Mercury News reports, two-thirds of the finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search -- which is basically the Nobel Prize of high school science -- came from immigrant homes.

Only 12 of 40 finalists had parents born in the United States.

"The benefit America derives from the children of immigrants in science and math is an additional advantage the country reaps from being open to talent from around the world," Stuart Anderson, the foundation's director, tells the Mercury News.

Your child may be on the honor roll in Toad Suck, Ark., but some of the immigrant kids in Silicon Valley may him look like a dribbling idiot. These kids' parents are often in the United States on H-1B visas based on their scientific expertise.

Put their kids together in a classroom and you have a group of junior mad scientists who are just one death ray away from global domination.

"You see it here in Silicon Valley. It's like planting a vigorous sapling and giving it Miracle-Gro," Vivek Wadhwa, a visiting scholar at the University of California's Berkeley's School of Information and a native of India, tells the Mercury News.

"Here you take the cream of the crop. Then put them in some of the best schools in the world," he adds. "These students are really, really competitive and work very hard, inspired by their parents and represent all the American ideals."

To be fair, the newspaper reports the winner of his year's competition was Evan O'Dorney, the home-schooled son of American-born parents. But all of his closest competitors came from Asian families.

Chinese immigrants make up only 1 percent -- and Indians 0.8 percent -- of the American population. So, if contest winners were demographically proportionate, the Mercury News reports, there would only be one child of an Indian or Chinese parent every 2.5 years instead of 10 in one year.

Wadhwa tells the newspaper immigrant parents naturally work a little harder and push their children a little more.

"The families are upper echelon," he says. "They leave their country at the top of the social ladder, then come here at the bottom. As an immigrant, you are treated differently, and you have to struggle, and work harder, to catch up again."

"They [kids] watch their parents work hard and struggle and then they gain the same motivation," he adds. "They seek to prove themselves to their families."

Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents - ParentDish
We once had the best public schools in the world.

Anyone who tells you cant do that again hates America
Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents


Don't believe a lot of what you hear about America falling behind in science education.

Many American students are brilliant in science. What's more, they are hard-working, industrious, competitive, innovative and many other time-honored American ideals.

Where did they get these ideals? From their foreign-born parents.

A reported released May 23 by the nonpartisan National Foundation for American Policy says America's best and brightest (at least in science) come from first-generation immigrant parents from China and India.

In fact, the San Jose Mercury News reports, two-thirds of the finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search -- which is basically the Nobel Prize of high school science -- came from immigrant homes.

Only 12 of 40 finalists had parents born in the United States.

"The benefit America derives from the children of immigrants in science and math is an additional advantage the country reaps from being open to talent from around the world," Stuart Anderson, the foundation's director, tells the Mercury News.

Your child may be on the honor roll in Toad Suck, Ark., but some of the immigrant kids in Silicon Valley may him look like a dribbling idiot. These kids' parents are often in the United States on H-1B visas based on their scientific expertise.

Put their kids together in a classroom and you have a group of junior mad scientists who are just one death ray away from global domination.

"You see it here in Silicon Valley. It's like planting a vigorous sapling and giving it Miracle-Gro," Vivek Wadhwa, a visiting scholar at the University of California's Berkeley's School of Information and a native of India, tells the Mercury News.

"Here you take the cream of the crop. Then put them in some of the best schools in the world," he adds. "These students are really, really competitive and work very hard, inspired by their parents and represent all the American ideals."

To be fair, the newspaper reports the winner of his year's competition was Evan O'Dorney, the home-schooled son of American-born parents. But all of his closest competitors came from Asian families.

Chinese immigrants make up only 1 percent -- and Indians 0.8 percent -- of the American population. So, if contest winners were demographically proportionate, the Mercury News reports, there would only be one child of an Indian or Chinese parent every 2.5 years instead of 10 in one year.

Wadhwa tells the newspaper immigrant parents naturally work a little harder and push their children a little more.

"The families are upper echelon," he says. "They leave their country at the top of the social ladder, then come here at the bottom. As an immigrant, you are treated differently, and you have to struggle, and work harder, to catch up again."

"They [kids] watch their parents work hard and struggle and then they gain the same motivation," he adds. "They seek to prove themselves to their families."

Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents - ParentDish

Its because those parents see school as a method of educating thier children, not as a glorified babysitting service. It all starts with the parents, and if they dont care about thier kids educations then no school can fix that.
Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents


Don't believe a lot of what you hear about America falling behind in science education.

Many American students are brilliant in science. What's more, they are hard-working, industrious, competitive, innovative and many other time-honored American ideals.

Where did they get these ideals? From their foreign-born parents.

A reported released May 23 by the nonpartisan National Foundation for American Policy says America's best and brightest (at least in science) come from first-generation immigrant parents from China and India.

