Khanage in London

Its like i have been saying for years , the english and the euros will get exactly what they deserve [chuckle] , Now i will check out the link .
Under the leadership of muslim mayor Sadiq Khan violence in the city has exploded. It no longer matters whether it is day or night.

Cyclist attacks driver with massive 'zombie killer' knife in broad daylight in south London street

Remember self defense is against the law.
Do you live in London?
I have a number of friends and business associates that live and work in London.

Okay, thank you. I was just curious for perspective, that's all.
Under the leadership of muslim mayor Sadiq Khan violence in the city has exploded. It no longer matters whether it is day or night.

Cyclist attacks driver with massive 'zombie killer' knife in broad daylight in south London street

Remember self defense is against the law.

The problem here is that this "Khanage" is much lower than US cities.

The other problem here is that the UK Tory party have been in charge of the UK for 8 years now.

The other problem is it's the UK Tory Party that funds the police.

The other problem is it's the UK Tory Party that fund education.

The other problem is that crime in the UK ROSE under the Tories last time they were in in the 1990s and went down under Labour. It's rising AGAIN after they've been in a reasonable amount of time.

The other problem is self defense IS NOT against the law.

Christ, look things up before posting.
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