Kids Hopes Obama/Dem Years

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well, so much for Obama's Hope and Change for the better, when it comes to America's youth.

btw.. whatever happened that hope and change thingy, I'm just not hearing about that much anymore...:dunno:


Americans remain highly pessimistic about what lies ahead for the nation's children.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 16% of Adults believe that today’s children will be better off than their parents. That's up slightly from July’s all-time low of 14% and back to the levels found in May and June. Prior to that time in regular surveys since the beginning of 2009, that finding generally had been in the low to mid-20s.

Sixty-four percent (64%) now say today’s children will not be better off. That compares to 47% who felt that way in January 2009. Nineteen percent (19%) more are not sure.

Just 16% See A Better Future for Today's Children - Rasmussen Reports™
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um...our childrens future looks bleak because for the past 30 years we have recklessly disregarded the consequences of our over indulgence and selfishness.
It's more likely that Lumpy has such a huge knack for boring threads nobody actually looked at it.

:lol:.. I do seem to have a knack for reminding Democrats of what they'd rather conveniently forget..
um...our childrens future looks bleak because for the past 30 years we have recklessly disregarded the consequences of our over indulgence and selfishness.

So true.. Democrat free ride and socialization policies mostly, you could go back as far as FDR actually.
um...our childrens future looks bleak because for the past 30 years we have recklessly disregarded the consequences of our over indulgence and selfishness.

So true.. Democrat free ride and socialization policies mostly, you could go back as far as FDR actually.

It's true, without all these social responsibilities bestowed upon us by the Gov't and that damn moral compass, all these other ridiculous things we do wouldn't seem so bad. We could even have squeezed another needless war out of it if we tried.
um...our childrens future looks bleak because for the past 30 years we have recklessly disregarded the consequences of our over indulgence and selfishness.

So true.. Democrat free ride and socialization policies mostly, you could go back as far as FDR actually.

It's true, without all these social responsibilities bestowed upon us by the Gov't and that damn moral compass, all these other ridiculous things we do wouldn't seem so bad. We could even have squeezed another needless war out of it if we tried.

Obama and his needless wars , yup.
So not only can you not flame, but you're also lacking in the geo-political IQ area as well.

What can ya do? :dunno:

bitch slap you like everyone else does I suppose...but, that's just boring ...:eusa_whistle:

Nice try.

mmm just checking on you Bob.. you rarely start threads and when you do, they suck, no action...pathetic really...

soooo. Bob... where exactly do you get off criticizing or passing judgement on mine or anyone else's threads? You could at least have the courtesy to not go around screwing up other members threads with your childish antics and comments.... just sayin..

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