In fact, the San Jose Mercury News reports, two-thirds of the finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search -- which is basically the Nobel Prize of high school science -- came from immigrant homes.

Only 12 of 40 finalists had parents born in the United States.

"The benefit America derives from the children of immigrants in science and math is an additional advantage the country reaps from being open to talent from around the world," Stuart Anderson, the foundation's director, tells the Mercury News.

Your child may be on the honor roll in Toad Suck, Ark., but some of the immigrant kids in Silicon Valley may him look like a dribbling idiot. These kids' parents are often in the United States on H-1B visas based on their scientific expertise.

Put their kids together in a classroom and you have a group of junior mad scientists who are just one death ray away from global domination.

"You see it here in Silicon Valley. It's like planting a vigorous sapling and giving it Miracle-Gro," Vivek Wadhwa, a visiting scholar at the University of California's Berkeley's School of Information and a native of India, tells the Mercury News.

"Here you take the cream of the crop. Then put them in some of the best schools in the world," he adds. "These students are really, really competitive and work very hard, inspired by their parents and represent all the American ideals."

To be fair, the newspaper reports the winner of his year's competition was Evan O'Dorney, the home-schooled son of American-born parents. But all of his closest competitors came from Asian families.

Chinese immigrants make up only 1 percent -- and Indians 0.8 percent -- of the American population. So, if contest winners were demographically proportionate, the Mercury News reports, there would only be one child of an Indian or Chinese parent every 2.5 years instead of 10 in one year.

Wadhwa tells the newspaper immigrant parents naturally work a little harder and push their children a little more.

"The families are upper echelon," he says. "They leave their country at the top of the social ladder, then come here at the bottom. As an immigrant, you are treated differently, and you have to struggle, and work harder, to catch up again."

"They [kids] watch their parents work hard and struggle and then they gain the same motivation," he adds. "They seek to prove themselves to their families."

Children of Immigrants Have Way More Science Skills Than Kids With American-Born Parents - ParentDish

Its because those parents see school as a method of educating thier children, not as a glorified babysitting service. It all starts with the parents, and if they dont care about thier kids educations then no school can fix that.

I think you pretty much nailed it. :thup:
We once had the best public schools in the world.

Anyone who tells you cant do that again hates America

What went wrong? how some the children of foreigners from India and Korea are getting it but our kids can't?

Classroom size is a big one.

Smaller schools would help alot.

Schools are too big and try to force too many kids to learn in a hostile enviroment.

Kids are not products they are human beings who need to feel a connection to learn in a meaningful manner.
The US is losing talent that we desperately need due to our immigration laws. Foreign students come to this country to pursue advanced education. They start businesses and become a vital part of our economy. Then their visa expires and are force to return home to build businesses that compete with us. This makes no sense like most of our immigration laws.
We once had the best public schools in the world.

Anyone who tells you cant do that again hates America

What went wrong? how some the children of foreigners from India and Korea are getting it but our kids can't?

Classroom size is a big one.

Smaller schools would help alot.

Schools are too big and try to force too many kids to learn in a hostile enviroment.

Kids are not products they are human beings who need to feel a connection to learn in a meaningful manner.

Otherwise know as "throw money at the problem."

The hostile environment is often created by the kids themselves, as they know the teachers cannot disipline them, and thier parents will not disipline them. You can have 1 teacher and 1 student, but if the kid is a snot nosed punk he/she isnt going to learn squat.

Immigrant parents are often far harsher on thier kids, thus they tend to behave better, thus they tend to learn better. The parents also respect the teacher's effort to disipline thier children, where far too many american born parents think the issue is with the teacher, and that "thier little angel" could NEVER be doing the things the teacher said they were doing.
There you have the con perspective.

Our kids are assholes to them and are not worth our effects.
What went wrong? how some the children of foreigners from India and Korea are getting it but our kids can't?

Classroom size is a big one.

Smaller schools would help alot.

Schools are too big and try to force too many kids to learn in a hostile enviroment.

Kids are not products they are human beings who need to feel a connection to learn in a meaningful manner.

Otherwise know as "throw money at the problem."

The hostile environment is often created by the kids themselves, as they know the teachers cannot disipline them, and thier parents will not disipline them. You can have 1 teacher and 1 student, but if the kid is a snot nosed punk he/she isnt going to learn squat.

Immigrant parents are often far harsher on thier kids, thus they tend to behave better, thus they tend to learn better. The parents also respect the teacher's effort to disipline thier children, where far too many american born parents think the issue is with the teacher, and that "thier little angel" could NEVER be doing the things the teacher said they were doing.

