KIA Iraq; Home Vandalized; Now Phelps and His Uglies Are Going To Show


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Help Protect Fallen Soldier's Funeral (3/1/06)

There are a few twists to this story so please read the whole post, and, if you are a resident in Indiana or know residents in Indiana, you can help.

Sergeant Rickey Jones' gave his life protecting us, the least we can do is help protect his family.

Craig sends this story about Sergeant Rickey Jones, who was killed in Iraq, and who's house in Kokomo, Indiana, was vandalized.

Dead soldier's home vandalized
David MacAnally/Eyewitness News

Kokomo, February 27 - For the family who lives in a modest home in Kokomo, the fatal Iraq attack came last week.

Then the attack at home followed.

Vandals defaced the home of Sgt. Rickey Jones' family. Eggs were thrown and flags were stolen. Sgt. Jones, a Kokomo High School graduate, was one four soldier's with the 101st killed west of Baghdad last week.

So who, one week before his burial in his hometown, would vandalize a fallen hero's house?

Neighbor Robyn Ousley is at a loss to explain. "I have no idea, somebody pretty, pretty awful."

Another friend, Bill Swaggerty, says there is more than vandalism for the family to deal with. They're calling here and saying, 'I'm glad your son is dead' and it's wrong."

The family's neighbors have closed ranks, bringing food and flying flags at half-staff. All are signs of respect for Sgt. Jones...
Euphoric Reality has an address where you can send cards to the Jones family.

But vandalism is not the only problem facing the Jones family. Unfortunately, it seems that Fred Phelps is coming to Kokomo to protest at Rickey's funeral:

But there is a threat of disrespect from out of state.

The same Kansas church group that has been picketing soldier's funerals around the U.S. and Indiana will be in Kokomo too. The group claims U.S. soldier deaths are punishment for U.S. tolerance of gays.

Kokomo Police will have extra security and are running extra patrols at the house. Swaggerty, a veteran himself, says he convinced Rickey Jones to join up. He can't believe Sgt. Jones' memory would be attacked in this way. "It's wrong. He would come home on leave. His friends (were) very respectful to my wife and my family. He was a very good kid."

Swaggerty supports a move in the legislature to keep protesters back from military funerals.

Neighbor Ousley agrees. "He just went over there for us. I think it is awful."

Services for Sgt. Jones are set for next Monday. In the meantime Kokomo Police have increased patrols around his family's house.​

I know that some people like Craig are going to go to Kokomo for the funeral to support SGT Jones' family and community. I'll send more details as I get them.

Also, Todd G. sends that the Indiana legislature has passed a bill banning protests at funerals.

Funeral protest bill passed
By Bill Ruthhart

[email protected]

The Indiana House this morning passed a bill that would make disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral a felony. Senate Bill 5, which the House passed 92-0, is aimed to prevent ongoing protests by a Kansas-based church at the funerals of Indiana soldiers. The Westboro Baptist Church has protested at military funerals across the country, saying soldiers are dying because the U.S. supports gays.

If Gov. Mitch Daniels signs the bill, it would become effective immediately.
Okay, Governor Daniels, SIGN THE BILL!!!
If you live in Indiana, here is the contact form for the governor. Or you can call Governor Daniels' office at 317-232-4567. Politely ask that Governor Daniels sign the bill this week in order to prevent the protest or get these 'people' arrested.
I love caller I.D. If this happened to me, I'd look up the guy's address and either call the cops on him or go punch him in the face. Actually, I just remembered, these guys are on the short list of people who deserve nut shots. I can just imagine these guys standing before God after dieing, and he's like, "Dude, wth?"
e Indiana House this morning passed a bill that would make disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral a felony. Senate Bill 5, which the House passed 92-0

this is crazy. While protesters at funerals should spent a week in jail this
felonies for any diorderly conduct is way out of line.
I can (sort of) understand why someone would have the idea that AIDS is revenge from god against homos. After all, it's an act of nature, one which mainly affects gay men.

What I can't understand is how these people think that a roadside bomb or a bullet is some sort of retribution from god. How about the time that someone burned Mr. Phelp's church down, was that an act of god?

I don't see why disturbing the peace should be a felony though. A misdemeanor should be enough to get them hauled off until the funeral is over.

Oh and read Mr. Phelp's wikipedia entry. A hollywood writer couldn't come up with such a cariacture as this guy. Bonus bit about his alliance with Al Gore too, lol.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
I can (sort of) understand why someone would have the idea that AIDS is revenge from god against homos. After all, it's an act of nature, one which mainly affects gay men.

What I can't understand is how these people think that a roadside bomb or a bullet is some sort of retribution from god. How about the time that someone burned Mr. Phelp's church down, was that an act of god?

I don't see why disturbing the peace should be a felony though. A misdemeanor should be enough to get them hauled off until the funeral is over.

Oh and read Mr. Phelp's wikipedia entry. A hollywood writer couldn't come up with such a cariacture as this guy. Bonus bit about his alliance with Al Gore too, lol.
Fred Phelps is a lunatic, and according to this Wikipedia entry, not only does he picket funerals, he routinely beats his wife and children and encourages other men to do the same. This man is a dangerous criminal who ought to be locked up. He and his lunatic supporters have the right to peacefully protest, but they do not, and should not have the right to interfere with the right of people to peaceably bury their deceased loved ones. I hope all of you will join me in condemning Phelps for interfering with the funerals of our fallen heroes from Iraq and Afghanistan. My state of Missouri just passed a law making it illegal for anyone to protest near a funeral from one our before it starts to one hour after it ends. This law is probably unconstitutional, though I admire the intent. Phelps and his followers are an example of people who abuse our cherished freedoms to abuse others. It is sad they can't find any positive outlet for their energy, that all they can find to do is hate people.

Phelps and his followers should be killed, slowly and as painfully as possible.

Ditto for the bastards calling the family's home and celebrating the death of their son.

Slowly, painfully. Take out the Saddam or Gestapo torture book and get to work. Flay them alive. Make them pay for the anguish and horror they've inflicted upon countless families.

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