Keystone Pipeline Emissions Would be Less Than...


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City


And, of course, there are huge political stakes in all of this.

Breaking late today from CNN First on CNN: Keystone bill likely to fail in Senate ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs is news that they’re all set to kill John Hoeven’s bill approving the pipeline. And in classic weaselly fashion, they’re going to make sure they fall just short: They’ve got 11 vulnerable Democrats set to vote yes, including Landrieu and Pryor, but just enough of the rest have peeled off to guarantee the bill’s failure. It’s theater, bought and paid for by environmental lobbyists who feel it’s crucial to send a message about emissions by blocking an energy project that’ll barely increase America’s carbon footprint

I have a gut feeling Congress will pass bills approving the completion of the pipeline before the November elections. The fate of too many is hinging on the state of the economy and they need to show their constituents they're on “their side”.

Read the artidle @ Annual emissions from Keystone pipeline would be one-tenth of what?s produced by ? cow farts « Hot Air
Granny says, "Dat's right - it just gonna keep heatin' up an' heatin' up till we all gonna die...

UN: Carbon Emission Cuts Not Enough to Slow Warming
November 06, 2015 — A new U.N. report issued ahead of next month’s climate meeting in Paris finds that pledges to cut carbon emissions by the world's nations are a good start but fall short of what would be needed to prevent global warming and climate change.
While applauding national commitments to cut carbon gas emissions, the United Nations Environment Programme’s sixth “Emissions Gap” report, which assesses global progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, says effort aren't sufficient to limit the global temperature increase to two degrees Celsius this century. If all the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are fully implemented, the U.N. study estimates global temperatures will rise around three degrees Celsius by 2100. Despite the survey's discouraging conclusion, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner says the results convey an historic benchmark in efforts to battle climate change. “That historic breakthrough is, simply put, the fact that we now have a commitment that you can soon describe as universal action to address the challenge of global warming and of climate change,” he said.


President Barack Obama looks at Bear Glacier, which has receded 1.8 miles in approximately 100 years, while on a boat tour to see the effects of global warming in Resurrection Cove, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015, in Seward, Alaska.​

More than 150 countries have submitted their national climate change strategies, a number Steiner calls unprecedented and a significant departure from previous years. These national contributions cover close to 90 percent of the world’s emissions. “What we are addressing this morning is not simply a status-quo scenario," he said. "We are beginning to bend the curve, but ... it is not yet enough. It is probably halfway toward what we do need to achieve on a longer term trajectory, which we in UNEP, based on the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) still refer to as a 'net zero emissions future' somewhere in the second half of this century.”

Zero net emissions would be achieved by offsetting the amount of carbon released in the atmosphere by buying an equal amount of carbon credits to make up the difference. UNEP says the goal is to reach zero net emissions between 2060 and 2075. The report says it will become easier and cheaper to decrease carbon emissions year by year if a low-carbon economy is put into place by 2030. Along with emission cuts, UNEP urges nations to put adaptation and mitigation measures at the forefront of efforts to tackle climate change.

UN: Carbon Emission Cuts Not Enough to Slow Warming

Mebbe dat's why Obama turned down approval of Keystone pipeline?

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