What you are saying is true but to a degree, when I was in California I met many people whose parents were immigrants from Cambobia, Mexico, El Salvador, Vietnam etc. and they were gang bangers and losers who were in and out of prison, sometimes even they become the product of their environment.
Every kid in our schools are our kids.

I dont care what color they are or where their parents are from.

You either be willing to teach in a way that works or you give up on Americas future.
We once had the best public schools in the world.

Anyone who tells you cant do that again hates America
Correction. You once had the best white schools in the world.
Damn. Tank must have remote control to my keyboard today :eek:
Hey facts are facts................or is in now faxes B faxesNshit.

You can't do it again because that isn't what your masters wanted to begin with.They're working hard to create an idiocracy for cheap labor and cannon fodder. They've always been and always will be, VERY wealthy. For the average murkin to get somewhat rich (million dollar houses) and intelligent was not in the plans. They are solving that small problem as I type.
As America becomes a Hispanic country, the failure of the school system will continue
There you have the con perspective.

Our kids are assholes to them and are not worth our effects.

No, its that just spending more money does not take care of the root problem, which is parents need to be involved. Certain immigrant parents are on average, far more concerned about thier childs education, and the results show.

And I dont get the "kids are assholes" line from conservative pundits, I get it from my friends who are teachers. american born kids with american born parents are on average, far more rude, uncooperative and disruptive then children of immigrant parents. They complain to an american born parent about thier kid, they get flack back, they compain to an immigrant parent about their kid, the immigrant parent handles it.

My friends experiences is mostly with SE asian and eastern european immigrant parents.
Classroom size is a big one.

Smaller schools would help alot.

Schools are too big and try to force too many kids to learn in a hostile enviroment.

Kids are not products they are human beings who need to feel a connection to learn in a meaningful manner.

Otherwise know as "throw money at the problem."

The hostile environment is often created by the kids themselves, as they know the teachers cannot disipline them, and thier parents will not disipline them. You can have 1 teacher and 1 student, but if the kid is a snot nosed punk he/she isnt going to learn squat.

Immigrant parents are often far harsher on thier kids, thus they tend to behave better, thus they tend to learn better. The parents also respect the teacher's effort to disipline thier children, where far too many american born parents think the issue is with the teacher, and that "thier little angel" could NEVER be doing the things the teacher said they were doing.

What you are saying is true but to a degree, when I was in California I met many people whose parents were immigrants from Cambobia, Mexico, El Salvador, Vietnam etc. and they were gang bangers and losers who were in and out of prison, sometimes even they become the product of their environment.

There are always outliers but for the most part, immigrant parents see more value in education beyond the fact they dont have to watch thier kids for 7 hours a day.
Otherwise know as "throw money at the problem."

The hostile environment is often created by the kids themselves, as they know the teachers cannot disipline them, and thier parents will not disipline them. You can have 1 teacher and 1 student, but if the kid is a snot nosed punk he/she isnt going to learn squat.

Immigrant parents are often far harsher on thier kids, thus they tend to behave better, thus they tend to learn better. The parents also respect the teacher's effort to disipline thier children, where far too many american born parents think the issue is with the teacher, and that "thier little angel" could NEVER be doing the things the teacher said they were doing.

What you are saying is true but to a degree, when I was in California I met many people whose parents were immigrants from Cambobia, Mexico, El Salvador, Vietnam etc. and they were gang bangers and losers who were in and out of prison, sometimes even they become the product of their environment.

There are always outliers but for the most part, immigrant parents see more value in education beyond the fact they dont have to watch thier kids for 7 hours a day.

I agree 100%, I went to high school with a few kids whose parents were from India, those guys now have flourishing careers and are making 6 figures a year because they put the work in.
There you have the con perspective.

Our kids are assholes to them and are not worth our effects.

No, its that just spending more money does not take care of the root problem, which is parents need to be involved. Certain immigrant parents are on average, far more concerned about thier childs education, and the results show.

And I dont get the "kids are assholes" line from conservative pundits, I get it from my friends who are teachers. american born kids with american born parents are on average, far more rude, uncooperative and disruptive then children of immigrant parents. They complain to an american born parent about thier kid, they get flack back, they compain to an immigrant parent about their kid, the immigrant parent handles it.

My friends experiences is mostly with SE asian and eastern european immigrant parents.

You teach the kids you have.

if you dont you are doomed as a country.

what the right does is blame the kids and blame the teachers.

We once had great schools and it can happen again.

It will never happen when you are too cheap to effect the real change.

NOTHING like this changes without a capital investment.

Not one Corp hads EVER effected these kinds of big changes within their organisation without a capital investment yet you fools insist our school system should do it while stripping them of the power to effect any real change.

You people live in crazytown.
In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. for 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In 1990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today’s students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40 % of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In 1983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation.

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