KIDS BOOKS , which ones ??


Platinum Member
May 17, 2014
I read the Little House on the Prairie books as an 8 - 9 year old boy and loved them . I think Dad mighta thought I was a bit strange but he never said anything about me reading Girls books . Anyway , I'm going to get the Little House series for my Grandaughter . How about a boy though , anything out there as good as the Little House series for little boys . Yeah , the boy Grandkid can read what I describe as Girls books because that's what I did and I loved that series . Still , I'd like some boys books if anyone can recommend some .
There are books? :) I grew up watching the series, and still take a look here as one of the chans shows them each day.

What's a girl's book? Just because something's written by a girl about girls doesn't mean only a girl'll get something out of it.

Dr. Seuss, and pretty much every book written about sharks and dinosaurs made up my childhood reading. Along with the AD&D game books which I credit for my mastery of the English language being written by adults for adults. :)
Hey Delta : Little House was a girls book because it was about little girls experience growing up on the prairies or in the woods . Just my definition . Nothing wrong with it being a girls book by my definition . I read the series and I loved it . Just like BOYS LIFE magazine was a boys magazine by my definition and I read that as a young boy . I read BOYS LIFE as a young boy in the school library but I'm sure that many little girls also read Boys Life . Anyway , I'd expect my girl to accept the Little House series while I'd expect my boy to say that , hey , that little house series is for little girls . Maybe just my perception based on my age and my definition . ----- SO , 2 different sets of books , one for boys and one for girls that can be traded back and forth would be good .
and , THANKS for your thoughts . [another example] Pink is a girls color while blue is still a boys color imo !!
thanks RD ,I'll look into the series but I'm looking for something similar to Little House . Traditional , Americana or something like that . I remember as a little kid reading about the exploits of D. Boone and D. Crocket , settlers mountain men , explorers , Indian tribes and that's kinda what I'm looking for .
thanks JO , thing I'm looking for is a little loose entertaining history of older times which are not really that old or that far back in the past . Little House for example was written in the 1860s [about] and people lived the Little House lifestyle only 140 years ago which would be about 80 years before my birth [some still live that way today but that is pretty rare] . Still , thank you !!

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